Warriors Fanfiction

Hi, everyone. I know it's been forever since my last update.

And as you might expect, TTP is on hiatus. And it might be indefinately.

You see, TTP was my first ever story. And no one's first anything is perfect, as much as he or she might strive to want it to be.

And I fear that it's "imperfectness", if you will, has caused everyone to lose interest.

And if no one is interested, I don't feel the will to continue it. What's the point of continuing my journey with this story, if no one will invest the time to read it, and tell me what they think?

And as the title suggests, there comes a point in a writer's journey, when the audience has grown tired of his or her work, and the author has to find a new audience.

If, somehow, you guys are still interested, I'll continue it... If not, then I'll be continuing it on Fanfiction.net indefinitely.

I'm sorry. I love you guys and this site so much.

