Warriors Fanfiction

Do you see what I did with that title? Tell me that is not clever. Go on, I dare you.  *feels extraordinarily clever*

Okay, there are two reasons I'm making this blog. One, I realized I haven't made one since  August, which is quite pathetic on my part. Two, it's Thanksgiving(for us Americans, anyhoo), and this blog is in the holiday spirit! :D

So, I imagine most of you are already spending time with family and/or eating delicious foods, but I still have a couple hours before I'm off to go do that, so I just wanted to take the time to write a pointless little blog to say this: I really am thankful for this place, and every single one of you guys, okay? I'm so grateful for all the friends I've made, and for how much this place has helped me with my writing & everything. I honestly have no clue what I'd be doing right now if I hadn't discovered the wiki; it's cheesy and sappy, but it really has led me so many places. In return, I'd like to hope that I've cheered you up or made you smile, at least once or twice, friends. I love you all and wish you guys the best holiday season ever, full of caroling and marshmallows and whatever else it is you're hoping for :)

And even if maybe this holiday season hasn't gotten off to the best start, whether it's the loss/illness of a loved one or something disappointing that happened or anything else, stay strong and keep your head up because as unbelievable as it seems now, it will get better. <3

Now, tell me something, is it too early for Christmas carols? Because I started playing them and my whole family told me it was too early. I can't help it- I love the holidays!

And one more thing before I let you go celebrate. :D



Happy Thanksgiving, to my fellow USA-ers(no, I couldn't just say Americans) and to the rest of you, happy 28th of November! Or maybe even 29th depending on your timezone and when you read this blog.

A virtual cookie, cup of hot cocoa, and hug for you all, friends! :) 



HappyThanksgiving, friends!

-- Rainy

PS: This blog would've been up sooner had I not spent so much time looking at cute Thanksgiving pictures and gotten, inevitably, distracted. :P
