Warriors Fanfiction

Well, I've told some of you out of excitement about my new super-secret project, something I like to call The Oasis.

It's a story, basically.

Goal: have the dang freakiest story on the wiki.

Not goal: to have no interest.

I'm writing the whole thing RIGHT NOW on a notepad. Then I can copy and paste it onto here.

Anyway, I'll give a couple of things away.

Plot: a cat travels on a patrol to find prey for his Clan, but on arrival some strange things happen.

Characters: Well, the main character is named Snowtail. He's a white tom. Don't let anything confuse you. And the original leader of the patrol is named Sunstripe. He's a ginger tabby tom.

Um...: It's also probably going to be rated extreme. xD


What do you consider freaky? I want all of you to be absolutely freaked. Totally, absolutely. I want you to nearly wet your pants. (But don't, that means extra laundry. xD)

What do you consider not freaky? Um, I don't want to have something un-freaky (that's supposed to be) in a purposely freaky moment.

What do you consider perfect in a:

  • environment
  • cat
  • moment

What makes you really, really mad that the cats could experience? Loss of a mate to another cat or by murder, disrespect... blah blah blah.

Are you really excited? (LOL)

Any suggestions?

In repayment for all the work... an excerpt from chapter 2.

Light shone through the trees in visible streaks in the sky. The trees were perfectly spaced, perfectly green. The leaves shivered as if they were dancing in a soft breeze.
Beyond the forest was a field filled with lush grass and surrounded by shrubbery. In the middle of the field was a tree, whose shadow was always perfect. The branches were perfect.
Everything about this place was perfect, I noticed.
I remembered Gingerstar's name for this place: the Oasis.
The prey must be perfectly plump here, too, I realized.
I kept a lookout as Sunstripe led us through the forest. We went slowly, marveling at the beauty of it.
There was something missing. A threat.
And then...
Sunstripe was thrown against a tree by what seemed like nothing. Nothing at all. I heard the noise of his body being crushed with the impact, and the tree creaked.
Sunstripe fell to the ground. He made no sound.
He was perfectly dead.

A small, lithe cat padded into the clearing. It was beautiful. He stopped, admiring the light and how it glinted off the dew grass and the wet leaves.
A mouse scampered across his path. He twitched his whiskers, getting ready to pounce. As he leaped, a breeze blew his fur.
He landed with his claws in the mouse, but it just squeaked with fear and scampered away, unhurt.
Then, with a cry, he was thrown across the clearing to the ground, blood seeping from his throat.
This place was a dangerous place.

