Warriors Fanfiction

oH my gosh?????? Is this... MOO updating?

Yes it is! And seriously about time I do holy cow

So some people may or may not have noticed I've been very inactive. Why?

Christmas I guess? Ah, screw it, that's not quite the real reason why.

The thing is, it's hard to piece together a reason as to why I've been so inactive lately. I think one of the main factors is I don't have a computer... *cringes*

Sorry, I legit cannot talk about my computer without to feeling really angry and sad. I don't have one anymore. It's hard to explain.

And all I have to write on is a four year old family iPad that is slow as (censored because children are likely reading this) and it autocorrects everything I say so it is HELL to type right now lol

As to how I am right now? Well... not great. I've been having very long depressive episodes and I feel really untalented, terrible, and lazy/unmotivated.

This isn't an "I'm official coming back to the wiki hooray to me!" blog because I won't be active for a couple of months. I don't get a computer until February...

But good news!! I have a phone now! But I won't be going on the wiki on my phone because I bet all my money it'll crash lol

So yeah! I'll pop in as often as I can to reply to messages and go on chat for short periods of time but no major stories yet I'm afraid. But I promise as soon as I have all the time in the world i will write a story.

And I've had it up to here with this iPad's slowness so bye everyone who's reading this! :) <3
