Warriors Fanfiction
The following story is rated Moderate.
This page contains a fanfiction written by Grayravenpaw.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.

This page contains a song written by the pop group "Brokenstar's Rogues".

Album - Rule Song #3.

Author's Note[]

w:c:warriors:Warriors Wiki talk:Charart/Accepted 15#Blackfoot (Ro) - Approved

Oh, he's still there

Somebody remove him!

He's still to fear

Just kill him!

We only fight, there's no hunting

We eat whatever is to be found

I don't think we're good enough

'cause to feed us nobody's honor bound

Our lives have changed in still so many ways

Our strength has just vanished in the haze

Admit it Brokenstar, go hit the mat

You're an evil cat

Nobody's carin' for us anymore

Nobody cares

They follow his orders

Nobody dares

Someday, oh someday

He'll have to go

The warrior code will rule

We'll deal blow for blow

Our lives have changes in still so many ways

Our strength has just vanished in the haze

Admit it Brokenstar, go hit the mat

You're an evil cat

I wanna see the day

When they shed their cowardice

Take revenge

Break his grip o' vice

Our lives have changed in still so many ways

Our strength seems to vanish in the haze

Admit it Brokenstar, go hit the mat

You're an evil cat

It's not yet lost, you know

Crowfood, I'm coming now!


What d'ya think of it?

Prequel:Will it end?

Sequel:Heart of Stone

Brokenstar's Rogues
Rule When We RuledWill It End?You're an Evil CatHeart of Stone
He's Gonna Have To Go An Old DuskNewest PainsFire In The SkyFlying High
Specials The Bend in the TailHis Elite