Warriors Fanfiction

Yep, I've been getting it lately. I just can't figure out what to write. My main problem is that I come up with beautiful beginnings and endings for stories but never know what to write in the middle. I mean, I just started writing my first show, Imperfect, and I'm already freakin writers' blocked about it and can't figure out how to write it. And I just have too much going on and too many unfinished things overwhelming me, so I think that I will put a couple things up for adoption.

And I'll just use this blog, since probably no one checks the stories for adoption page.

Ok so here you go: 

Quenched Flames-- Part of the What If? Series. I'll just say that I started it and it was adopted by you, if you choose to adopt.-- adopted by Tater

And Promises in the Dark-- A songfic I made ages ago and have never really done anything with.-- has been adopted by Brighty

If you wish to adopt either, just tell me in comments or leave me a message on my talk :D

To Storm the world will fall 21:39, October 5, 2013 (UTC)
