Warriors Fanfiction

'Fit like? I've kind of been neglecting Warriors Fanfiction recently... Why?

  • I've had a boatload of homework. Yeah, I spent the whole of last weekend watching the complete Series One of Malcolm in the Middle and finishing an entire 300(ish) page book to avoid doing homework. Unfortunately, it meant that I was up at ridiculous hours writing out an essay for Geography on Wednesday and then getting up at an ungodly hour to complete a forgotten Maths worksheet.
  • My best friend is moving house. Despite the fact that Fallowpaw will no longer be on my bus, this is a good thing because she's actually moving closer to me! But she's not very happy that she has to move as her new house is tiny and painted in some wacky colours.
  • We have Parent's Evening coming up. Over at my school, it's up to us to organize five minute appointments with each of our teachers. I kind of went a bit crazy with mine and have appointments for just about every subject. All I really needed was one for English, Maths, French, Science, Art and History. What did I get? English, Maths, French, Science, Art, History, ICT, Drama, CD+T and Modern Studies. We were also supposed to leave at least five minutes space between each appointment, but I only realised that after I'd slotted them all together into one big chunk...
  • We've just had our reports out. Ha ha! My friends were actually laughing at me because I was so excited! Everybody else was dreading them while I was bouncing up and down going, "Yey!". I'm such a strange person... But, letting all modesty fly out the window, mine was pretty amazing! Apart from RMPS, but only because my teacher seems to hate me...
  • We've received our choice forms. Yeah... My parents really aren't very happy with the new Curriculum for Excellence - or Curriculum for Nonsense, as they like to call it. To be honest, neither am I. They allow you to have eight subjects during S3. Obviously I chose Maths, English, French, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art and History. But then we have to take it down to six S4. I'm thinking of doing something to do with medicine when I'm older, so for that I have to take all of the Sciences. I want to take French. And I'm not stupid enough to drop Maths or English. So that means I have to say goodbye to Art and History - the two subjects that I want to take for enjoyment. So I'll end up with a really boring timetable. Grrr... My Mum suggested dropping French and Art instead of History and doing both of these as hobbies. Unfortunately, I think that's what I'm going to have to do. Gah! I hate being experimented on!

Anyway, enough with excuses. I'm going to return and I'm actually going to write here. I want to do something for my three year anniversary on the 8th March. So, any suggestions? What sort of fanfic do you want? Any storyline ideas?


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
