Warriors Fanfiction
You have run for so long. Through the marshes that sucked at your paws, through the forest that closed you in until you couldn't breath, past the river that gurgled noisily. And now you are on a moor. Cool streams flow past you and trees grow here and there from the springy grass and the wind blows almost so that you feel if you jumped in the air you could fly.
You want to fly.
"I see you've found my territory."
You turn and see a wiry brown she-cat with yellow eyes purring at you. "My name is Wind," she says in a voice that makes you think of birdsongs. "This is my land."
You look around at her land. It's stark, beautiful in the way a bare tree in winter is beautiful. The trees are sparse, white trunks shooting into the stars, which you can see perfectly.
"You can join my Clan." Wind meows, "The Clan of the stubborn, the loyal, the swift. You can run forever and we will keep up with you. You can have a family, a Clan close to the stars."
You nod, eyes starry.
"Excellent," Wind purrs and waves her tail towards where the moon is rising in the sky, "There is a camp that way. They will greet you there, like you are one of them. Now, hurry, run!"
You pelt towards the moon and Wind disappears into mist. You race, fast, faster then any cat before. You crest a huge hill and suddenly other cats are running with you. A whole Clan.
You have found WindClan.