Warriors Fanfiction

Okayya'll. This blog has about 2 purposes.

To the very few Canadians on here: Happy almost Canada Day!

To the Americans: Happy almost 4th of July!

To The British/Australians/Others: happy whatever Holiday is next for you guys!

Alright, now for the next purose of this blog.

This is ridiculous


I'm actually considering being a children's author.


Let that sink in.

That is my newest, most stupid idea ever, but I'm probably gonna follow through.

Commen sense is telling me that this is a stupid idea, and that I should give up, and that nobody will like my stuff, because I'm a cruddy writer. I'm attempting to tell commen sense to shut up, but sadly, he's often right.

So yeah. In general, I'm trying to write for kids. Dunno how it will turn out. Stay tuned.
