Warriors Fanfiction

Ok, so after ages and ages, I've finally decided to start up RoE again. For anyone who joined after my RoE craze finished, it's my series the Rise of Evil. You can find all the stories in the series here, as well as the three spin-off series, Prisoners of GorgonClan, The VanishClan Games and MoonClan's Journey. Anyway, for those of you who knew and liked RoE, I will need new characters again, this time for the next series. :D

So anyone who wants to can contribute characters. I will need them to be set out like this.

Name: Banananose

Preferred Position: Warrior

Preferred Clan: WonderClan

Family: Zaffie O'Banana - Sister

Description: Yellow tom with brown eyes.

Series: The Rise of Evil 2.

Ok? Cats in WonderClan or GorgonClan might not be there for a while, and they will start out as kits. Cats in MoonClan or VanishClan will start out whatever age you make them. Currently in MoonClan the position of med cat, and med cat apprentice are free. In VanishClan the position of med cat apprentice is still free.

You can also make cats for MoonClan's Journey, and contribute ideas for the challenges in the VanishClan Games.

So? What are you waiting for? Start making me characters!!

NOTE: The above cat, Banananose, is an example only. Banananose and his sister Zaffie O'Banana do NOT exist, and will NOT be appearing in any of the RoE series or spin-offs. Thank you.
