Warriors Fanfiction

Act one[]

Bluestar: I should have known that you would be here...Lionblaze.

Lionblaze: Good evening, Bluestar. Are the rumours true?

Bluestar : I'm afraid so, Lionblaze. The good, and the bad.

Lionblaze: And the Tom?

Bluestar: Whitestorm is bringing him.

Lionblaze: Do you think it wise to trust Whitestorm with something as important as this?

Bluestar: Ah,  I would trust Whitestorm with my life.

There is a motor sound, and the two cats look up to see a flying rock coming down from the air. It skids on the street and halts. A large white cat, Whitestorm , takes off his goggles.

Whitestorm: Bluestar, madam. Lionblaze.

Bluestar: No problems, I trust, Whitestorm?

Hagrid: No, sir. Little tom fell asleep just as we were flying over Snake rocks. Heh. Try not to wake him. There you go.

Whitestorm hands a baby in a blanket over to Dumbledore.

LIonblaze: Bluestar, do you really think its safe, leaving him with these Kittypets? I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of kittypets imaginable. They really are!

Bluestar: The only family he has.

They stop outside a house.

Lionblaze: This tom will be famous. There wont be a kit in our world who doesn't know his name.

Lionblaze: Exactly. He's better off growing up away from all that. Until he is ready.

Whitestorm coughs and sniffles, he is crying. He clears his throat.

Bluestar: There, there, Whitestorm . It's not really good-bye, after all.

Whitestorm nods. Bluestar takes a letter and places it on kit, who is now at the foot of the door. The kit has a visible lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

Bluestar: Good luck...Rusty.

Act 2[]

Nutmeg: Up. Get up.  Now! 

Princess: Wake up, Brother! We're going to the Garden!

Nutmeg is in the kitchen, where Dudley has gone.

Nutmeg: Oh, here he comes, the birthday she cat!

Jake: Happy birthday, Daughter.

Nutmeg and Princess giggle together. Rusty  comes into the kitchen.

Nutmeg: Why don't you just bring us some breakfast, and try not to ruin anything.

Rusty: Yes, Nutmeg.

He sets to work.

Nutmeg: I want everything to be perfect for my Princess's special day.

Jake: Hurry up! Bring my water, Rusty!

Rusty: Yes, Jake.

Nutmeg shows Princess new gifts

Princess: How many are there?

Jake: Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself.

Princess: Thirty-six?! But last year last year I got thirty-seven!!

Jake: Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last moon!

Princess: I don't care how big they are!

Nutmeg: Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that?

==Act 3 == More coming soon
