Warriors Fanfiction


Chapter One (Lynx)[]

"Are you ready for your final assessment?" Dark asked, flicking her tail.

Moon nodded eagerly. "Of course!"

"First, I'll ask you five questions. Then, you'll have to collect some herbs. Finally, you'll have to treat a wound. It won't be anything serious, the worse it'll be is a thorn or a cut."

Moon nodded, maybe she wasn't as ready as she had thought.

"What is marigold for?" Dark asked, sitting down.

"Infection and soothing burns or cuts." Moon replied off the top of her head. Simple.

"How do you stop bleeding?"

"Apply pressure. If it's a light cut, use cobweb. If it's serious or the blood is showing through the fur, use moss."

"What do you do if a cat ingests poison?"

"Force-feed them yarrow."

"What do you do if a cat feels sore?"

"Give them comfrey to chew on. Mix in heather flowers if possible, to make it easier to swallow."

Dark nodded. "Last question: How can you identify deathberries?"

Moon was silent for a moment. Her mother had died from deathberry poisoning. "They have irregular shapes, they aren't round. Their also a darker shade of red and more metallic."

Dark smiled. "Excellent! Now, I need you to collect," she broke off, looking at the herb stock. "Goldenrod and dandelion."

Moon nodded, and racked her brain as she made it to the camp barrier. Goldenrod grew around marshes or wet ares, and dandelions grew in meadows.

There was a small clearing nearby, checking wouldn't hurt.

Moon made her way to the meadow, and began searching for dandelions. She found a few under a fern leaf, and others scattered around the clearing.

She picked them up in her jaws, making her way up the steep slope towards the marsh.

It was unlucky to be missing goldenrod. The marsh was the border with the forest-cats, the ones who were savage and ate the bones of mice.

She shuddered. A scrawny squirrel was good enough for her.

Moon looked around. The mud squelched underpaw, sticking to her and matting her fur in clumps.

There. The golden plant shone in the mud, safely planted on a soggy-looking patch of grass.

She climbed up, wiping her paws on the grass, before picking one or two stalks of goldenrod, leaving the root to grow.

Once she was ready, she padded back to camp. She was halfway over with her assessment. Soon, she'd be a medicine cat.

She dropped the herbs at Dark's paws. She sniffed them carefully.

"Perfect. Now, Dusk has a thorn in his paw." She flicked her tail to an apprentice whom Moon hadn't noticed before.

"Lie down," she instructed. The tom flopped onto the ground, making an 'unh' noise as he landed roughly.

She inspected the thorn. It was small, which would make it challenging. Good. She liked challenging.

She gripped the top of the thorn in her jaws, and pulled it out.

"Ow!" The tom hissed. She quickly applied some dock leaf and marigold. She wrapped it up tightly with more dock leaf. "Don't train for the rest of the day." She told him. "It'll fall off."

He nodded in thanks and limped out of the den. Moon turned to Dark, her eyes shining.

She dipped her head. "You passed."

Moon smiled, feeling as though a wait had been lifted off her shoulders.

"We won't be able to travel to the Moonpool, therefore you'll get your name now."

Moon nodded. "Do you promise to follow the Code of Claw?"

She nodded, remembering the rules of the Code of Claw.

Healers could take mates, but only with clan members.

Healers were required to heal every cat who asked for it, if not, they aren't worthy of the position.

All healers must have knowledge of herbs and diseases.

And finally, healers must obey their mentor.

Dark pressed her nose to Moon's. "Then, from this day forward, you shall be known as Healer Moon."

Moon smiled, elated. She padded into the camp and yowled, "I'm Healer Moon!"

The cats cheered. The apprentice she had helped earlier padded up to him. "Congratulations! I'm Dusk, nice to officially meet you!"

Moon smiled. "Yeah, you too."

"Thanks for helping me, that thorn hurt," The tom moaned.

"Well, it's your fault for tripping over a bramble." Moon pointed out.

"Thorn tendril. I stepped on a thorn tendril."

Moon snorted. "Intelligent."

"Hey, I was hunting!" Dusk protested.

The two chattered, gradually sitting down. He finally stood.

"I have to go, I'm on patrol." He said.

She nodded, and watched him go. "Nice to make a friend," she mumbled under her breath.

Chapter Two[]

The squirrel threw it's head up, sniffing the air with quick inhalations. The sound of a passing mouse caused it to jump, and down it fell towards the forest floor... down, down, down.. it hit the mossy ground with a bone rattling THUMP, then lay there, dazed and disorientated. Of course, a pair of paws accompanied by a sharp nose and gleaming teeth had been waiting for this particular bit of prey, and so, with a quick leap, a whack on the creature's head with rather wide paws, and a bite to the neck with white, long fangs, the squirrel was dead.

"Good kill," commented Blue-eyes, padding forwards to examine his apprentice's kill. "You'll make a fine warrior."

Thrushpaw dipped his head respectfully, the sunlight that had managed to make it's way through the thick canopy above gleaming on his damp fur. "Thank you, master."

Blue-eye's blue eyes flickered toward's Thrushpaw. "You sound respectful... are you feeling ill or something?"

Thrushpaw took a heart-beat to realize the joke, then purred in amusement. "I always listen to you, master."

The blue-grey tom pulled his face into a skeptical expression, and Thrushpaw shrugged. "Okay, maybe not all the time."

Blue-eyes nodded, and his eyes flickered around the forest, scanning it for threats. "Well, we had better get your squirrel back to camp."

The sandy-grey tom nodded, then stiffened, eyes fixated on a point just over his mentor's shoulder. "Master," he whispered, barely audible over the moaning of the trees. "It's a Healer."

Blue-eye's nodded slowly, but didn't turn. "What is she doing?"

"It's a he, master. Dark tabby fur, green eyes. Narrow muzzle, thin frame. Of the Healers, but seems to be more athletically inclined." His voice was light, conversational, but there was a hint of strain in it. The tom couldn't possibly hear the words they spoke, but it was likely that he could make out the tone of the conversation, and it would be best to make it seem like they had not detected him

He could not possibly hear what they were saying, but she would be able to catch the tone of their voices.

"Sounds like a typical Healer..." Blue-eyes remained stationary, then whispered. "Thrushpaw, when I give the call, you must listen, alright?"

"Yes master," Thrushpaw responded, also lowering his voice. "Of course."

"When I give the word, jump at him. If you can, silence him."

Thrushpaw froze. Silence her? Kill him? Kill him for the mere crime of being a Healer? His surprise and shock must have shown in his face, because Blue-eyes's frowned. "Thrushpaw, you swore you would listen."

Thrushpaw lowered his gaze. Technically he hadn't sworn, just said that he would listen to his mentor... but perhaps it was the same thing. "Yes master..." The reluctance was clearly audible in his mew, and Blue-eyes gave him a long, searching look before nodding. "Good. You are learning well, my young apprentice."

I'm not that young, Thrushpaw though indignantly, but dipped his head, faking submission. "I had a good teacher."

A purr danced in Blue-eyes throat, but it was quickly extinguished. "There is no need to attempt to coat your words with honey-like compliments. Now, attack in three."

Thrushpaw flicked an ear, acknowledging Blue-eye's sage like words.


He realized that Blue-eyes was counting, and quickly tensed.


Thrushpaw visualized himself shooting out towards the Healer tom, claws unsheathed, yowling a battle cry.


Lashing his tail, Thrushpaw sprung. Several things happened at once, none of them good. A sudden rush of noise. A sensation of fire burning in thin lines across his flank. A yowl of pain, a flurry of movement. And Thrushpaw was lying on the ground, long wounds cut into his side, Blue-eyes in front of him... dead.

Chapter Three (Lynx)[]

Healer Moon blinked.

Something was off.

She padded out of the den, not telling Dark where she was going. It didn't matter.

She made her way to the marshy border, and tentatively stepped across. She then sprinted for cover beneath the reeds.

She looked around, then straightened up. There was a smell of blood. "Someone's hurt," she realized, before darting towards the smell.

There were two cats. One, a small, scrawny tom, hurt but alive. The other was a dead tom. She sniffed the alive tom, before starting to collect moss to stop the bleeding.

The best she could do was a pair of reeds, but she made-do with what she had and hoped she could save him.

It was weird, but she couldn't deny him help. It was against the code.

She watched, waiting for any sign of movement. He finally sat up weakly.

When he caught her scent, he snarled, and staggered.

She helped him right himself. "I'm here to help, I won't hurt you," she murmured. "It's okay."

The tom watched her. "Why are you here?" He hissed, although he sheathed his claws.

"I knew you needed my help," she shrugged, not elaborating.

"You aren't allowed to be here." He pointed out.

"I don't have bees in my brain, I know that." She snapped, getting irritated.

He fell silent, although he was watching her. He stared at the dead tom before standing up.

"I need to get him back."

Moon stared at him.


"He's my master. Thank you for helping me, but I'll be fine from here."

She nodded. "O-okay." She turned, and sped back to the herb territory.

Something was off. It smelled like herbs... before she had gotten there.

Someone had killed the tom. And the scent was a clue.

Chapter Four (Night)[]

Something, something had killed him. Something, someone had bothered to kill him. Someone, somehow, they had killed him.

<nowiki> </nowiki>Thoughts ran through his mind, sending fresh waves of pain each time he repeated them. Something, something had killed him. Something, someone had bothered to kill him. Someone, somehow, they had killed him.

To think he had let it happen. He'd thought he was ready. He'd thought he was prepared to take the Trials, become a warrior of his Clan. He'd thought he was invincible.

Something, something had killed him. Something, someone had bothered to kill him. Someone, somehow, they had killed him.

For some reason, he felt like it had been him, like he had been the one to sever the bright strand of life that was Blue-eyes. For some reason, he had felt Blue-eyes's blood beneath his claws, even though he had touched his mentor, his master. For some reason, he felt like he was not only to blame for Blue-eyes's death, but the one who had delivered the killing blow.

Something, something had killed him. Something, someone had bothered to kill him. Someone, somehow, they had killed him.

That something must of been him. He had killed his own mentor, slaughtered him. He was a monster...

Something, something had killed him. Something, someone ha-


He raised his head, the voice pulling him from the endless cycle of thoughts and self-hate that he had been enduring.

"Are you the only cat I want to see?"

The she-cat standing before him frowned, confusion clouding her amber eyes. "I'm not sure. Who is the only cat you want to see?"

Thrushpaw groaned. "Not you."

Although this was rather rude, the tortoiseshell she-cat didn't seem to mind. She dipped her head to him, and whispered, "The Council wants to see you."

Thrushpaw lowered his head again, eyes rather dull. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," the she-cat answered simply. "You have been summoned before them."

The sandy-grey tom grunted, and the tortoiseshell nodded, but did not leave. "Can you go?" Thrushpaw groaned, once again not caring how rude he was being.

The she-cat shook her delicately designed head. "I am sorry Thrushpaw, but the Council really would like to see you. You must come now."

Thrushpaw made another non-committal grunt, but the she-cat, annoyed, batted him over with her paw. "Come on, the Council does not like to be kept waiting."

Thrushpaw groaned, but eased himself onto his paws, giving the she-cat a filthy look. "What's your name again?"

The tortoiseshell seemed rather surprised by this, and perhaps a little offended. They were Clanmates after all. "My name is Fawnpaw. Don't you remember me?"


She fell silent, then nodded acceptingly. "Alright then. Well, you know my name now!"

Thrushpaw rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Sure.:

An uncomfortable silence fell between them, Fawnpaw finally breaking it. "The Council. Come on." She bounded through the forest, Thrushpaw following her at a much slower pace.

I'm a monster. I killed him. Somehow I killed him. I should be banished, I should die. It's all my fault he's dead, I should of saved him. I wasn't there when he needed me. I as good as killed him.

Fawnpaw stopped abruptly, Thrushpaw almost bumping into her. He managed to stop himself from colliding into the she-cat, but he still came uncomfortably close to her... She turned, amber eyes serious. "The Council." She stepped to one side, and Thrushpaw was staring at the Council. And they were staring back.

Chapter Five (Lynx)[]

Healer Moon puzzled over the dead cat in her mind.

The younger one acted guilty, but she didn't see how he could have killed her.

She frowned and started sorting herbs.

Dusk padded into the medicine den.

"Hi Dusk!" Moon waved.

"Hey Moon!" He smiled, before stopping in bewilderment.

"Why do you smell like Forest cats?"

"I was at the border, collecting herbs, and I kinda strayed over." She lied.

"Oh." Dusk said, satisfied with her answer.

She smiled at him. "Anything I can do for you?"

"I brought you these," he mumbled, pushing a group of berries over to her.

She sniffed them, they were juniper.

"Thanks, Dusk!" She purred, pushing them into a corner with other juniper berries.

"Anything else?" She asked.

He nodded. "The High Healers want to see you."

Blood pounded in Moon's ears. Did they know? They had to know! She would be exiled, shunned from both groups of cats.

She closed her slightly parted mouth. "I - Okay. Thanks again, Dusk."

She slowly padded out of the medicine den, making her way to the den made of briars, with the nests of roses.

Something was not right, she could feel it.

Her throat began to itch, so she ran back and ate some juniper, then she picked up a bundle of herbs in her mouth, it would be good to look busy.

She padded into the briar den nervously.

She stared at them. They didn't meet her gaze.


Chapter Six (Night)[]

Thrushpaw froze. The eyes of twelve Council members were rested upon him, and he could sense the ice that resided in some of them, the cold, hard fury. It occurred to him that the Council had wished for Blue-eyes to join them, although had never gotten quite around to making it official.

"Are you Thrushpaw, apprentice to the deceased warrior Blue-eyes, only child of Rainsplash?"

Thrushpaw slowly edged further into the clearing that the Council was seated in. The clearing was ringed by tall sycamores and oaks, although it made a perfect circle. Funny, what a perfectionist nature could be when it wished.

The twelve Council members were seated on the twelve stumps that ringed the edge of the clearing. Each stump was a different height, somehow fitting each cat that sat on each individual one, and each stump was spaced perfectly apart. Thrushpaw found it difficult to believe that nature had created this, but it had, perhaps with a little two-leg assistance.

"Yes," he answered, and the previous moodiness and aggression that had been apparent in his voice was now gone, replaced by awe, respect, and fear. This Council was going to produce his death sentence, he knew it was. For some reason, he now knew he that he didn't want to die.

"Do you know why you are here before us, Thrushpaw, son of Rainsplash." A dark brown tom had spoken, dark brown eyes gleaming. Although they were Clanmates, Thrushpaw was unaware of this tom's name. He was far too important for Thrushpaw to know well, and so Thrushpaw had never even learned his name.

Thrushpaw frowned, and answered. "Noyesnotsuremaybe."

A smaller tom seated beside the dark brown one frowned, and shifted his paws. "Speak up, will you? It is hard to hear you over the sound of your breathing."

The dark brown tom let out a snort of amusement at this, and nodded. "Master Greenear is correct, Thrushpaw."

Thrushpaw frowned. Greenear? What kind of name was Greenear? The small tom didn't have green ears, or even green eyes, so what was he doing with a name like 'Greenear'? "S-sorry, I meant no." He answered, shivering as a light breeze rippled across his fur.

Fawnpaw, who was seated beside him, gave him an encouraging look. "It'll be over soon," she whispered, but he ignored her.

The small tom, Greenear, nodded slowly. "Are you certain?"

"No," he muttered, eyes running over the other Council members, who were yet to speak.

Greenear frowned again, glancing at the dark brown tom for support. The tom stepped forwards, amber eyes glinting in sunlight. "So you do know why you are here?"

Thrushpaw stared down at his paws, then finally murmured, "I think so..."

"Could you elaborate on that?" The dark brown tom questioned. "Why do you think you were summoned before us?"

Thrushpaw gulped, shifting his paws again. "Because of Blue-eyes," he finally answered.

The Council seemed rather surprised, and Greenear shook his head. "No, no, of course not. We are here to discuss your future."

Thrushpaw frowned. What? They weren't here to punish him? He wasn't going to be murdered?

"To elaborate on that, we mean your Trial," the dark brown tom cut across. "We believe you ready to become a Warrior."

Chapter Seven (Lynx)[]

Moon stared at the High Healers defiantly.

"Do you know why you were summoned here?" They asked snidely.

Moon shook her head, narrowed her eyes.

"You're here because we heard something... interesting, shall we say, about you." High Healer Mallow said icily.

"And what would that be?" Moon asked, a sense of foreboding crashing over her like a tidal wave.

"We heard," High Healer Juniper began, "that you passed your healers exam."

Moon nodded slowly, where were they going with this?

"And then you helped a Prey-side apprentice," High Healer Briar injected with a snarl.

Moon sat there rigidly.

"Why did you do so?" High Healer Mallow asked quietly.

"It is against the healer code to abandon any cat in need." Moon replied evenly, glaring daggers at the High Healers.

High Healer Juniper stared down an Moon.

"Do you not agree, Healers, that this is a worthy cat of being the next High Healer?"

The Healers murmured among themselves.

High Healer Briar drew herself up tall.

"You... will now be the apprentice to High Healer Mallow." Briar said sullenly.

Moon couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"So... I'm not going to be exiled?"

High Healer Briar shook her head.

"No. Not this time. But I'd watch my back if I were you."

Briar's words chilled Moon to the bone.

That was a threat.

Moon was sure of it.

Chapter Eight (Night)[]

"How was it?" asked Fawnpaw the moment the sandy-grey tom emerged from the brambles that surrounded the High Council clearing. "Did you pass? Are you a Warrior?"

He didn't speak, making his way past her, although allowing for their fur to brush together. "Thrushpaw?" Fawnpaw asked, a note of impatience in her voice.

He turned his face her her, his eyes glinting in the darkness of the night. "I passed," he murmured. "My name is no longer Thrushpaw."

Fawnpaw purred, and she twined her rather plumy tail with his own, causing him to pull it away arubptly. She didn't seem too abashed, and said, "Then what should I refer to you now, Thrush of the no longer paw?"

He snorted, and his eyes gleamed with amusement. "Haha. Very funny, oh Fawn of the paw."

The strength of her purr intensified, and she batted a paw playfully at him. "No teasing. Now, do tell." Fawnpaw leaned towards him, and he felt her warm breath upon his face.

"You can call me Thrushfur," the newly made Warrior told her, and happiness shone within her eyes. "Well, you can call me Fawnpaw. I'm not becoming a Warrior anytime soon..."

Thrushfur shrugged, then realized that this might come across as insensitive, and attempted a sympathetic face. "Uh, I'm sure that you'll become a Warrior soon."

"Thanks," she murmured, and something within his stomach squirmed. "I have to go... you know, medidate for a day, Warrior initiation stuff."

She lowered her gaze, but nodded. "I understand. You can go medidate. I don't mind."

The sandy-grey tom dipped his head, and a slight purr resonated from his chest. "Thank you." Although he felt rather awkward around her, like he did all she-cats, but she was rather kind. And, he told himself as he slipped through the dense foliage, rather attractive.

"Hello. Where are you going in such a rush?"

Thrushfur stopped abruptly, eyes fixated on the long-furred she-cat with a pelt of night and eyes shining like two suns who had spoken.

"I-I," he stammered, taken aback.

The she-cat snorted, rather amused. "What a witty remark."

The tom's face twisted slightly, and he sat, surveying the she-cat with a face furrowed in a deep frown. "Who are you?"

The she-cat's eyes briefly gleamed with amusement, and she seated herself. "Do not think you're escaping my original question; you will still answer it. However, I will answer your own inquiry. Who am I? Do you wish to hear my name?"

"Yes," Thrushfur answered, hesitating before talking. This she-cat was... he couldn't describe it in mere words, but her scent was intoxiating, her posture demanded attention, and her eyes shone brighter then the stars themselves.

She cocked her head, bright, intelligent eyes surveying him, then said, "The clue to my name lies in the colour of my pelt."

Thrushfur inwardly groaned. I didn't ask for a riddle! Sighing, he narrowed his eyes. The she-cat's fur was as dark as the night... "Are you called Midnight?" he asked, a note of triumph in his voice.

Her lip curled. "No, I am not called Midnight. Midnight... that means the middle of the night, which would imply that I am an average cat, which I am not. No, if I had a name to do with time, I would be named Dawn, or Sunrise, but the mere thought of being called Sunrise disgusts me. Far too overused."

A small purr rumbled from the back of Thrushfur's throat. No, he decided. This she-cat is far from average. Far from it.

"Any more guesses?" the she-cat inquired, although the tone of her voice suggested that she doubted it.

"Ummmmmm... are you called... Twilight?"

"No, no," the she-cat replied impatiently. "My name is Shadow."

Thrushfur's purr grew louder. "That name suits you." And it did. The thought of Shadow's name being Dawn seemed rather laughable now.

"Of course it suits me. I wouldn't of been named it if it didn't." Shadow cocked her head, and her eyes seemed to bore into the tom sitting before her. "And what name do you go by?"

Thrushfur hesitated. Should he turn this into a riddle, like she had? No, something told him, so he said, "Thrushfur. I go by Thrushfur."

Chapter Nine (Lynx)[]

Herbs. Moon was short on herbs.

Sighing, she padded out of the High Healer's den, trying not to bother Briar.

Brair was so fussy.

She slunk into the territory, looking around for catmint.

Then she caught the scent.

She looked around nervously, and then something crashed into her.

She squirmed, pinned down.

The cat pinning her down looked semi-familiar, but she couldn't place it.

Moon stared at the cat in front of her. "Who are you?"

They curled their lip. "Who do you think I am?"

Moon knew she was no fighter, no point in starting the fight.

"I... don't know."

"I'll give you a hint: it's dark themed."

"Um... Shadow? Star? Night?"

"Not even close."

"Dusk? Glimmer? Dawn?"

"Glimmer. Hmm..." the speaker mused. "No, but I like it."

"Then what is your name?"

"My name is Pitch."

Moon gasped. "P-Pitch?"

Pitch smiled wickedly. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Moon realized 3 things at the same time.

One - She was alone.

Two - Pitch was most likely there to kill her.

Three - If Pitch killed her out here, no one would hear her scream.

Chapter Ten (Night)[]

Shadow crept closer to Thrushfur, and he unconciously leaned towards her, enraptured by the light in her eyes. "Where do you come from?" she asked, breath warm upon his face. "You smell of many cats... I cannot imagine a kittypet or a loner smelling like that. Are you, perhaps, a rogue?"

Thrushfur's eyes widened in indignation. "Of course not! I'm a Clan cat." He frowned, a thought suddenly forming in his mind. "Are you from the other Clan? You have a name similar to the kind they have."

Shadow cocked her head. "Of course I am not from a Clan. I am what you would call... a kittypet."

Thrushfur blinked. What? She's a... kittypet?

"But... why aren't you plump?" he asked her. He had thought all kittypets had sagging stomachs, and tendrils around their necks... "And where's your collar?"

She blinked, then purred softly. "I hardly ever engage with my housefolk, and catch my own meals. And as for a collar... my housefolk would never dare place one of those around my neck."

Thrushfur nodded, but the fact that Shadow was a kittypet troubled him. "I should probably go..." he murmured, licking his chest fur in an embarrassed way.

The black-furred she-cat surveyed him, but nodded. "I'll be hunting."

Thrushfur's head jerked upwards. "Not on my Clan's land! Try the other Clan's hunting grounds."

Shadow blinked. "This Clan is brimming with prey. Surely the other Clan doesn't have mo-"

"Please," Thrushfur interrupted. "You would be killed if found hunting on our land. The other Clan is more lenient."

Shadow nodded, and slipped away without another word. Thrushfur's eyes lingered on the bush she had slipped through, then shook his head, clearing it, and headed towards camp, paws light. Shadow was so perfect! The very way she walked demanded attention, as did her low voice.

"Hi Thrushfur!"

Fawnpaw's voice jolted him from his thoughts. "Hello Fawnpaw..." he responded grudgingly. Fawnpaw was nice... but she was far too energetic, far too eager to please him. Compared to Shadow... he blinked. He couldn't think like that. Shadow was out of bounds; he couldn't mate with a kittypet! He could be expelled from his Clan for that, and his Clan meant more to him then some kittypet, no matter how beautiful they were. Fawnpaw was probably his best option, if he didn't want to break the rules.

"You smell like a kittypet." There was an accusatory note in Fawnpaw's voice, and Thrushfur winced. Great.

He attempted a shrug. "I guess that's because I... uh.... picked up kittypet scent in the forest."

Fawnpaw frowned, not convinced, and he hurriedly changed that subject. "Ummm... your ears are looking great today."

She blinked at him, looking rather confused. "My what?"

"Your ears," Thrushfur responded, then licked his chest fur in an embarrassed way. "They're... uh... very nice and pointy. Yes. Nice and pointy."

Fawnpaw continued to stare at him as if he'd grown wings. "Nice and pointy," she repeated, disbelief in her mew. "Thanks, I guess."

He attempted a purr. "My pleasure. Your nose also looks wonderful." Where he was getting these weird compliments, Thrushfur was not certain, but they only seemed to concern Finchpaw.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked, confusion clouding her eyes.

"Of course!" he crowed, then pushed past her, entering the camp before another odd compliment slipped out of his mouth.

Chapter Eleven (Lynx)[]

Moon ran.

She ran like her life depended on it. Because it did.

Pitch chuckled. "Oh, little kitty, don't run."

With two graceful bounds, she overtook Moon and pinned her down.

Moon screamed.

Pitch raked her claws over Moon's muzzle. She fell silent.

"Now. You'll do exactly as I tell you, or I will kill you."

She allowed Moon to stand. Moon did so silently, not wanting to get hurt farther.

"Good." Pitch growled.

"What do you want?" Moon asked shakily.

"I want to kill the clans."

Moon gasped.

"Now. You're going to go and tell your leader that I'm back." Pitch snarled.

Moon nodded.

"Go! Now!" Pitch snapped.

Moon's eyes widened and she ran.

All the way back to the camp, she thought, Oh, no. Oh, no. Pitch.

Pitch was the last BloodClan descendant ever, and she was proud of it.

Moon shuddered, reaching the camp at last.

She sucked in a breath. "Pitch has returned!" She yowled.

Mayhem. Chaos.


Words rang in Moon's head.

Crescent moon, bird of flight, and a shadow, pitch-black. Two shall die. Two shall live. And one will be reborn.

Chapter Twelve (Night)[]

Coming Soon
