Warriors Fanfiction
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"Ow..." Icekit groaned. He was on the bottom of the pile and he was the one being pummled by Featherkit.
"Ow..." Icekit groaned. He was on the bottom of the pile and he was the one being pummled by Featherkit.
Electrickit jumped off and Featherkit got up. Cranekit was rapidly grooming his fur to get the dust out and Icekit shook himself and swiped a paw over his ear.
"Hey, Featherbrain! What do you think your doing?" a voice hissed.
Featherkit turned and a cold rock sank in her stomach.
"Spottedkit," Icekit meowed frigidly, a hint of a growl in his voice.
"Hello," Spottedkit purred, twining her tail with Cranekit's.
"Get your paws off me!" Cranekit hissed, swatting her with a paw.
"What do you want?" Featherkit asked, squaring up to the older kit. Spottedkit was only hours older than Featherkit.
"Well, frankly, I want you to stop hanging out with them," the she-kit gloated.
"Why?" she gasped the same time Electrickit shreiked, "What?" and Cranekit snarled.
"Have I done something wrong?" Featherkit asked sincerely.
"Of course, Featherbrain. ''I, ''Spottedkit, prettiest kit in the Clan, am being outdone by an ugly, dumb," Spottedkit started rattling a list and Featherkit cringed at every word. She wanted to run off and cry.
The three kits beside her had their jaws dropped as Spottedkit, now speaking to the toms, continued, "and she is..."
"Smarter than you!" Icekit interrupted.
"Nicer than you!" Cranektit growled.
"And so much more beautiful than you!" Electrickit finished.
Featherkit's green eyes opened in shock and she felt a warm feeling spreading through her. Spottedkit's face was twisted in rage, "You like her, don't you!"
Featherkit turned to her friends.
"As a friend or a love?" Electrickit asked.
Spottedkit snorted and opened her mouth to say.
"She is a wonderful friend,"Cranekit piped up.
"Silly you!" Featherkit purred, "We are too young to be choosing mates yet, but we can have friends, but you wouldn't know any of it. You are friendless."
Electrickit sidled up to Featherkit and twined his tail with hers and flashed a radiant smirk at Spottedkit.
Featherkit laughed as Spottedkit stormed away.
"You will rue this day, Featherbrain!"
"Oh, will she?" Cranekit spat.
"D-do you really mean what you guys said about me?" Featherkit asked, "Because I am not very smart and my plain fur isn't as pretty as most."
"Of course we mean it, Featherkit!" Icekit meowed, smiling.
"You are smarter than me!" Electrickit declared.
Cranekit sat next to her and Icekit and Electrickit surrounded me and meowed, "All four of us. We will always be friends."
"Agreed!" Icekit meowed, nodding his head. The kits laughed.
''Friends!'' Featherkit thought, grateful to have them. Icekit, Cranekit, and Electrickit were silly, loyal, and kind. She couldn't ask for better friends.
''But there is always Spottedkit to worry about.'' A frozen chill was sent up and down her spine. What will Spottedkit do to me.
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Revision as of 02:09, 19 December 2012

The Story of Icewrath, Featherswirl, and Craneheart by IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart


Craneheart, Featherswirl, and Icewrath of RiverClan

Craneheart, Featherswirl, and Icewrath

Featherswirl's choice

Icewrath VS Craneheart



Craneheart, Icewrath & Featherswirl~By Jetfeather for Icy

Featherswirl, Icewrath, and Craneheart

Chapter 1

Featherkit raced out of the nursery squealing, "Ready or not here I come!"

Featherkit sniffed the air tentatively and she caught the scent of mouse, not her friends. She smiled at her two friends's creativity and cleverness and she padded off toward the scent and it ended in a pool of water near the camp's entrance. Featherkit's tail drooped. Her friends could be anywhere. Above, her in the tree by the river, Featherkit caught a flash off white and she darted up the tree to find Icekit. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow.

"Icekit!" she meowed.

The white kit turned, not startled by Featherkit's sudden outburst and a smile spread across the tom kit's face, "You found me."

Featherkit smiled at Icekit and they went back down the tree in search of Icekit's brother, Cranekit.

Featherkit stared at Icekit for a clue at where Cranekit was and behind his icy blue eyes she could see Icekit rapidly calculating where his brother might be. Icekit cocked his head and sighed.

Featherkit understood. She would have to find Cranekit on her own. Featherkit turned and stumbled over an extra pile of rocks and brambles that were left over from the fortification of RiverClan dens and she growled at the pile, glaring sternly at the golden-brown brambles. Then she saw something. She tore apart the pile and found Cranekit, his blue eyes shining.

"Featherkit, your really smart!" Cranekit purred. He started grooming his already neat fur. Icekit nodded at his brother, "Well done, brother!" Icekit turned to Featherkit and raised an eyebrow and meowed, "You have brambles in your fur." He reached over to untangle them.

"Don't worry, I'll get them," Featherkit meowed and she turned to start untangling the brambles.

"No, I insist!" Icekit and Cranekit meowed at the same time reaching for the brambles in Featherkit's reddish-brown pelt. Icekit and Cranekit blushed and they both sheepishly started picking brambles from her fur.

"There! Now your pelt looks very pretty!" Cranekit meowed, shaking his own golden pelt.

"I couldn't agree more!" Icekit purred.

Featherkit smiled at her two friends, "Thanks, guys. Now, it's my turn." She padded over to Icekit, who she had accidentaly showered with brambles and dust when finding Cranekit. She started grooming his golden striped pelt with her claws and Icekit purred.

Cranekit shuffled his paws, obviously not being able to wait for his pelt to be groomed. Featherkit's keen eyes never missed the tiniest thorn and Icekit's and Cranekit's mother was not content with messy fur. She finished with Icekit quickly, then started on Cranekit who purred.

The setting sun illuminated Cranekit's golden fur as she worked until, their mothers called them back to the nursery.


The moonlight filtered through the den and Featherkit stared up at the full moon. Many of the cats were at the Gathering, including their mothers and Icekit, Cranekit, and Featherkit were being cooped up by a bossy warrior named Thornypelt. The three kits huddled in a nest thinking about what to do.

Then, a mischevious kit named Troublekit prodded Featherkit.

"Hey, Featherkit. Get your pretty pelt up. Let's go on an adventure!" he hissed.

Icekit and Cranekit shot up and scowled at the older kit, who happened to be the kit of Thornypelt.

Featherkit scowled, too, but sighed, "Fine."

Icekit and Cranekit padded with Featherkit while Troublekit led them out of the camp, past the warriors. The kits stared out of camp and their breath billowed out in front of them like puffs of smoke in the leaffall weather.

"Well, let's go."


Featherkit shivered. Troublekit led the way, his nose held high.

Featherkit turned to Cranekit, "What do you think he's planning?"

Icekit squeezed in next to them and whispered, "He's going to do something I know it."

Featherkit shivered with cold and fear. Cranekit pressed against her to warm her. They turned back to where the older kit had been walking to see him gone.

"I knew it!" Featherkit wailed, "He's gone!"

A hawk screeched angrily in the misty night. Cranekit started to breath rapidly, looking around wildly.

"Featherkit stay back!" Cranekit yowled, overcoming his fear and bowling her back into a hollow log.

Icekit stood, stretching to his full length as the hawk swooped down.

"Icekit! No!" Featherkit yowled, her voice rising to a screech.

The kit stared solemnly back at his brother and best friend.

"You can't do this Icekit!" Cranekit cried.

"If Troublekit left us here, he should get in trouble for it. Cranekit, you have done your job, to keep Featherkit safe." Icekit called back.

Featherkit started to sob, "It's not worth your life!"

Icekit's eyes glistened, courage, fear, and sadness all bundled into one, "I know, but I won't let it get you! I must fight! Good-bye, Featherkit."

The hawk swooped down and Icekit lashed out with an unsheathed claw, ferociously.

Cranekit pressed up against Featherkit comfortingly and she buried her nose into his fur, grateful for the support.

"I won't let anything touch a hair on your pelt," Cranekit whispered.

The hawk let out a fearful cry as his claws connected with it's eye. Blood dribbled onto the snow as the hawk flew away.

Icekit recoiled and Featherkit cheered, "Icekit! Icekit!" Featherkit raced over and purred, "You would have risked your life for us."

Icekit smiled warmly, "Your worth it."


"Kits!" a sharp voice called.

Featherkit turned alarmed at the voice of Thornypelt.

"Where were you?" the brown tom growled.

Cranekit sucked in his breath and Featherkit bowed her head. Icekit stepped forward, "We were in the forest. We apologize."

Featherkit stared at Icekit quizzically and he nodded. She understood. There was no need to bring Troublekit into this unless absolutely necessary.

Thornypelt hissed, "Kits! You should know you shouldn't be in the forest!"

Now was the time. "Troublekit took me into the forest!"

Icekit nodded, a look of panic coming across his usually calm face and cried, "We merely went to make sure nothing happened to Featherkit!"

"Right!" Thornypelt snorted, "Blame my son just because his name is Troublekit!"

Cranekit stepped forward, anger coming off him in waves. "You petty, arrogant, inconsiderate mouse-brain! Troublekit led us out there and we almost died! Icekit managed to fend off a hawk to save us!" Cranekit growled, but keeping his calm composure.

"How dare you!" Thornypelt hissed, "You will all check the elders for ticks for a half-moon for lying, blaming my son, and talking back to a warrior."

Icekit bowed his head, respectfully, but I could see a spark of anger in his eyes, "Yes, Thornypelt."

Featherkit was about to lose it, but she just let out a hiss and stormed off to the nursery with her friends where she saw Troublekit grinning sinisterly at them.

Featherkit scowled and Cranekit unsheathed his claws. Icekit merely looked at him with his icy, eerily calm, unblinking stare that ultimately made Troublekit wince and look away.

What is Troublekit trying to pull? Featherkit hissed in her head.

Chapter 2

Featherkit woke with the dawn sun, even though she didn't want to. She was a night owl. So was Icekit.

"Cranekit," she whispered, prodding him with a paw.

"Hmmmph..." he mumbled, rolling over.

Featherkit shrugged and padded out of the den still groggy from the moonhigh escapade. She sent a glare at Troublekit as she went by.

"Featherkit, where are you going?" a meow sounded behind her.

She turned to see her mother awake.

"Icekit, Cranekit, and I were sentenced to check the elders for ticks for a half moon," she explained, looking at the ground shamefully.

Cherrystream sighed at her daughter, "What did you three do now?"

"Troublekit took us into the forest... and left us there," she admitted, "A hawk attacked Icekit..."

Cherrystream's amber eyes glowed with anger, "What warrior assigned you this task?"


Cherrystream got up and stalked out without another word.

She shook it all away and padded outside the nursery where she tripped over a sandy-gold kit sitting in the entrance.

"Ow!" the kit said.

Featherkit got up, "I am so, so, so sorry!" She felt her pelt growing hot.

Electrickit, whom the kit she had tripped over was, shrugged, "I can understand: you're tired."

"Yeah, but I should have been watching where I was going," she said. She decided to change the subject, "What are you doing out this early?"

"I like to listen to the birds and all the other sounds of the forest. Like the leaves and the branches and the stream," he closed his eyes and pricked his ears as if to show her.

"I often find it therapeutic. I do my best thinking like that," Featherkit heard a voice say. She turned to see Icekit.

Electrickit started laughing, "Seriously! Where do my kin get their smart brains from?"

Featherkit laughed, too. Icekit smiled and said nothing.

"Where's Cranekit?" Featherkit asked.

"He's still grooming himself," Icekit purred.

"I can hear you!" Cranekit called.

"Come on out, Cranekit!" Electrickit meowed, bouncing around on his toes, "I want to have some fun today."

"We have to check the elders for ticks," Featherkit said.

Electrickit's eyes widened, then he meowed, "I can help! Then, we can all play games!" Without anything more, he turned and ran in the direction of the medicine den.

"Hey!" Featherkit called, running after him. Icekit burst into a run.

"Wait up!" Cranekit shouted from the nursery coming out and running after them. They skidded to a halt in the medicine den. Electrickit was there first.

"Wow..." Featherkit panted, "You're..... fast!"

Electrickit smiled as the medicine cat came over.

"Kits, don't you know you're not supposed to be in here?" Nightpelt asked.

"We apologize, Nightpelt. Have we disturbed you?" Icekit asked, gazing up. Cranekit nodded.

"No, not really. What do you need?" she sighed.

"We need mouse bile," Electrickit meowed.

Nightpelt winced and she disappeared into the herb storage. She came back with four sticks with moss dripping with mouse bile, "Be careful!"

"Thank you, Nightpelt!" Cranekit said, carefully taking the stick between his teeth.

Featherkit took hers carefully and nodded to the medicine cat.


"Kits!" Cinderwing, one elder, fumed as the four kits arrived, "Always late!"

Featherkit shivered. She was kind of afraid of the elders because she was a kit and they were warriors once, and they could still rip cats to shreds. Besides they held authority over most everyone.

"Featherkit, you can come do me!" Cinderwing grumbled.

"Electrickit! Quit splashing the mouse bile!" Stripeface scolded.

Featherkit carefully searched through Cinderwing's fur until she found a tick. She pressed the mouse bile on it and watched it fall off.

"Don't let dead ticks fall in my nest!" Cinderwing snapped.

Featherkit trembled a bit and flicked the tick into the air where it landed on Cranekit's head.

Cranekit let out a squeal of surprise and fear and shook his head violently, throwing his mouse bile moss into Fishtail's face.

Electrickit started to laugh loudly, waking another elder.

"Cranekit!" Fishtail hissed, lashing his tail.

Electrickit!" Stripeface scolded again.

Featherkit shook as Cinderwing glared at her and she tentatively reached out a paw and tried to dab at another tick.

"Leave it!" Cinderwing snapped, "I'll do it myself, and I will ask Waterstar to never let kits find ticks!"

Featherkit gave a shaky nod and caught her trembling breath.

Cranekit was making a mess of his pelt, trying to wash the spot where the tick had landed without licking his paws. Featherkit padded over, throwing the elders a weary glance, then licking her friend on top of his head.

"Th-th-thanks!" he breathed.

"Go!" Stripeface hissed to Electrickit. He was still trying to stop laughing at the tick incident. Icekit was calmly dabbing mouse bile onto a kinder elder.

"Icekit, you may go with your friends," Spottedcloud purred.

Icekit looked up nodded and padded over to the three kits by the entrance.

"Well?" Cranekit asked, stopping near the river's edge.

"We get rid of this moss," Icekit meowed.

"Let's put it into Troublekit's nest!" Electrickit bounced on his toes.

Icekit shook his head, "No, it would be unwise to start a dispute that his father will fight for him."

Cranekit agreed.

Electrickit threw his moss into the bushes. "Ok!" he chirped, "No problem!"

Featherkit smiled at her friends as she threw her moss into the bush and started to wash her paws. Cranekit, Icekit, and Electrickit joined her.

"What an ordeal," Cranekit groaned, "Featherkit almost got her head bit off. I got a tick on my head. Electrickit wouldn't stop laughing.... And Icekit was oblivious to it all!"

Icekit nodded.

Electrickit started to giggle, "But, didn't you see the look on Fishtail's face when you slapped him with the moss?"

Featherkit laughed, too. She had indeed seen Fishtail's face.

Cranekit scowled, "No, I didn't! I was too busy trying to shake a tick off my head!"

Featherkit shuffled her paws, "Sorry about that."

Cranekit shrugged, "What's done is done."

Featherkit realized that Cranekit was right about Icekit. "How do you do that?" she asked Icekit.

He looked up at her with icy blue eyes, "Do what?"

"Ignore things."

"I just block it all out," Icekit stammered, "I can't really explain it..." His voice trailed off as he aimed his icy stare across the clearing. Thornypelt was storming over.

"Kits! Why did you screw up the tick job?" he hissed in Featherkit's face.

Featherkit shrank back and whimpered, "I... I never did ticks before... and-and n-nobody told me how..." Fear filled her. Thornypelt was known for his claws and he was worried about them.

Icekit leaned over and whispered, as if reading her mind, "He won't kill a kit of his Clan, especially with witnesses."

He was right. Featherkit looked over and saw Icekit staring him down again, Cranekit sheathing and unsheathing his claws, and Electrickit vibrating in frustration as if lightning was being pumped through his paws.

She puffed out her chest and raised her nose into the air. Before she had fallen asleep, Icekit had sensed that Thornypelt meant trouble. Perhaps he was a traitor.

Thornypelt spat and stomped away.

Icekit smiled, "What now?"

Cranekit licked a paw and swiped it over his ear.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Electrickit meowed, loud as always, "Might as well have lots of fun before Thornypelt tears us apart!"

Chapter 3

"I'm coming!" Icekit yowled, darting up the tree Featherkit, Cranekit, and Electrickit were perched.

"What bit you?" Featherkit giggled.

"Spottedkit," Icekit hissed.

"Same here," Cranekit shook his head, "As soon as that prissy she-cat entered the den I came running."

"Or the fastest walking you can possible do!" Electrickit teased, a gleam in his blue eyes.

Cranekit scowled.

Icekit and Featherkit purred with amusement and Icekit flicked his tail at his brother affectionately.

"Well," Cranekit huffed.

Electrickit called, "She went to the dirtplace!"

"Oh, good!" Cranekit jumped up and started clawing his way down the tree.

Featherkit followed, but more recklessly. Icekit chose his foothold and began his decent. Electrickit jumped off and landed on his friend and kin, laughing loudly.

"Get off, oaf!" Featherkit purred. She pummeled her back paws.

"Ow..." Icekit groaned. He was on the bottom of the pile and he was the one being pummled by Featherkit.

Electrickit jumped off and Featherkit got up. Cranekit was rapidly grooming his fur to get the dust out and Icekit shook himself and swiped a paw over his ear.

"Hey, Featherbrain! What do you think your doing?" a voice hissed.

Featherkit turned and a cold rock sank in her stomach.

"Spottedkit," Icekit meowed frigidly, a hint of a growl in his voice.

"Hello," Spottedkit purred, twining her tail with Cranekit's.

"Get your paws off me!" Cranekit hissed, swatting her with a paw.

"What do you want?" Featherkit asked, squaring up to the older kit. Spottedkit was only hours older than Featherkit.

"Well, frankly, I want you to stop hanging out with them," the she-kit gloated.

"Why?" she gasped the same time Electrickit shreiked, "What?" and Cranekit snarled.

"Have I done something wrong?" Featherkit asked sincerely.

"Of course, Featherbrain. I, Spottedkit, prettiest kit in the Clan, am being outdone by an ugly, dumb," Spottedkit started rattling a list and Featherkit cringed at every word. She wanted to run off and cry.

The three kits beside her had their jaws dropped as Spottedkit, now speaking to the toms, continued, "and she is..."

"Smarter than you!" Icekit interrupted.

"Nicer than you!" Cranektit growled.

"And so much more beautiful than you!" Electrickit finished.

Featherkit's green eyes opened in shock and she felt a warm feeling spreading through her. Spottedkit's face was twisted in rage, "You like her, don't you!"

Featherkit turned to her friends.

"As a friend or a love?" Electrickit asked.

Spottedkit snorted and opened her mouth to say.

"She is a wonderful friend,"Cranekit piped up.

"Silly you!" Featherkit purred, "We are too young to be choosing mates yet, but we can have friends, but you wouldn't know any of it. You are friendless."

Electrickit sidled up to Featherkit and twined his tail with hers and flashed a radiant smirk at Spottedkit.

Featherkit laughed as Spottedkit stormed away.

"You will rue this day, Featherbrain!"

"Oh, will she?" Cranekit spat.

"D-do you really mean what you guys said about me?" Featherkit asked, "Because I am not very smart and my plain fur isn't as pretty as most."

"Of course we mean it, Featherkit!" Icekit meowed, smiling.

"You are smarter than me!" Electrickit declared.

Cranekit sat next to her and Icekit and Electrickit surrounded me and meowed, "All four of us. We will always be friends."

"Agreed!" Icekit meowed, nodding his head. The kits laughed.

Friends! Featherkit thought, grateful to have them. Icekit, Cranekit, and Electrickit were silly, loyal, and kind. She couldn't ask for better friends.

But there is always Spottedkit to worry about. A frozen chill was sent up and down her spine. What will Spottedkit do to me.
