Warriors Fanfiction

Yay I made a contest! It's not like a normal contest though, it's a Cold contest! Now if you want to join, but you've never read Cold, that's fine! Just read a part and write about it :) (of course not in the main charrie's view)


1. This is a one-shot. This means that there are no chapters (there could be like subheadings, but no chapter kind of headings like the one I have for "Rules".).

2. It has a be an event in Cold, but not in Storm's or any main character's view (SPOILERS DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT TO READ SEASON FOUR  it can't be in Storm's or Shade's view when the other she-cat is narrating)

3. You must complete it by the deadline! I am not going to judge any forms that are late (or entries)

4. It must be a positive version of Cold, which means you can't make fun of Cold, I'll be sad and mad if you do :P

5. Have fun!

6. I'm sorry if you lose, don't be angry or anything, it's just one contest!

Entry Form[]


Title of one-shot:

Main character:


Have Fun![]

The deadline is October 15th. Any entries that are finished after that date are not going to be judged (unless you had a solid reason!)

I'm not taking any judges, because Cold is my series, and so come and join! :D (ALSO READ COLD [and comment and sign the fans]!)


If you're not motivated to write for just some random show you don't even want to read (which I find kinda sad I put work into it lol owo), then I'll just tell you this.

It's a simple "one-shot" contest, and all the entries will be put on the main Cold page. I find that kinda cool, I'd want my story on there :P


1st place: A coded sig, gradiented obviously, and mention in Cold! (If you already have a charrie there, then you can choose another story)

2nd place: A regular coded sig (gradiented or not) and a small mention in Cold itself, so you probably won't be too important.

3rd place: A congratulations, and a signature!


I'm going to be the only judge, but here's how I'm judging it:

  1. How well you described the scene.
  2. The amount of the story that made the story count and made it real.
  3. If you used the correct scene and didn't add too much of your own ideas into it.
  4. If you used correct grammar.
  5. It's out of 20.


Vee with Dewdrops

Whitey with Life Falls

Flamey with Deadly love

Ginger with Going, Going, Gone

Buzzy with Time Ticks By

T e l l m e j u s t a d r e a m ~

t h i s i s 21:36, September 14, 2014 (UTC)


Because Whitey and Flamey didn't do their one-shots on time, they are not included in the winners and stuff, BUT they are allowed to request a signature by me :)

1ST PLACE: Vee and Ginger with Dewdrops and Going, Going, Gone!

I gave them both first place because I had a hard time deciding between the two, so they're both allowed to ask for first place prizes.

2ND PlACE: Buzzy with Time Ticks By!

This was very well done, but it could have been improved to receive that critical one point she needed.

3RD PLACE ISH: Whitey and Flamey c:

You both are still allowed to request a signature from me!
