Warriors Fanfiction

Today I had an ultrasound on my thyroid gland. (Damn, it's really hurting right now, excuse my language)

I'm going to tell you guys what I know. I'll find out the rest tomorrow (Tuesday) or Wednesday.

They found something called Nodules on my thyroid. Sounds scary, eh?

They are NOT cancerous. Most aren't. One in 12-15 woman has one.

I have many.

Some are mostly filled with liquid rather than thyroid tissue.

So. After my worries about cancer (overwhelming worries) I might not have it. Thank the Lord and StarClan.

And about my hypothyroidism...

They said if my thyroid doesn't make ANY hormones at all then they'll just remove it completely.

So. I hate surgery but it might be necessary, and that's something of a really weird relief to say.

Questions? I might not be able to answer them but I'll do my best.

Go to the next chapter in the story: click here.
