Warriors Fanfiction

Bluestar attempts to convince Greypaw to order to attack the other two Clans. Greypaw refuses to cooperate with Bluestar, saying she would think about what Whitestorm had said, and that there wouldn't be a battle that day. Now even more furious, Greypaw attacks Bluestar, but Bluestar lands a blow on her shoulder, and he loses her balance, falling onto his side, and then Bluestar slashes a wound from Greypaw's throat to his tail. The wound is so severe that even StarClan can not heal it, and he dies. Whitestorm looked up, eyes filled with tears in his eyes. “Why could you do this?” He choked. Bluestar glanced at him, then lifted her head high. “It's his punishment!” She hissed. “He should of learned better than that.” Whitestorm grows very close to Greypaw, hoping he is still alive. Spottedleaf tells him that he is dead. Whitestorm and Spottedleaf leaves Greypaw's body. Bluestar drowns Greypaw's body in a riverclan river so no one can see him ever again. Bluestar blames Tigerclaw that he killed Greypaw and exiles him. Tigerclaw was disapointed a little bit.. He was blamed..

Bluestar is seen attacking Cinderkit's mother, Frostfur, as she appears from her den. She leaps on her and flings her across the blood slicked clearing by the throat, killing her. When Spottedleaf says that Frostfur should not have died, Bluestar lies that Frostfur has broke the warrior code by attacking a kit, and that was reason enough to kill her. When Spottedleaf says it's not true, Bluestar hisses at her. She also gave Spottedleaf a huge scratch between her right eye. Tigerclaw comes back and tells Bluestar to leave Spottedleaf alone. Bluestar turns around and pounces at Tigerclaw, Tigerclaw gets her jaw out, Bluestar scratches him to the ground, Tigerclaw kicks her to the river and Bluestar drowns to death. Now, Tigerclaw is Tigerstar! :3
