Warriors Fanfiction
This page contains a fanfiction written by Wolfy.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.


In the eyes of young Firepaw Crookedstar was just like any other leader. He had nine lives, and he was wise and fair.

In the eyes of Bluestar he was a kind, humorous cat that was a natural leader.

In the eyes of RiverClan he was the best leader anyone could ask for. He was strong, brave, and didn’t let his personal life get in the way of making decisions for his Clan.

That was the thing.

But in the eyes of certain cats, such as Oakheart, Graypool, and even Silverstream he is an amazing tom who beat the odds, became leader, and has faced more hardships than anyone could ever imagine.

In all the years of the Clans no cat could have possibly felt the way Crookedstar did growing up.

In a storm of anger, grief, and pain, he was tricked, thinking he could get his mother to love him, could get his Clan to respect him, to get his family to thrive.

He was wrong. Mapleshade tricked him. Everyone who loved him, or who he loved died. In front of him.

He was born to Rainflower and Shellheart, deputy of RiverClan, and was named Stormkit. He had a brother named Oakkit.

His jaw was permanently twisted when he fell on a rock. His mother rejected him, disgusted by his disfigurement, and favored his brother Oakkit. His parents left each other due to fighting about him. He desperately wanted to win his mother’s love back. But he didn’t. She died in his paws. His father died of an unknown illness. He became mates with Willowbreeze, and they had kits together, Minnowkit, Willowkit, and Silverkit. Willowbreeze, Minnowkit, and Willowkit all died, leaving Crookedstar to raise his sole daughter on his own.

Hailstar died in a battle against fierce rats, dragging Crookedstar into leadership, before his mate and kits died. Then his brother, Oakheart died in a battle against RiverClan. And eventually his only child, Silverstream died giving birth to Graystripe’s kits. Everyone he loved gone, Crookedstar knew the promise he had made to Mapleshade moons ago had been foolish.

With no one to understand his pain, and with no one to love him, Crookedstar pushed through and was one of the best leaders RiverClan ever saw.

Crookedstar was leader for moons and moons, fairly leading RiverClan. He never once let the cats of his Clan see or know the pain he felt, and eventually his last life was taken from him due to greencough.

Despite the unfairness, blood, grief, hardships, and death of his life, he went unshattered.
