Warriors Fanfiction

Hullo, my fellow pie-fans. It's nice to see you again. Now, the other day, I had a clever idea. And it is time to put this idea into effect. I SUGGEST YOU MAKE ME RULER OF THE UNIVERSE AND IT WILL RAIN WATERMELONS EVERY DAY!!!!!

No, sorry, got sidetracked. Also, watermelon falling from the sky could be fatal. Watch out for that, guys. Anyway, my idea was.... *drumroll* okay, enough with the drumrolls. FORESTPAW13? Buy the wiki a marching band. Immediately.

ANOTHER ohdashitI'veforgottentheword SERIES!

I remembered the word. The word is COLLAB! Unfortunately I can't edit that back in because I type as I speak, which is very fast and with NO TURNING BACK!!!!!!! Which I'm sure will be a problem someday.

So, another collab series. Most of you probably don't remembner (haha, NOOBS) but I started a collab called 'Rogues' a while back. It kinda failed, because there was no ultimate plotline, people didn't read the chapters other people had written (there were a lot of magical cats in several places at once) and a chunk of the users left. But, I want to try again! And I actually want a lot of good writers/epic wins to help me this time. I'M LOOKING AT YOU FOREST AND ARTI AND STAR AND WETTY AND ANYONE WHO DIDN'T PARTICIPATE IN MY LAST ONE (you're excused if you weren't there). And I have all sorts of cunning plans about plots, some of which I shall outline now.

People will have one cat who is their main character. There will be other, minor characters, but they will only feature when I say so, as chief bananahead. (You may call me King Zaffie. Or possibly Sir Zaffie.) Each person will get to write a chapter everytime the chief bananahead says so. This chapter must a) take into account the previous chapters, b) be from the POV of the user's cat, although not first person cos I hate it, and c) can be whatever length the user wants. Each user is partially in control of what happens to his or her cat, although the chief bananahead will always have the last say. For those of you with exceptionally short-term memory loss, or any goldfish out there, I will now remind you that the chief bananahead is me. So check with me on my talk page if you want to do something drastic to your character. I will also cunningly ask users in secret to write secret chapters from the POV of one of the baddies. OOOOOOOH, SPOOKY. If you notice a user editing and I have not asked them in public to do a chapter, please don't be silly about it. You can check with me, the user, or even just see if the person is part of the collab, and if the answer is yes, they probably know what they're doing.

So, enough about that. I NOW NEED PARTICIPANTS. And if no one joins, I shall make multiple accounts and talk to myself, which would probably get me banned for sockpuppeting (why is it even called that?). So unless you want to lose your utmost favourite Zaffie O'Banana forever (NO ONE SAY YES OR I'LL KILL THEM WITH A SPATULA. Oh yes, I have moved on from deadly wooden spoons. Now it's a more painful kitchen implement which will feature in your death) you better join this collab. SIGN UP NOW! But not for the army, cos guns are bad and sad and mad. They're also cheating. I prefer swords or spatulas.
