Warriors Fanfiction

This is a crackfic, note, most of the names are from Forest's blog LOLOLOLOL.

Created By: Leafwhisker.

Chapter One[]

"LOLpaw and SmokyTheBearpaw, I name you LOLSanta and SmokyTheBearfoot!" yowled Elephantstar and Rainyrain looked at her daughters with pride. LOLSanta purred slightly and both littermates sat vigil that night. Suddenly, a pig sat on top of SmokyTheBearfoot, killing her in a non-gory fashion. "NO NOEZ!" LOLSanta yelled, but paused. "Wait a sec, Mr. SmokyTheBearfoot was annoying! YAY, HE'S DEAD!"

"I'm a she-cat!" SmokyTheBearfoot's ghost hissed and LOLSanta commanded the flying pig to attack her. In some way, SmokyTheBearfoot died again and LOLSanta was titled, "Commander of the Pigs the Fly" and every tom flocked to her but she hated all of them and flew to ShadowClan with her magical pig named Fred.

ShadowClan was too weird for LOLSanta so she flew to Greece and saw *gasp* flying tacos and shot them down with her magic feather that Elephantstar gave her as a parting gift.
