Warriors Fanfiction
This page contains a fanfiction written by Arti.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.

Part of the Never Knew Series.

Vote on the talk page to pick Heathertail's awesomest mate!


It was just a kit friendship. But sometimes you think one thing and reality is another thing and after a while your head just starts hurting...well, anyways. She liked me. I think I liked her too, deep down inside me. But I refused to let myself believe that or think about it. All I knew was that I was happy when I was with her and I wanted to be with her every second of everyday. Maybe now there're so many boundries that can never be crossed between us...but like she said, there will be no boundries in StarClan. But sometimes now, I just wish I could get over the ones we have down here. Sometimes I think maybe if I had her by my side, helping me, then I could. But she's not here. The only place in ThunderClan she will ever belong is in my heart.


He doesn't deserve her. That mangy half-breed with his special little gang and his awesome fighting skilled and his deputy 'father'. He doesn't. I do. Did he watch her everyday since they were kits? Did he watch her everyday? And know how she breaths when she sleeps? Does he dream about her? How her fur feels against you own, how her eyes glow at you with love? No. Because he has already felt all those things. She loved him, he's so lucky. She may be my mate now but she'll never really care about me. Is history destined to repeat itself? My dad doesn't care about my mom, it's revenge, she's nothing more then a piece of evidence to him. That's how Heathertail feels about me. She's proving that she isn't still mooning over him and that I'm her new mate, hahha. And he'll pay for it. Most dearly.
