Warriors Fanfiction


For what is hopefully the final time, WFW's Clans is being redone! Everyone who previously signed up for Clans will, also, have to redo it. Arti, Wetty, our new rollback Rainy, and I will be sorting you into Clans in the comments section of this blog!

The Clans and their leaders are as follows:

ThunderClan - Rainy - Rainstar

WindClan - Arti - Bramblestar

RiverClan - Wetty - Wetstar

ShadowClan - Red - Redstar

In your comments, please include / answer the following questions so as to most efficiently sort you all into your appropriate Clans!

1. What rank do you think you should be?

2. How active are you?

3. Personality:

4. Which Clan do you WANT to be?

5. Which Clan are you most like (different from number four!)

6. How long have you been a user?

7. Rights:

8. Friendship(s):

9. Assumed Leadership Ability:

10. Fursona:

      a. Fursona Name:

      b. Fursona Personality:

  c. Fursona Description:

After answering the above questions in your comment, please make sure to provide a brief description of your cat's appearance and personality. Make sure to make this as much like you as possible - if your username is 'Fuzzheart,' please use your 'Fuzzheart' fursona. It makes things a lot easier to understand and will make the Clanfic(s) a lot better! Please only one cat. 

If you have a friend with whom you'd like your fursonas to be mates, by all means, let us know. Thanks. :)

--may the odds be ever in your favor 03:27, December 16, 2013 (UTC)
