Warriors Fanfiction

stupid wiki 

anyway since its now summer and I have no way to spend my time, I've been considering revamping my old RP site JMC. (link here if you need it cause the noobs probably have no idea what jmc is) 

operating a RP site is a lottttt of work and it'll keep me busy this summer, but I'm not gonna do it if people aren't gonna join. So if you'd be interested in joining if I restarted the website, let me know. 'cause I think it would be tons of fun if the Clan could be active with plenty of users. It'll probably only last through the summer, 'cause that's how I've done it in the past is only have it active during the summer when most users will be around plenty and then shut it down once school starts again. 

in my experience, noobs love RP, and there are plenty of noobs on WFW right now, so hopefully if I start it we can have a ton of users RPing. 

If I get somewhere around 10 people agreeing to join if it reopens, then I'll get everything set up and ready to go by Wednesday. 

Stareh out. I left my heart at home 22:28, June 14, 2015 (UTC)
