Warriors Fanfiction

Apart of the Snowy Lilacs series.

The following story is rated Worse.


Wrap up your questions

Keep them down

Let the water lead us home

And I was sorry for what I've done.

Home by Mumford and Sons


The dark brown tabby curled in the warm nest, she looked up tan and brown tom who climbed up to the second level of the barn, where she was.

"How are they?" She questioned quietly, giving her chest fur a few rasping licks with her tongue.

"Fine." He mewed swiftly. "Not used to just eating a diet of mice and hares, they complain a lot 'bout it, more used to 'em scaley things."

The she-cat nodded. "Clan cats... Quite a shame though, to be exiled from your own land. Did they state why yet?"

Stormy sighed. "Nope." He sat down on the wooden planks that lined the level. "What about you though? Autumn is risin' from the midst of the summer. You think you'll be fine?"

"Of course." Darling huffed. "I'm a strong she-cat, Stormy."

His eyes softened. "Of course. I know that, my dear." The tom got up and padded over to his mate, licking her ear affectionately. "But they're my kits also."

She touched her nose to his. "Yes, I know. Just quit worrying so much, if anything goes wrong our housefolk will be here to our aid."

There was some creaking as they heard another cat coming towards the upper level. It was the small dark brown tabby, He went by the name Duskpaw and didn't speak very much. Half his face was mangled, he had a stub of an ear, one of his eyes was missing and the other was scarred and blinded. He had a few scraps of fur on the side of his face, the other was fleshy skin with few strands of hair here and there. 

Berrytail, the other cat who took refuge in their fields, had told them he was injured by one of their own Clan cats, saving a loner that WindClan had taken in. Stormy and Darling expected that it was Lilac, but the two cats didn't know that Lilac was even related to the two.

Berrytail and Duskpaw were exiled from ShadowClan, they had yet to tell the mates why, but they didn't pester them. 

"P-prey..?" Duskpaw mewed quietly, his blind eyes staring blankly as he gripped the floorboards with his claws, still getting used to not being able to see.

Darling looked to her swollen belly, the prey was beginning to escape to the forest to search for precious food for the upcoming winter. They were running short on barn mice, and her kits would be due soon, but the exiled cats were so thin and hungry...

"Stormy, dear, can you catch a couple mice for the young tom?" She asked him politely. 

The tan tom looked down towards her stomach which held their kits that stirrred quietly in her belly. He sighed quietly and turned towards the blind cat. "Come with me, son." Stormy flicked his ears and lead the young one back down the barn ladder.

Darling curled up around her belly, her tail-tip resting softly on her nose. Oh dear Lilac... The brown tabby thought silently to herself. Please be safe and come back to us. You've been gone for so long... I hope you're okay.

Chapter One[]

Lilacsnow shuffled impatiently in the clearing of the dip in the moor which was WindClan camp. The clearing had become very vacant ever since the battle with ShadowClan a moon ago. They had lost two warriors, a kit, and Hawkfall became an elder. There we very few proper warriors in the Clan now, WindClan was officially the smallest out of the four Clans.

Today however was a grand day for the Clan. Sagestripe's three kits were becoming apprentices. The queen had been in deep grief ever since her fourth kit, Hollowkit, had been killed by ShadowClan's leader, Rainstar. One small blow and the tiny tom's spine snapped into two. 

She had recovered though. Her bright hazel eyes gleaming with an uncontrollable pride as she sat, pressed against her mate, Slatepelt.

Lilacsnow sat near Swiftdash, who was chatting quietly with Coldbreeze. The tom was saying how Swiftdash was bound to gain an apprentice now due to the high lack of warriors. Lilacsnow side-glanced towards the low growing tree  surrounded with protective brambles which was the nursery. 

Mintpath, a pretty soft tan she-cat, sat outside of it. She flicked her tail to Lilacsnow in a hello, the Snowshoe nodded back in reply. The she-cat had announced her pregnancy just a while after the battle, Nettlestorm was the father. It was surprising for no cat expected the two to be together. She had a small buldge in her belly where her kits we beginning to grow.

Lilacsnow turned to see Sootpaw giving Hawkfall a mouse beside the elder's den, which was empty for a while until the tom became an elder. It was small fallen log, after years of staying in the same spot it had become hard as rock. Sootpaw had just exchanged out fresh bedding for the striped brown tom.

Thrushstar sat on the top of the leader's den, which was a tall boulder with a flattened top where he called meetings from. In front of him sat three very anxious kits, ready to become apprentices.

"Today is a fine day in WindClan," Thrushstar announced to the Clan, his blue eyes shimmering with the faint Leaf-fall sunlight, "Sagestripe's kits, Echokit, Darkkit, and Hazelkit are all ready to become apprentices."

Cheers rang across the clearing.

"Echokit, Darkkit, and Hazelkit, do you promise to train under the ways of the code and follow your mentor's ways until you are granted the title of a warrior?" Thrushstar questioned the young cats that sat before him.

"I do!" They all mewed.

Thrushstar raised his muzzle. "Then by the powers of StarClan I grant your apprentice names, from now on you shall be Echopaw, Darkpaw, and Hazelpaw." His eyes darted to the warriors. "Clovereyes you will take Echopaw as an apprentice, Russetspots you will take Hazelpaw." The tan tom paused and his eyes rested on Swiftdash. "Swiftdash, you are prepared to mentor an apprentice, you will take on Darkpaw."

Swiftdash got up as quickly as the leader had said her name, she skipped eagerly towards Darkpaw and touched noses with her new apprentice.

"She really deserves it." Lilacsnow purred as Coldbreeze nodded in agreement.

Lilacsnow curled outside in the starlight. It was WindClan tradition to sleep under the stars due to their wide open land. If the weather were to grow dangerous then the cats would sleep inside a wide burrow that sloped underground. 

Even Thrushstar slept outside of the leader's den, basking in the bright light of the moon. Brindleleaf sat outside of the dead bush which was the medicine cat's den, searching the skies like he usually did each night.

Hawkfall stretched outside the elder's den, pressing up against the log as he slept sprawled out. Swiftdash trudged towards Lilacsnow sitting down beside her with a loud yawn.

"Took you long enough." The Snowshoe smirked as she rolled over to face her friend.

Swiftdash sighed. "I had to show Darkpaw the territory, but he is just so curious and nosey. Coldbreeze offered to bring Sootpaw along to keep him on the right path, but I made the wrong choice of declining. The apprentice wanted to sniff nearly every strand of grass in the moor!" She collapsed, pressing her flank against Lilacsnow's with a shiver. "Sure is cold out tonight."

The tan she-cat nodded blinking her eyes sleepily. "Mhm." She murmured her gaze turning towards Sootpaw. "At least he doesn't have to sleep alone anymore." Lilacsnow added, catching sight as Echopaw rambled on to Sootpaw how she saw a huge hare and almost caught it. Hazelpaw and Darkpaw were drifting to sleep beside them.

"Yeah, would've been a terrible night to sleep alone." Coldbreeze's voice echoed into Lilacsnow's ears as the white tom settled himself beside the two. 

Swiftdash lifted her head. "Where were you?" She questioned.

"After going over the main battle moves with Sootpaw we came back to see all the good prey picked over." The tom licked a few strands of grass from his paw. "Mintpath hogs all the plump rabbits, and the only prey left were a few measly gulps of mice." 

Lilacsnow nodded, her belly grumbling since she had only a couple mice the entire day. Mintpath might be a pregnant queen, but times were becoming tough. The weather was growing chillier and prey was beginning to rest away into their burrows for the upcoming Leaf-bare.

"Maybe we'll have to suggest to Thrushstar some extra hunting patrols. Mostly in the morning where the prey is looking for some of their own food." Swiftdash curled up with another loud yawn.

Swiftdash and Coldbreeze continued to whisper to each other the news of the Clan while Lilacsnow quietly nodded off into a deep sleep. The warmth from the other's bodies flooding over her as she drifted off.

The last hints of warm Green-leaf sun shone on the black she-cats pelt. She stared at the grey she-cat that sat before her with pleading eyes.

"You can't do this to us! Leaf-fall is rising and cats will grow sick-" 

Rainstar rolled her eyes. "Hush you worthless she-cat." She mewed coldly. "If my warriors can't survive off their own strength then they deserve to die."

The black she-cat, Berrytail, swatted her tail around impatiently. "Rainstar! Listen to what you are saying, please! Medicine cats have always been apart of the Clans. StarClan has said that-"

"StarClan?" The grey she-cat laughed, her eyes icy. "If StarClan had a problem they'd tell me. I'm the leader of the Clan, if ShadowClan ancestors have any will for us, then they'd surely tell the leader."

"That's not how it works Rainstar!" Berrytail gasped. "Leaders are meant to lead the Clan, medicine cats are supposed to heal and talk to our ancestors!"

The grey leader flicked her tail. "That doesn't work anymore, Berrytail." She smirked. "ShadowClan has decided to change the warrior code for their own use. Doesn't that sound great?"

Her blue eyes hardened. "Rainstar, I can't become a warrior like you're asking... I haven't been trained the ways regular apprentices have."

"Then learn!"

"But that is not the path StarClan has decided for me!" Berrytail's voice rose.

The she-cat lifted up a paw, unsheathing her claws with a dark sparkle in her ear. "Then leave this Clan at once. Take that worthless elder with you." Rainstar lowered her paw.

Berrytail followed Rainstar's eyes, catching sight of Duskpaw. She had tried her best to help the poor tom recover, but his eyesight faded quickly. The apprentice was forced by Rainstar to join the elders even at such a young age. His ruined eyes and destroyed face proved him a terrible option for a warrior, Berrytail had even considered making him her apprentice...

"W-what?" She couldn't believe her ears. "You can't exile your own medicine cat!"

Rainstar unsheathed her claws again, baring her teeth. "You heard me, Berrytail." She spat.

The black she-cat backed up a few steps, glancing towards Duskpaw who sat sadly by the stream that ran across the clearing. "You don't have to do this!"

"I told you to leave!" The leader hissed, leaping towards the black, her claws outstretched. 

Berrytail let out a screech as she felt the claws rake down her soft ears, she pulled back as Rainstar went forward for another blow.

The Snowshoe blinked open her eyes, her heart was beating quickly. She shook her head gently, but was unable to remove the dream from her thoughts. The sun was beginning to peak from the horizon, turning the sky a milky pink.

She stretched, the dream beginning to fade slightly. The she-cat shrugged it off, giving her pelt a good grooming before she quietly left the sleeping Coldbreeze and Swiftdash to continue their rest. 

Her blue eyes caught sight of a tom who was nearly identical to her, yet bigger and more musclar, with broader shoulders and darker eyes, Thrushstar, her father. He was speaking with Clovereyes, his deputy, who had recently recovered from a close blow to her throat during the battle a moon ago. 

Lilacsnow caught a hint of worry in his navy blue eyes that quickly vanished. The she-cat padded over to the fresh-kill pile, keeping in earshot of the two chatting warriors. She frowned in dismay at the options. Just a small field mouse, two hares, and a tiny jack rabbit.

"I don't know what we're going to do, Cloveryes." Lilacsnow overheard her father whisper to the tan coloured she-cat. "ShadowClan has been so quiet lately. The first gathering since the battle is coming up, and I fear they may break the truce..."

"Truly even the rubbish of ShadowClan wouldn't break the truce of the gathering?" Clovereyes gasped. "StarClan wouldn't allow!"

Lilacsnow perked her ears, pretending to be sniffing one of the rabbits as she listened carefully. "I don't know, Clovereyes." Thrushstar sighed, shaking his head. "Rainstar mentioned something along the lines of a new code before she had killed Hollowkit, one that would most likely defy StarClan. Do you suppose...?"

The she-cat looked appalled. "No..! They wouldn't... Would they?" Her voice grew quiet, green eyes flooding with worry.

Thrushstar caught sight of Lilacsnow, who was toying with the same rabbit. "We should move this to the leader's den..." Her murmured to the she-cat, his eyes locked on the Snowshoe.

Clovereyes followed his gaze and nodded quickly, making her way to the slanted boulder. Lilacsnow silently cursed under her breath.

So close... She huffed, her ears flattening. What were they going to say...? Curiousity overwhelmed her mind. 

Her dream was becoming fresh in her thoughts again. The way Rainstar violently forced Berrytail from ShadowClan, the fear in the poor medicine cat's eyes as she was brutally attacked by the very cat who lead their Clan. Was the dream sent by the very starry cats that the previous kittypet had heard about when she first entered the moor? 

Lilacsnow had never been visited by StarClan, she suspected since her ancestors were kittypets rather then Clan warrior. She actually had not even been visted by StarClan in that dream, just sent a moment that had happened preiously in ShadowClan.

But why? Lilacsnow's whiskers twitched. She was the daughter of a WindClan leader, what would she have anything to do with ShadowClan besides the rising hatred that Rainstar had for her and her father?

Chapter Two[]

Lilacsnow peered up, keeping her belly close to the ground she skimmed across the dying, yellow Leaf-fall grass of the moor. She kept her paws outstretched the mouse realizing his untimely demise just a moment too late. She quickly snagged her claw on the mouse's leg, bringing it's tiny body down as she nipped the neck, killing the mouse.

She looked up for praise, but the other cats on the hunting patrol were busy. 

Swiftdash turned towards Darkpaw. "You see that hare over there? That'd be enough to fill Mintpath for the entire day." She smirked. 

The grey tom looked up eagerly at his fluffy silver mentor. "You want me to try to catch it?" His ears flicked, eyes growing wide.

The warrior nodded. "Remember what we tried yesterday, your legs aren't very long, so short and quick strides. Okay?" She sat down, wrapping her thick tail around her paws.

"Got it!" Darkpaw crouched down low, scenting the air. His whiskers twitched slightly, trying to figure out if his scent was going downwind. 

Lilacsnow watched quietly from her post a few tail lengths away. She picked up her mouse, still keeping an eye on Darkpaw as he awaited his perfect chance to sprint after the hare.

"Nearly as big as he is." The Snowshoe whispered to her friend as she padded over, holding the mouse up in her jaws by his tail.

"Just about," Swiftdash purred. "I sure do hope he catches it. He lost that plump rabbit yesterday, we'll probably not see another like that until New-leaf!" 

The two became silent as Darkpaw took off, his legs stretching forward and back as he ran at top-speed towards the brown hare, just beginning to turn white due to the upcoming Leaf-bare.

The prey caught sight of the dark apprentice, and began to race across the moor with the tom at it's heals.

The silver warrior watched him closely. "Sure is a quick one." She noted.

"Short, but quick." Lilacsnow purred back.

Swiftdash blinked, her eyes squinted as the stared at the horizon. The setting sun was bright and she looked away for a moment. "There's someone out there." She mewed. "Doesn't look like any cat I know..."

Lilacsnow gazed out, but all she could see was a dim silhouette of a skinny, sleek furred cat in the distance. Darkpaw had just caught the swift hare, but looked up once seeing the cat.

"Darkpaw, come back!" Swiftdash's urgent call echoed out into the moor.

The grey apprentice anxiously grabbed his catch, hurrying back to Swiftdash with fear lingering in his eyes. He dropped it at her paws, looking up at the older she-cat. "Is it an enemy?"

"I don't know... I doubt any Clan who wanted to attack us would only send one cat." Her eyes stayed caught on the cat who's blurry outline was growing darker as the sun slowly began setting. "Maybe a loner or rogue?"

Lilacsnow's nose twitched slightly, trying to catch the scent of the unfamiliar trespasser. However the wind was blowing towards the stranger, blowing her scent towards him rather than his scent to her. "Should we chase him out?" The Snowshoe questioned, voice growing serious.

Swiftdash nodded. "Three against one. He couldn't possibly try to attack us..." She set off, the two others following closely behind her. 

Lilacsnow strided next to Swiftdash, keeping a steady pace with her. The tan she-cat was quite curious though, which almost made her quicken her speed, but she had self control. Allowing Swiftdash to take lead, she watched Darkpaw lag behind.

The gained speed, yet the cat stayed the same, he even began to sit down as the drew near. 

"What's he doing?" Swiftdash muttered, putting out an extra spurt of speed as she raced along the moor.

The Snowshoe gasped as his image came into clear view, his fur was a dark tan with some white. He looked like her, but a lot more like Thrushstar. 

"Stormy?" She slowed to a stop, her head cocking to the side as her mouth gaped.

Swiftdash growled lowly, her claws unsheathing as she eyed Lilacsnow's kin. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip off your pelt?" She snarled.

Lilacsnow looked up. "Swiftdash, this isn't just an odinary loner!" She gasped.

The silver she-cat stared at Lilacsnow, her eyes protective over the love of her Clan, not wanting any loner on their territory. Darkpaw caught up, breathing heavily as he stared into the dark eyes of Stormy.

"Who is this?" He cleared his through, eyes gleaming with distrust.

"Lilac?" Stormy looked past the hostile Swiftdash to see his brother's kit. "Oh it is you! My... How you've grown..." He scanned her up and down. "So much like your father..."

The she-cat smiled. "It's Lilacsnow now, Stormy. I'm apart of WindClan."

"Ah, yes. The, two cats told me 'bout you escaping to WindClan, but now you've gotten on of 'em warrior names..."

Before Lilacsnow could question his further Swiftdash glared towards her friend. "Stormy?"

"Yes," the tan she-cat mewed. "He's my father's brother, I lived with him and his mate Darling before ShadowClan took me."

"Thrushstar's brother?" Darkpaw's eyes widened in awe, staring at the tom. He looked slightly disappointed seeing that Stormy wasn't nearly as muscular or leader-like as his sibling.

Stormy turned towards Swiftdash. "I'm sorry for trespassin' in your land." He apologized. "I just had to speak with Lilac-er Lilacsnow." The skinny tom corrected himself. 

"Why are you here anyways?" Lilacsnow blinked. "You know this is Clan territory. If I weren't here you would've probably been torn to shreds!"

"I need your help." His eyes grew sad. "Darling kitted, but is quite sick. Our housefolk has taken her and her kits into her nest. I've been worried sick fo' days, but now we have two cats who Darling has practically adopted into our barn..." He sighed.

Lilacsnow looked confused. "Two cats?"

"Lilacsnow, they're ShadowClan cats. One with a torn face, and blind. Poor young tom..." He shook his head, the tan tom growing even more gloomy. "The second is a black furred female, very skillful with herbs. They're in exile though, they say their Clan is falling apart."

"What?" Swiftdash butted in, her eyes growing concerned. "That sounds like Duskpaw and Berrytail! Why would Rainstar even exile them?"

Stormy shook his head, eyes showing a deep concern. "I'm unsure, they won't really tell us much. They just asked fo' shelter fo' a few months or so." 

Lilacsnow gasped softly. "Duskpaw..?" The memories flooded back to her like a rough blow to the head by a badger.

"Do ya know this young tom?" Stormy's ears perked, looking mildly interested. "Got any idea why they'd be kicked out from that ShadowClan?" 

She bit her tongue, staring blankly at the grey tom. "Duskpaw saved my life when a ShadowClan cat, Tallsun, was under the orders to kill me. His face was practically torn apart..."

"But a crippled apprentice and a medicine cat... Exiled?" Swiftdash glanced from Darkpaw to Lilacsnow. "What is ShadowClan plotting?" Her eyes narrowed.

"Lilac-uh, Lilacsnow, again... I need your help." Stormy sighed. "You have to find out what happened to them. Remember the troubles ShadowClan has caused fo' me and my dear Darling? I fear now with them exilin' their own that they be thinkin' up somethin' real terrible."

She swallowed hard, thinking thoroughly on his plead. "Stormy, I'm a fully fledged warrior now. I have a duty for WindClan." 

Swiftdash nodded. "WindClan has lost too many warriors already. We cannot lose another," she nudged her friends shoulder, "not when she's one of the fastest warriors we got. Swift legs means more prey for the upcoming winter." The silver she-cat smiled.

Stormy looked crestfallen. "Well... If you change your mind, you know where we be." He turned, his tail dragging on the ground and he began his treck back to the barn.

"I feel bad for that poor tom." Darkpaw piped up. "But two ShadowClan cats exiled? And one of them being a medicine cat? How does this make any sense?" His words were fast and desultory.

"I don't know, Darkpaw." She shrugged, glancing towards her grey apprentice. "But we better report this to Thrushstar." Swiftdash picked up the freshly caught hare, turned towards the direction of camp.

Lilacsnow nodded, but guilt made her face grow hot. She felt as if Stormy wanted her back for good, not just to ask the exiled cats a few questions. He mentioned how sick Darling had become and how their owners had to take her inside. His face showed a deep lonliness, and concern for the two cats taking shelter in his barn.

She regretted not helping her father's brother, knowing that perhaps she had made a mistake... But it was too late now. This Snowshoe was a full warrior of WindClan, devoted to her Clan and only her Clan...

Chapter Three[]

The vibrant oranges and reds from the sunset were faded from the sky, turning into a milky blue that would soon turn darker as the night grew further. 

"So what you're saying is that Berrytail and Duskpaw are exiled?" Thrushstar questioned Swiftdash. 

She nodded. Lilacsnow stood next to her friend and Darkpaw, looking up at the leader.

"The gathering is approaching at a quickening pace." He shivered slightly as a chilly wind blew across the moor. "If Rainstar fails to mention anything about this, I will intervene." His blue eyes glanced towards the fresh-kill pile, cats picking out the best prey they could to share with their friends. "You three better get something to eat and some rest."

Swiftdash added. "Coldbreeze is over there, you wanna see if he wants to share that hare Darkpaw caught?" The she-cat asked Lilacsnow. Darkpaw had scampered off towards his littermates, who were eating a few mice. "Mintpath hasn't yet managed to scarf down that rabbit she grabbed, so we're in luck." She purred.

The Snowshoe nodded, her eyes bright. They padded towards the white tom, who looked up with a mrow of greeting towards his friends.

"Want to share this hare Darkpaw caught? Nearly as big as him, and ready to be shared by three." Swiftdash asked with a pleasant meow.

Coldbreeze shrugged. "Sure, I haven't had a good hare in a while." He selected it out from the fresh-kill pile, and dragged it over to a quiet area in the clearing, the two others following closely behind.

"So what's up with you?" Lilacsnow asked, taking a bite from the warm prey.

It had been nearly a half-moon since she'd tasted a fresh piece of prey. The tan she-cat usually waited until everyone had eaten before she went in for her own. She was accepted by most cats, but some still declined her position in the Clan. Instead of going straight in for her share of prey, she decided it was best to wait until all had their portions, then get anything she could manage to scavenge. 

"Sootpaw had a good day of training," Coldbreeze licked his jaws, enjoying the taste of warm, hare meat. "He's strong like his father, yet very quiet and calm like his mother." 

Swiftdash nodded. "I wish Darkpaw a little more sedate. He's very rambunctious and way too curious for his own good. He looks exactly like his father but doesn't have the same restraint." She shook her head with a sigh.

"He'll mature in a few moons. You were nearly the same way." Coldbreeze snickered. "I was still a kit, but you apprentices, Softpaw, Emberfur, and Dawnflight would go around yelling nonsense constantly. It amazed me... I almost believed some of it, like the moon was getting closer to us. Turns out it was just a full moon."

Swiftdash laughed quietly, but it faded quickly. "I miss them..." She murmured.

Coldbreeze lay his tail tip on her shoulder, sympathy lingering in his blue eyes. "I do too. They were amazing friends and the perfect warriors. Softpaw would've also made a fantastic medicine cat."

"It's just so unfair that ShadowClan seems to ruin everything WindClan has ever cared about." Swiftdash's eyes darkened.

Lilacsnow could see the pain on her face. She was forced to lose three of her friends due to the ravenous ShadowClan cats, whose claws were ready to tear at any cat not able to defend theirselves as well as they could. 

"I'm sorry, Lilacsnow." Swiftdash turned to her friend. "I shouldn't be bringing up bad memories. Lets just eat in peace of small talk, shall we?"

The tan she-cat nodded in agreement, taking another bite of the hare, crunching the thin bones between her jaws.

"About apprentices though," Coldbreeze licked his paw, swiping it over his ear with content. "Lilacsnow, Mintpath is growing closer to kitting. Do you think you'll get one of them as an apprentice?"

"I can only hope!" Lilacsnow purred. "We're running low on warriors, with four of us already mentoring an apprentice, I might have a chance at getting one."

The white tom shrugged. "Depends, though. She might only have one or two, and Nettlestorm has been waiting quite a while since his last. Not to mention Slatepelt seems to be almost at full health. They're both good choices along with Sagestripe." 

Lilacsnow sighed in defeat. "We also need warriors without the duties of training apprentices," she pondered for a moment. "Thrushstar is all worried about the lack of warriors we have, in just a few more moons he'll be having four more. Even Mintpath's litter will be on their way to apprenticeship by then."

"However we are in times of need, Lilacsnow. With ShadowClan exiling the most spiritually connected cats, we may have some trouble on our paws." Swiftdash replied with a flick of her ears.

"I guess you're right... But the Clan... The Clan comes first, right?" Lilacsnow looked up, biting her tongue to keep from saying more.

The grey warrior paused. "Yes," she meowed quietly. "Yes... The Clan comes first... But with ShadowClan plotting things like this, maybe it could affect the Clan."

Coldbreeze blinked, his blue eyes growing fogged with an uncertainty. "I think another topic would be a bit more settling." His tail twitched nervously.

"All right." Swiftdash nodded in agreement. The two began chattering feverishly about the lack of prey for Leafbare and how they'd need more hunting patrols.

Lilacsnow let her mind wander as the two meowed their concerns to each other. The Clan was to be put before anything else, that was the first rule she was ever taught when entering the Clans. If she were to put her family and the threat of ShadowClan before her Clan, then how would she regain WindClan's trust?

"Are you hungry?" The black she-cat shuddered awake from the familiar and welcoming voice. Nightmares crept into her once peaceful sleep now. All the she-cat could imagine were those sharp, white claws raking down on her with harsh hisses spitting at her to leave.

She let out a sigh of relief. "Not since you brought that delicious rabbit back from the fields." Berrytail lied, cringing as she thought of the stringy meat on the rabbit. She was brought on the smoothe meat of toad and succulent squirrel of her home Clan.

"That's good," a tan tom, Stormy, stepped into the pale light of the upper level of the barn. He padded across the creaky wood planks, his sparkling blue eyes looking into Berrytail's deep blue ones. "Duskpaw is learning how to travel even with the affects of being blind."

She nodded, stretching as she got to her paws. "Fantastic. I was beginning to worry. He always seems to struggle when we decided to take walks into the field."

"Soon he won't be able to tell the difference!" Stormy purred. 

The black she-cat hoped he was right. Duskpaw was so reserved and quiet. She remembered the way Tallsun's claws ripped off the flesh and fur from the poor apprentice's face. Berrytail tried her best with all the herbs she could gather from the medicine den, but alas... His good eye failed to bare any sight, and he was left with a terribly mangled face.

"When is Darling coming back?" She mewed. The question had pestered her for days. It was nearly a half-moon since she was taken away with the small, frail bundles of fur that were her kits. 

He grew quiet, and gently shook her head. "I really don't seem ta know," Stormy shook his head, swallowing hard. "Four of them lil' things... All so skinny and weak... They'll be much safer in the hands of our Two-legs though."

She wrinkled her nose, slight disgust rose in Berrytail's chest. Anything to do with Two-legs she denied, even the food they sparingly gave to Stormy. Duskpaw took a different turn though, he believed he had no chance of ever returning to the Clans, so he took up the food willingly, even if the food looked like rabbit pellets...

"What can a Two-leg do that I can't?" She couldn't help but to retort. "I am a fully trained medicine cats with the gifts of StarClan in my paws!"

He took no offense in her words, but just gave a brief flick of the tail. "You were exiled from the Clans and are livin' in a barn with a loner. Who, quite frankly, is just a few bowls of food off from bein' a Kittypet." He inhaled deeply. "Besides, what herbs is a she-cat like you to get in field that is grazed by cows all day?" 

Berrytail's eyes widened, however she knew the Snowshoe tom was right. All the proper herbs she was trained to use would be in ShadowClan territory. Perhaps the Two-legs could've helped the poor she-cat, Darling, who even struggled to take a breath? Oh what did the queen have... Berrytail could identify the sickness just from her ill scent. 

Was it Green-cough..? No... No. The black she-cat knew the sickness wasn't from the Clans. Clan cats usually didn't have it. It was something fatally severe.

"Now if you could excuse me," Stormy's temper was growing short, "I must be goin'. Duskpaw seems ta be bumpin' into the sheep again." He turned, and began to pad down the barn ladder to the bottom level of the barn.

Berrytail reluctantly watched him go. She wanted to say more, about how his dear mate might not be saved, and how Duskpaw might never fully recover. 

But there was something more. Ever since her exile, StarClan had ceased to send her dreams that might help her. She was a loner, no longer connected to the Clans. Berrytail had no idea what to do, for what might ShadowClan be planning since her depart?

Chapter Four[]

Lilacsnow’s tail twitched anxiously. She watched Darkpaw excitedly bounce around Swiftdash, his eyes glittering with the anticipation of his first gathering.

Swiftdash noticed the worry lingering in Lilacsnow’s expression. She padded to her friend, laying her silver tail on Lilacsnow’s shoulder. “ShadowClan will not break the truce. There is no need to worry.”

“This is the first gathering since the battle though,” the Snowshoe shuffled her paws impatiently. “The other Clans will hear about the way the ShadowClan cats brutally killed WindClan warriors. I cannot imagine ThunderClan and RiverClan’s expressions when they hear what Rainstar did to Hollowkit…”

“Just calm down,” Swiftdash kept her voice quiet, gazing towards her apprentice, who looked at her enthusiastically, “I don’t want Darkpaw to get scared. It’s his first time going to the gathering.”

Lilacsnow thought about her first time to a gathering. She was shoved into the clearing of Ten Rocks. She recalled in amazement of the ten smaller boulders encircling the clearing. In the middle was the largest boulder. It had four cracks on the top, leaving four sections for each Clan leader to sit.

However that first gathering she attended was no night to be proud of. Tallsun mercilessly tore away the fur and flesh from his own apprentice’s face. It was a terrible night full of horror.

“Lilacsnow?” Swiftdash meowed softly, tearing Lilacsnow away from her thoughts.

The Snowshoe shook her head. “I’m fine.”

Thrushstar padded out from the medicine den. He had been there since sun-high, having a very private conversation with Clovereyes and Brindleleaf. Coldbreeze and Lilacsnow talked earlier about how they thought it was about ShadowClan invoking a battle at the gathering. The medicine cat was involved though, so the possibilities of the topic of that conversation could be endless.

Clovereyes followed swiftly behind him, whispering something in his ear. He gave a small nod, though his blue eyes had a sense of anger in them. Whatever Clovereyes told him definitely flustered the WindClan leader.

“Those who are to attend the gathering,” Thrushstar called out quickly, “follow Clovereyes out.” The Snowshoe tom turned, and began to trek past his deputy up the slope that leads out of camp.

Swiftdash and Lilacsnow padded along after the other warriors. Coldbreeze caught up with them, watching Darkpaw as the apprentice swatted at a small dragonfly the buzzed by.

“Come on, Darkpaw.” Swiftdash purred, her amber eyes sparkling with amusement. “No dragging behind.”

The grey tom pulled away from the dragonfly, which ended up flying away, and pounced on Swiftdash’s tail instead. Swiftdash pulled her tail away from him, batting at his ears with frustration. “Watch it!” She hissed. “Stop playing around or this will be the last gathering you attend in moons!”

“Come on, just lighten up, Swiftdash.” Coldbreeze rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you go up ahead and walk with Sootpaw?” He mewed to Darkpaw. “He’s with Hazelpaw and Russetspots.”

Darkpaw nodded, and scampered off towards his sister and Sootpaw. The three warriors watched as the grey tom pounced on his fluffy brown sister. She stumbled to the ground and shoved her brother off. Russetspots softly chastised the energetic apprentice.

“I swear he’s got more energy than a young hare during New-leaf…” Swiftdash sighed.

The WindClan cats pushed past some ferns into the clearing of Ten Rocks. Thrushstar assumed his spot on the large cracked boulder. They were the last Clan to arrive.

Swiftdash sat next to Lilacbreeze while Slatepelt was nearby, chatting with Coldbreeze about how proud he was that his kits were attending their first gathering.

“A bit late now are we?” ThunderClan’s leader, Dapplestar, a mottled ginger she-cat, purred.

Thrushstar shook out his fur, shivering slightly in the cool air. “I apologize,” he mewed simply. He didn’t speak further on the subject.

Hawkstar, a thick furred brown and white tom, shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. The moon is still at its peak in the sky,” he glanced towards the white, glowing orb that illuminated the pale navy blue sky. “We have plenty of time.”

Rainstar stayed quiet, her eyes staring blankly past the others. There was something on her mind, any cat could tell. Dapplestar lifted her paw, giving it a quick lick before lifting her muzzle to the others. “Shall we begin then?” Her whiskers twitched.

The three other leaders nodded. Dapplestar cleared her throat, her green eyes reflecting brightly against the dimly lighted clearing. “ThunderClan is… Well.” She hesitated on her words. “We lost our deputy, Tawnythorn, to a badger earlier this moon. He will be missed greatly.”

Murmurs of sympathy rang across the Clans. Lilacsnow felt a pang of brief sadness. The tom was a very strong warrior; he was respected highly for his cool temper and good traits for training apprentices. The Snowshoe she-cat thought how the Clan must be feeling due to losing the fine tom.

The ginger she-cat continued. “Mouseleap was chosen to succeed Tawnythorn as deputy.” Her ears flicked towards the senior warrior. The newly appointed sandy grey tom nodded towards his leader, his chest puffing out proudly.

“Mouseleap! Mouseleap!” The Clans chanted the tom’s name in harmony.

The cats quieted and Dapplestar looked towards Hawkstar, awaiting his news of RiverClan.

“As usual, RiverClan is doing exceptional despite the threat of Leaf-bare approaching. The river is plentiful with fish.” Hawkstar smiled pompously. “Two-legs have stopped hunting our fish with their strange stringed sticks. We suppose they will be gone until Green-leaf approaches once more.” He flicked his ears, showing this was all RiverClan had to report. Thrushstar stared at Rainstar, but the she-cat did not speak. Her misty glare bore straight past the others. She was deep in here own thoughts at the moment.

“I suppose I will go next then,” Thrushstar narrowed his eyes. “This past moon has rained havoc for our Clan. ShadowClan had ambushed our camp.” He paused as an array of angered yowls came from below. “They killed Emberfur and Dawnflight. Rainstar had also viciously murdered a helpless kit.” His voice was growing more furious by each word he spat out.

Appalled gasps rang across ThunderClan and RiverClan. ShadowClan cats exchanged a few ashamed glances with each other.

Rainstar’s hard gaze shifted towards Thrushstar. She was clearly shaken from her thoughts. Her dark, navy blue eyes showed no remorse or anger. The leader looked like a lifeless corpse, staring blankly at the Snowshoe tom.

“Not to mention we have gotten reports of Rainstar exiling the crippled apprentice, Duskpaw, and the medicine cat, Berrytail!” The tan tom’s voice rose to a violent yowl.

Outraged hisses and yowls of protest came from the Clans. Rainstar finally showed a hint of emotion as the corners of her mouth twitched, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“Silence!” She finally growled out, baring her teeth Thrushstar. “I have exiled Duskpaw and Berrytail. What was I to do? Let a weak apprentice hog up prey while he lay snoozing in the elders den all day?” The grey she-cat snarled her reasoning. "Berrytail was no use to ShadowClan anyways. Our cats can survive perfectly well by treating their own wounds. The pitiful excuse of a cat only spoke of following StarClan. She would only tell me of her dreams from the starry warriors.”

Hawkstar gasped. “Medicine cats are the closest cats in the entire Clan to StarClan!” He seemed horrified by the thought of exiling a medicine cat. “How else are you supposed to get important omens or prophecies from our ancestors?”

She lashed her tail. “StarClan has been no help to me. They let a traitor into our Clan! They let our Clan fall to pieces!” Rainstar turned back to Thrushstar, easily pinpointing him as the traitor.

“The only traitor to your Clan is you,” Thrushstar’s voice lowered with a fiery hatred, “you let your own deputy rip apart a poor apprentice’s face. You attacked my Clan and killed a kit that couldn’t even defend himself! You are an awful leader and deserve to have your Clan fall apart!” He snapped.

Rainstar turned away from the others, her ears flattening. “ShadowClan is not reporting to any gatherings. Never shall we meet under the light of the full moon at Ten Rocks.” She growled.

The clearing was silent with confusion and revulsion. Rainstar leaped off the cracked boulder and shoved past her warriors. The cats of ShadowClan slowly began to rise in shame and fear. They began to follow their leader out of the clearing.

“If ShadowClan refuses to follow the code and meet at the gatherings, then we have no choice but the excuse them as a Clan.” Dapplestar spoke up. “From today, ShadowClan shall no longer be considered a part of the four Clans.”

Hushed whispers echoed across the cats. The three leaders rose and began their way back to their Clans. Thrushstar looked to Clovereyes, pain showing in his facial expression.

“We have lost what once was such a mighty Clan. What has the forest come to...?”

Chapter Five[]

Lilacsnow shuffled uncomfortably from where she lay on the ground. The last bit of stars were beginning to fade from the sky, as the clouds shimmered with a pale pink and orange, as the sun was rising.

She flickered open her eyes, blinking away the last fragments of sleep left. There was no way she would be able to drift off again.

“You awake?” She heard a lazy yawn from next to her.

Coldbreeze sat up, stretching out his back as he let out another loud yawn. “I can’t seem to get much sleep either after that huge show at the gathering.” He let out a small shudder, his white fur fluffing out.

Lilacbreeze scratched her ear with her paws, licking her jaws. “The dawn patrol will be sent out soon.” She murmured quietly. “Yep, I suppose it is.” He blinked his icy blue eyes. They reminded Lilacsnow of the clear blue sky, cloudless on a chilly Leaf-bare morning. She quickly shook away the thought, not wanting to dote on a tom’s eyes. How imprudent would that be?

The white tom shrugged a bit. “You want to go for a walk with me?” He asked, avoiding Lilacsnow’s eyes. “We can hunt a bit before the first hunting patrol goes out. Every piece of prey counts, you know?”

She nodded. “Sounds good to me.” Her fur was growing hot. Why couldn’t Swiftdash be awake and come with them? The Snowshoe she-cat felt so awkward around the white tom currently.

The two quietly began to pad up the slope, nodding towards Sagestripe who was guarding the entrance to camp.

“What are you two doing up so early?” Her tired eyes look towards the two young warriors. “It’s a chilly morning. Wouldn’t you rather curl back up and rest in camp?” She wrapped her thin tail around her paws.

“Just going for a hunt, can’t seem to sleep after that gathering last night.” Coldbreeze answered, flicking his paw in a calm gesture.

Sagestripe sighed. “I wish I was there. It was all everyone could talk about after the Clan got back last night. It seems like that gathering was a doozy.”

“It sure was.” The white tom flattened his ears sadly.

“Well I’ll let you two go along then.” Sagestripe gave her a chest a few licks, swiping her paw along her ear.

Lilacsnow and Coldbreeze carried on, padding silently in the moor as the cool morning breeze buffeted their pelts. Lilacsnow licked her shoulder the smooth the ruffled fur. She pressed her paw firmly on the ground, sniffing the air for any scent of prey.

Nothing, she frowned slightly, ears pricking, trying to pick up any sign that there was prey in the area.

She looked to her right in surprise to see Coldbreeze stalking the ground carefully. She saw a small red bird pecking at the ground for insects. How did she not scent the small bird before? Embarrassment showered over the tan she-cat.

The tom leaped just as the bird caught sight and set off. The small feathered beast was too late, for his claws snagged on the bird’s wing, bringing the creature down. He nipped the bird’s neck and lifted up the brightly red feathered prey.

“Good catch,” she managed to meow, still a bit flustered that she didn’t scent the bird before him.

“It was wasn’t it?” He smirked, dropping the red bird at his paws. He quickly scratched some dirt over it so they could find it later. “I hope it won’t get too cold.”

The Snowshoe’s nose twitched. “I’d be more worried about a fox scenting it. I know they are accustomed to forest territory, but with prey growing scarce they’ll search anyway for a measly morsel to eat.” Lilacsnow mewed.

“I guess we’ll just hope to StarClan one doesn’t scent it,” Coldbreeze agreed with Lilacsnow’s statement.

Lilacsnow noticed something off about Coldbreeze. He was pondering something, she could tell by the foggy expression in his eyes.

“What’s on your mind?” She asked quietly, tilting her head slightly to the side.

He sat down, his tail-tip anxiously tapping on the ground. “It’s the gathering. I can’t believe ShadowClan isn’t even considered a Clan anymore. They’re basically just rogues.” Coldbreeze shook his head in dismay. “Rogues don’t have to follow a code. They could attack at any time, and we’re not even fully recovered from the last battle.”

Lilacsnow felt a strong sense of sympathy for the tom. She could feel his worry and fear, even though he seemed to hide his fear quite well.

“I’m still traumatized by the fact Emberfur and Dawnflight were killed that night. They were two of my best friends since we were kits!” He looked to his paws sadly. “Who knows who else we could lose if ShadowClan attacks again? Their warriors were ruthless, they had no mercy…”

Lilacsnow touched her tail to his shoulder. “Coldbreeze, we are strong warriors. We were built to protect WindClan. We defend this Clan and if we lose our lives protecting it, then that is a damn good way to die.” She mewed boldly.

He stayed silent for a few moments, his ears flattened against his head as he thought about something. “It still hurts to lose them.” He murmured. “It still hurts to lose the ones you care about most. What if Swiftdash and Sootpaw were killed? What if y-you were killed?” He stumbled on his words.

“Hey,” Lilacsnow’s was soft with a calming tone, “take a few breaths. Just settle down, okay? We’re safe right now. Everything is…” She hesitated to say the word ‘okay’. Everything wasn't okay. ShadowClan now refuses to abide by the code, and now the Clan was coming apart at the seams. ShadowClan would always be a threat to WindClan as long as Rainstar held her grudge against Thrushstar.

Coldbreeze pricked his ears. “I hear something…” He looked up, searching the horizon. His eyes came across a cat, making its way towards them. “Intruder!” He got to his paws.

Lilacsnow got into a defensive stance. The fur on her neck rose as her claws unsheathed, her eyes stared fiercely to where the trespasser was coming from.

As he drew near, Coldbreeze was close to lunging before Lilacsnow recognized the cat.

“Stormy,” she gasped. “Why are you here? You know you can’t trespass on WindClan territory! We told you this!”

Coldbreeze stood up straight, sighing. “Loners wandering freely into the moor... Why do I even try…?”

The Snowshoe flicked his ears, dipping his head respectfully to the two cats. “I’m sorry ta invade your land like this.” He mewed, glancing nervously to Coldbreeze. “But I have troubles at the barn.”

Lilacsnow shook her head. “Stormy,” she was growing annoyed. “I told you, my loyalty lies with WindClan. I can’t just run off to your barn to help you.”

“It’s desperately important right now, Lilacsnow!” Stormy looked distressed. “Berrytail is havin’ them dreams from that Starry Clan place. She said she can’t keep stayin’ at the barn, she needs some type of Clan ta help!”

“What?” Coldbreeze looked confused by Stormy’s words. “Why does she need a Clan for help? She was exiled!”

“That’s the problem! She’s havin’ them dreams with omens in them and such. She keeps tellin’ me all this hullabaloo that I can’t seem ta understand.” Stormy meowed urgently.

Coldbreeze looked towards Lilacsnow. “Omens? This might be serious,” he meowed.

Lilacsnow flicked her tail in agreement. “We might as well take him back to camp. He might have important information for Thrushstar and Brindleleaf.”

He looked dubious to the idea of allowing a loner in the camp. He looked towards Stormy’s upset face, and let out a groan. “I’m going to regret doing this…” He hissed under his breath.

“Let’s go, Stormy.” She looked towards her kin. “We’re escorting you to WindClan camp.”

Lilacsnow sat outside the ledge on the rock that was the leader’s den. Swiftdash came up towards her with a curious expression.

“I hear Thrushstar’s brother is in there, Stormy is it?” She meowed.

Lilacsnow nodded. “Berrytail has been having omens while she and Duskpaw take refuge in Stormy’s barn.” She answered her friend. “The omens could have an impact on WindClan.”

“Is Brindleleaf with them?” Swiftdash glanced to the den, her fluffy grey tail waving calmly from side to side.

“Yeah, he’s a medicine cat, so I guess it’s in his league.” The tan and brown she-cat shrugged.

They grew quiet as they heard pawsteps coming from inside the den. Thrushstar padded out with Stormy following close behind. Stormy looked expectantly towards Thrushstar as if he wanted him to say something. The Snowshoe leader looked towards Lilacsnow.

“Come here,” he beckoned the she-cat with a wave of his tail. Lilacsnow rose to her paws and padded to the WindClan leader. Lilacsnow looked towards Thrushstar, he sighed and glanced towards Stormy, then back to Lilacsnow.

“Berrytail has gotten an omen that if ShadowClan is not relieved of Rainstar, then the entire Clan will collapse. They are just a band of rogues at the moment, and if still under the rule of their cruel leader, they will never recoup.” He paused, and Lilacsnow wondered why he was telling her this. “I want you to inform the rest of the warriors that helping ShadowClan is not permitted. We shall keep away from them, and if they never recover, so be it.”

Lilacsnow gasped, and exchanged astonished glances with Swiftdash. “You can’t be serious though?” She shook her head, dumbfounded. “What if they attack us? They have no concept of the code anymore! They could destroy WindClan!”

Thrushstar silenced her with a flick of his ears. “They are just a group of rogue misfits. They will end up disbanding soon. There have always been at least four Clans in the forest, but now there are three, and that’s the way it shall be.”

“No! Thrushstar thing about what you are saying-“

“Lilacsnow,” he gave her a stern stare, “we are not to interfere with ShadowClan any longer. I do not want you, or any other WindClan cat to try to follow these omens. Understood?”

The she-cat stared hard at the leader. How could her father be so demanding and uncaring for the damaged Clan?

Stormy’s mouth gaped at Thrushstar. Clearly this was not what he wanted his brother to say to Lilacsnow. He most likely expected him to ask Lilacsnow and a few others to help the broken Clan, not completely dismiss the entire problem.

Thrushstar turned to Slatepelt and Nettlestorm, who were looking over the fresh-kill pile. “You two,” he called to them, “escort Stormy off of WindClan territory.” He looked back to his brother. “I am sorry, Stormy. I must do what's best for the Clan.”

Stormy looked to his paws. “I am sorry too. I’m sorry I even tried ta get help for Berrytail from the likes of you.” His voice was bitter with resentment.

Thrushstar looked hurt by his kin’s words, but he turned away, simply finished with the conversation.

Lilacsnow watched as Stormy was accompanied out of camp by the two warriors. She felt an unpleasant sense deep within her. There had to be four Clans in the forest. StarClan sent Berrytail these omens so cats would help rebuild the ruined Clan. Now Thrushstar was forbidding WindClan cats to even try to help.

The Snowshoe she-cat looked towards Swiftdash. She knew what the silver she-cat was thinking. They were both thinking the exact same things.

They had to defy Thrushstar to save ShadowClan.

Chapter Six[]

Lilacsnow watched as Swiftdash shivered against the frigid air. Leaf-bare was approaching quickly. It had been a moon after Thrushstar had banned WindClan from interfering with ShadowClna business.

Like Rainstar had announced, ShadowClan did not come to the next gathering. The recent one was quite boring, for nothing much happened in the Clans since the one before.

Darkpaw bounded up next to Swiftdash. Echopaw and Nettlestorm followed quickly behind him.

“Let’s hurry,” the brown warrior meowed rapidly. “It isn’t going to get any warmer with these clouds gathering. We still have to mark the border next to RiverClan.”

Lilacsnow nodded, feeling sympathetic for Echopaw as she watched the apprentice’s teeth chatter from the cold. Darkpaw pressed against his sister, trying to warm her up.

“T-thanks,” Echopaw exhaled, still shivering harshly.

The sun-high patrol continued on, approaching the tall pines that marked the border to RiverClan. Nettlestorm went ahead with Darkpaw as Echopaw stayed behind with Lilacsnow and Swiftdash.

“Sootpaw was gloating earlier how he’s taking his hunting assessment today. He’s so lucky!” Echopaw sighed. “I wish I could take my assessment.”

Swiftdash laughed. “He has been training longer than you. I’m surprised Coldbreeze has delayed giving it to him for so long.”

“It is his first apprentice,” Lilacsnow replied. “I’d be a bit sad too if my first apprentice was fully trained and ready to become a warrior.”

The silver she-cat glanced towards Darkpaw, who tripped over a rabbit’s burrow and nearly stumbled across the border. “I don’t know. It might be a relief to get Darkpaw off my paws in a few moons…” Swiftdash smirked.

The Snowshoe she-cat scanned the fresh-kill pile. Mintpath managed to scarf down two rabbits that day, this left only a couple birds and a mouse. Not being one for stringy bird meat, Lilacsnow grabbed the mouse and went to sit next to Swiftdash and Sagestripe.

“Care to share?” Lilacsnow asked Swiftdash who was currently sharing a very scrawny sparrow.

“I’d love to.” Swiftdash gladly pushed the sparrow towards Sagestripe. “Bird meat is nothing compared to a mouse or rabbit.” Sagestripe snorted. “I happen to love the taste of bird,” the tabby took another bite of the prey.

Swiftdash gagged. Lilacsnow let out a laugh.

“Mintpath’s belly is getting so big,” Swiftdash started, bending her head to sink her jaws into the mouse. “I swear; kits shouldn’t make your stomach that huge.”

“It’s probably all the prey she’s be stuffing into her mouth,” Sagestripe purred. “Pregnant queens do deserve some prey, but two rabbits a day is definitely enough.”

Lilacsnow looked towards the half-eaten mouse. “You’re telling me.” She sighed. “We’re left with the skinniest prey after she’s through eating.”

Sagestripe got to her paws, kicking away the leftover bones and feathers. "While we're on the subject of Mintpath, I think I'm going to check on her. She's so close to kitting..." The she-cat purred in a dreamy voice. "It'll be exciting having more kits in the Clan. StarClan knows how much we need them."

Lilacsnow and Swiftdash nodded vigorously. Sagestripe waved her tail in a goodbye and scampered off to the nursery. 

"So what's on your mind?" Swiftdash broke the silent, her whiskers twitching. Something told Lilacsnow that the silver she-cat knew exactly what was on the Snowshoe's mind.

"ShadowClan," the tan she-cat kept her voice low and quiet, looking around anxiously in case any cat heard her.

Swiftdash sighed, her head hanging. "I don't know what we're going to do. How are two WindClan enemies supposed to bring a Clan together?"

"We have to find a way for the ShadowClan cats to... Revolt, perhaps?" Lilacsnow's blue eyes widened. "If we could get them to understand how corrupt Rainstar truly is, we could run her out." She mewed in suggestion. "Most of the ShadowClan cats already are in fear of her, and they know that getting rid of the medicine cat was a terrible decision. They don't want this new code Rainstar is talking about, because they know if they follow it they'll become just mere rogues."

"Taking that the other Clans already consider them rogues, the 'new code' is already taking into play." Swiftdash pointed out. 
