Warriors Fanfiction

I had this tremendously cool idea.


Okay so lemme get into the details below :)

R U L E S[]

1. All comments MUST be constructive.

2. All stories asked to be read below must be read and commented on!

3. If you read and comment on extra stories, you'll get extra points.

4. The point it trying to get as many points as you can and win!

5. Be a good sport if you lose.

6. Anyone can join, just ask if you can below and start commenting (you may also ask people to read your stories, though you cannot comment on your own story obviously C:)

7. HAVE FUN <3

8. **note: if you have already commented on a story, you cannot read it and comment on it again (unless it's half done and they updated since you last commented)

D E T A I L S[]

Okay so below, you'll ask if you can join and you can start reading and commenting on stories.


Each story has different amount of points depending on length.

1-2 chapters: This is worth one point.

3-5 chapters: This is worth 2 points.

6-10 chapters: This is worth 3 points.

FINISHED: This is worth five points. (note, if the story is less than five chapters, it will only be worth 3 points. So if it's 6 chapters or more, it's worth five)

  • note: if you comment on a story while it has like say, 3 chapters and you get 2 points, but then they update and you comment again, it's only worth one point afterwards for every comment (you cannot spam obviously or I won't count the comments as points; wait until they update a meaningful amount before commenting)


Series fall in the same categories as stories obviously, but series can gain you more points if you comment on all the books in the series.


Shows are a very good way to receive points. Especially if they're long like this one or this one. Each episode is worth 1 point, but if it's long and you comment on say, Cold, you'd get 60+ points if you comment on ALL the episodes.

Any "movies" that you comment on will be separated in categories for points. (there aren't that many movies, and as far as I can tell, Rookies is the only completed one. notcountingmylameSTones)

Barely started; not really of length: This is worth 1 point.

Half-way through; a good length: This is worth 2 points.

Nearly finished; a very lengthy movie: This is worth 3 points.

FINISHED: This is worth 5 points. *note: If it's really short, it'll be worth less. Also, if it's EXTREMELY long, I'll give up to 10 points if I think you deserve to receive that many points.


This is a hard one to calculate, but here's how I'll separate it

Not so much (barely started): This is worth 1 point.

Getting into it (good length): This is worth 2 points.

Nearly done (very good length): This is worth 3 points.

FINISHED: This is worth 5 points. *note: if it's short, you'll get less points for the comment.


This will be similar to one-shots.

Barely started (short): This will be worth 1 point.

Getting into it (eh length, a third through the song): This will be worth 2 points.

Halfway (Halfway through song): This will be worth 3 points.

Nearly done (Nearly done with song): This will be worth 4 points.

FINISHED: This will be worth 5 points. *note: if it's short, I will give fewer points for the comment.

- -

You have until April 15th to comment and earn points!

P R I Z E S[]

I will give out prizes to the top five winners! (or 3 if there aren't so many people into this)

1ST PLACE: You will get to choose a charrie and I will personally write a short story on your character :) You also get a signature of your choice from me (gradients and all), and I will code anything you please (this does not include the signature). Also you can be pleased you beat everyone in commenting C:

2ND PLACE: You will get a mention in Cold's movie (Brownhare's movie!) though your character won't play a big part. You can ask for a signature (gradients and all) and I will code anything you please (not counting signature). You can also be satisfied with being second best C:

3RD PLACE: You will get a very small mention in Cold's movie (the Brownhare one). You can have a signature of your choice (gradients and all). And be glad you won something :)

4TH PLACE: You will get to ask for a signature (gradients and all) and a cover (I'll try to make it look nice lol)

5TH PLACE: You can either get a signature or a cover :)

C O N T E S T A N T S[]









Miss icyfox


S T O R I E S[]

These are the ones you must read and comment! When you comment, please put "COMPETITION" or something so I know it's for this (I don't want to miss any of them :))

'**these stories I'm about to tell you are optional C: If you want to earn more points but have no stories to read, read my stories!! Read the ones with the stars (**) cause those are my fav and my pride C: Especially read Cold cause why not, it's long and it's a shot :P

'*also, I will post some stories I feel like you guys should read once in awhile :) 

We Can't Stay - Brighty

The Journey Series - Wetty

I Won't Let You Go (Songfic) - Rainy

Shadows of the Dark - Fallen and Cinder

Wings - White

Black Wings in the Night  - AV7G

Cold - Firey (AKA MEEEE) (I just gave everyone seventy points except people like Brighty because she's amazing and already read Cold... [SORRY BRIGHTY])

'* note for Cold: you don't have to read all of it (though I prefer you do because I want more fans); just read as much as you can/want I guess...though it gives you a lot of points so why not

Seeing Red - Vee

Drowned - Vee

Undefeated - Blayde

A fallen rose - Fallen

The Fairytail Series - Blazey

WFW's Double Agent - Blazey

Misty's Error - BeautifulSnowfur

Cara Mia - BeautifulSnowfur

Enemy - Misty

Solitary - Brams

'* author says to make it the same rules as Cold, read note above for Cold.

S C O R E S[]

BeautifulSnowfur: 26 points

Brams: 52 points

Blazey: 12 points

Silverstorm: 1 points

Brighty: 31 points

Blayde: 1 points

Miss icyfox: 5 points

Rainy: 4 points

Fallen: 3 points

E N D I N G * S T U F F[]


(cheers) oh and every once and awhile, I'll post the scores for everyone C:

Also, after this is done, if you actually like a series, show, or story you're reading that isn't done, by all means, keep commenting as they update! (like Cold XD I love comments man)

Comments mean everything to an author, especially if it helps them improve! So keep doing it :)

Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. - Day 04:53, March 10, 2015 (UTC)
