Warriors Fanfiction



Leader; Frogstar- brown tabby tom with pale blue eyes

Deputy; Timberclaw- silver tom with green eyes

Medicine Cat; Dovewhisper- white she-cat with dark patches


Darkfur- gray tom with a white-tipped tail

Lightningstorm- black tom with white marks on his forehead

Flameclaw- dark red tabby tom with a white chest. Apprentice, Pinepaw.

Hawkfang- dark brown tom with amber eyes. Apprentice, Stalkpaw.

Sharpeye- black tom with a white-tipped tail and electric-blue eyes.

Applevine- light brown tabby she-cat with darker stripes and green eyes. Apprentice, Shadedpaw.

Birdwing- ginger-and-white she-cat with dark eyes.

Thistlepelt- pale grey she-cat with fuzzy fur.

Brightfrost- bright ginger she-cat with blue eyes.

Amberheart- pale brown she-cat with a darker chest and underbelly. Aprprentice. Sunpaw.


Pinepaw- brown she-cat with a white-tipped tail.

Stalkpaw- long-legged silver tom with blue eyes.

Shadedpaw- Dark grey she-cat with black spots.

Sunpaw- bright red she-cat




Flutterwing; small tabby-and-white she-cat with a scar over her muzzle.

Crowflight- black tom with amber eyes.


Leader; Redstar- pute white she-cat with a red face

Deputy; Hawkflight- black tom

Medicine Cat; Pinenose- light brown she-cat


Leader; Shininstar

Deputy; Shimmerfish

Medicine cat;

Chapter 1

" Brightfrost! Darkfur! Brightfrost! Darkfur!" Brightfrost closed her eyes and reveled in the sound of her new name. I am Brightfrost now. She let out a purr of satisfaction. The damp scent of the marshes filled her nostrils, the scent of ShadowClan, her home. Brightfrost leapt down from where her warrior ceremony had taken place, shattering pine needles under her claws. The four apprentices, Pinepaw, Shadedpaw, Stalkpaw and Sunpaw crowded around her in an instant.

" How was it?" Pinepaw asked with shining eyes.

" Was it hard?" Shadedpaw gasped.

" Yeah! Did you catch anything?" Her sister Sunpaw asked.

" Did your mentor fight you?" Stalkpaw gasped. Brightfrost waved them away with her tail.

" Good, not very, two frogs, and no. Both did," Brightfrost called back over her shoulder. She spotted Darkfur, her friend since kithoodd, being fawned over by his parents Lightningstorm and Applevine. She felt a familiar twinge in her heart and tried to push it away. Her mother, Silverfrost, had died when Brightfrost was a kit. Brightfrost had never known her father. Darkfur spotted her forlorn look, excused himself, then padded to her side.

" It's okay. I'm sure your father is watching over you, wherever he might be," How does he always know my thoughts? Brightfrost shrugged ruefully.

" That's the problem. He could be any of the warriors here, he could be in StarClan. Speaking of them, he could even be an elder for all I know!" Brightfrost snorted. Darkfur rested a tail on her shoulder.

" Stop worrying! We've got our vigil coming up, you know. Thistlepelt and Sharpeye are waiting for us," he pointed across the clearing at their mentors. For a moment, Brightfrost wanted to yowl out Race you! like she used to when they were apprentices. But she composed herself and walked regally to where both cats waited. Thistlepelt, her former mentor, beamed at her and purred.

" A warrior at last! I thought you'd never make it," she teased. Brightfrost shoved her playfully with her shoulder. Thistlepelt's spiky fur made her look like a disgruntled hedgehog sometimes. The pale she-cat shook herself out and nodded towards the camp entrance. " You two will be there tonight. Remember, no talking!" Thistlepelt reminded. Brightfrost nodded solemnly. Sharpeye dipped his head to her, then set off towards the fresh-kill pile. He had the best eyesight in the Clan, and could spot a cat from almost half the territory away. And that's not all. Brightfrost purred to herself, studying her mentor's plump belly. His and Thistlepelt's kits will be arriving soon. She was so happy for her mentor. Suddenly, Darkfur jolted her out of her thought with a meow.

" Want to go for a walk?" he asked, shuffling his paws. Brightfrost nodded, and the two set out, side-by-side. She squinted up at the sun as it illuminated the beautiful pine forest. Bird sqwuaked and Brightfrost could hear the faint murmur of a brook, but there was nothing else that disturbed the peace. She loved her Clan. Darkfur leaned closer to her, his warm scent engulfing her. A warm tingling feeling spread through her and a purr rose up in her throat. Then she shook her head. What am I? A lovesick dove? Brightfrost shook herself and brusquely padded away. She turned around and called back over her shoulder to Darkfur who stood watching her in silence.

" We've got to head back. Our vigil is soon," she reminded him. Darkfur shrugged.

" Yes, but-"

" I'm going," Brightfrost snorted and padded away. Immediately, she felt bad. But Darkfur had gone, bounding away into the pine forest as the pale shadows swallowed him up. Guilt weighing in her belly, Brightfrost padded back towards the camp. He was just trying to be friendly. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice heavy footsteps thumping on the earth behind her, or smell the hot breath that blasted her hindquarters. She only spun around when a vicious snarl startled her out of thought. Brightfrost glanced at the wedge-shaped head and shrieked.

" Fox!" her instincts screamed at her to run, but she knew she would lead the fox to the camp. Brightfrost screeched in defiance, rearing up and slashing at the fox. She caught its muzzle and sent it reeling away. Brightfrost bared her teeth and lunged for the fox's throat. She was too slow. It swung around and caught her shoulder with its teeth, then sent her flying across the clearing. Brightfrost gasped in pain as her vision blurred at fire spread up through her side. The fox glowered above her, poising to strike a killing blow.

Then, out of nowhere, came Darkfur.

He threw himself onto the fox's back, tearing its ears and scrabbling at its spine with is hind legs. The fox keened, thrashing around like a fish trying to shake Darkfur off. Brightfrost, feeling rejuvenated, shot to her feet and charged the fox. Just as she was about to reach it, the creature rolled over and nearly crushed Darkfur. Rage began to build up inside of Brightfrost. You tried to hurt my Clanmate! Howling in anger, Brightfrost dodged whirling claws and snapping teeth. She sank her teeth into its neck and hung on tight. The creature thrashing and writhed, but Brightfrost held fast. At last, the creature fell still, blood gushing from a wound in its neck. Brightfrost took a step back and surveyed it with grim satisfaction. Darkfur gazed at her, stunned.

" Y-you killed it!" he choked.

" It appears so, doesn't it?" Brightfrost muttered, wiping the blood off her paws on the grass. Darkfur shook his head and suddenly sank to the ground. Alarmed, Brightfrost ran over to him and sniffed him in concern. He looked up at her, eyes warm and loving.

" Don't worry, I'm fine," Darkfur purred and shakily stood up. Brightfrost offered her shoulder, so he leaned on it, struggling to find his footing. " It's just… Brightfrost! You could have been killed!"

" Me? Killed? You should know better than that, Darkfur," Brightfrost teased, flexing her claws.

" I worry about you," Darkfur's meow became gentle. " I don't know what I'd do if you died."

" Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not going to happen soon," Brightfrost forced a purr. Her mouth was dry.

" I think you know what I mean, Brightfrost," Darkfur leaned closer. " I love you." He- what? Brightfrost glanced at him in surprise. Despite herself, a warm purr was rising up in her throat. She pressed her cheek against his and their tails twined.

" I love you too," she purred. They padded back the way they had come, the sunset lighting up their fur and laying out a path for them on the grass. " You know what?"

" What?" Darkfur asked.

" It's nice to be loved."

Chapter 2

A moon later, Brightfrost awoke to someone poking her with a claw. Letting out a tremendous yawn, she opened her eyes and pawed at them to clear the morning fuzz out. Pale dawn light streaked into the warriors den. All around her, warriors grumbled and moaned, reluctant to get up for the dawn patrol. She looked around and saw Darkfur standing by the entrance, tail waving in excitement. " It's our first time leading a patrol!" he reminded her. Of course! Brightfrost leapt over the nests and landed neatly beside her mate. Two small starlings were poking through their fresh-kill pile. Purring with amusement Brightfrost watched as Thistlepelt's kits, Thornkit and Whitekit, chased them away.

" Brightfrost!" Timberclaw's call jolted her out of daydreaming. He beckoned her close with his tail. " You'll be leading a patrol to the WindClan border. Pick a few cats to go with you. Darkfur will be going to the ThunderClan border," he instructed. Brightfrost dipped her head to him, then dashed off to the warriors den. She surveyed the sleepy warriors in excitement.

" Birdwing! Flameclaw! Amberheart! You're going on patrol with me!"

" Can I bring Pinepaw?" Flameclaw asked, shaking out his red pelt.

" Of course," Brightfrost meowed. They were the ones ordering me around a few moons ago! Flameclaw departed to the apprentice's den to fetch Pinepaw. Amberheart licked her white chest and padded to the entrance.

" Who's leading this patrol?" she growled.

" I am," Brightfrost replied. Amberheart rolled her eyes, but fell in beside Brightfrost as she skipped out of the entrance. Darkfur mouthed something that looked like' good luck'. Brightfrost flicked her tail to show she understood. Birdwing caught up with her, hardly panting. Brightfrost glared at her playfully and the two raced across the grass, paws barely skimming the surface. Brightfrost threw her head back and relished the cold winds that ruffled her fur.

" Slow down!" Amberheart called. " We wouldn't want to cross the border." Though the she-cat was right, Brightfrost didn't want to listen to her. Reluctantly, Brightfrost slammed her paws down and skidded to a halt. Birdwing trotted beside her, twitching her ears at Amberheart. The air smelled of heather and rabbit. The pine trees thinned, exposing the sky. Suddenly, Pinepaw let out a squeal as she spotted a rabbit. Pushing off from the ground, she ran towards it. The rabbit glanced up in horror, turning to flee.

" Pinepaw, come back! That's not how you catch a rabbit!" Flameclaw yowled. But Pinepaw wasn't listening. Ears flat, she streaked across the ground after the rabbit. I've got to go after her. Brightfrost streaked across the grass, trying to reach the apprentice. Suddenly, the strong rank of WindClan came from close by. The border! StarClan, no! Pinepaw hadn't stopped. As Brightfrost drew nearer, the apprentice seemed to be accelerating,

" Pinepaw!" Brightfrost yowled. Pinepaw didn't pay attention. Giving one last desperate leap towards the rabbit, she pushed herself over the border. Great! Tail stiff with annoyance, Brightfrost stalked towards Pinepaw. To her surprise, the apprentice was holding the hare in her jaws. " Pinepaw, get back here!"

" I caught it!" Pinepaw ignored her, eyes gleaming in delight.

" You crossed the border!" Brightfrost growled, trying not to feel impressed. She spotted four lean shapes racing across the golden grass to her left and groaned inwardly. Now we've got to defend ourselves against WindClan scum. She spotted a ginger tom with a fuzzy head coming towards them. Excellent! Furtuft, the deputy. Can this possibly get any worse? Furtuft saw the apprentice standing on the moor with a rabbit in her jaws and narrowed his eyes. He bounded across the heather to stand in front of her. Pinepaw flattened her ears and shrank away.

" Stealing prey?" Furtuft growled. " Don't deny it, ShadowClan. It's obvious you are."

" Get away from my apprentice!" Flameclaw spat. Furuft regarded him lazily.

" Should I?" he ran is tongue iver his jaws. Pinepaw whimpered. Another growl came from beside Brightfrost. Amberheart had joined them, her dark brown fur bushed out in anger.

" Yes, you should!" she ordered.

" Hare-dung!" Furtuft shot back. We aren't getting anywhere. Making a massive effort to stay calm, Brightfrost shoved Amberheart and Flameclaw aside. She glared at Furtuft.

" Why don't we stop arguing like a bunch of angry chicks? Look, Furtuft, Pinepaw really did catch that hare. Smell its scent trail. You'll find it started on the outskirts of a pine forest and came here. We'll back away peacefully if you'll just let us keep the hare. Please," Brightfrost added. Furtuft snorted in disgust, then padded away.

" Let her keep the mangy hare. It doesn't matter. WindClan's got plenty of prey," he snarled. Pinepaw stood still for a moment, then came rushing back down the slope. She looked up at Brightfrost with worship in her eyes.

" Wow! You stood up to that scary old cat and made him give the hare up. I wish you were my mentor," Pinepaw purred. Flameclaw cuffed her playfully over the ear.

" Excuse me?" But Brightfrost knew he really didn't mean it. In fact, he looked impressed. " Great job there." he added. Amberheart sniffed, but Brightfrost could tell the proud she-cat she felt the same. Warmth spreading through her chest, Brightfrost scampered away. Birdwing, Pinepaw, Amberheart and Flameclaw hot on her heels. At last, she reached the camp entrance. Lifting her head in pride, Brightfrost strutted through. The ThunderClan patrol wasn't there, but Frogstar and Timberclaw were. The deputy broke away from a group of cats he was talking with and came over to them.

" How was it?" he asked. Pinepaw thrust forwards her hare and he purred. " Great catch!

" We had some trouble on the WindClan border, but Brightfrost handled it really well! You should've seen her…" Brightfrost stopped listening to her Flameclaw's praise as Darkfur and his patrol entered. Darkfur darted away from the patrol almost at once. Brightfrost prepared a warm purr for him, but he brushed past her and headed for the den. Surprised, Brightfrost followed. He was curled up in their nest, eyes closed and muzzle on his paws. But Brightfrost could tell he wasn't really asleep.

" How was it?" Brightfrost asked.

" Fine," he grunted. She nudged him playfully.

" Don't you want to know how mine went?" there was no reply. Feeling worried, Brightfrost settled down next to him. He drew away.

" Leave me alone," he growled.

" Why? Did ThunderClan scare you?" she teased half-heartedly. Darkfur's head shot up and he growled.

" Nothing! Nothing at all! Stop it!" Darkfur snarled, getting up and sprinting away. Stunned, Brightfrost watched him go. What happened at the ThunderClan border?

Chapter 3

Brightfrost was startled to find herself awake so early. None of the warriors had yet stirred. She slowly rose up and exited the den, casting a look at Darkfur's sleeping form. Dew on the leaves brushed against her fur and settled onto her whiskers. Crisp morning air stroked her cheeks as Brightfrost strode across the clearing. She spotted Hawkfang, a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes, curled up stiffly in the grass after his night watch. His nose was cracked and dry, his eyes watered at the scent of sickness rolled off of him. Feeling kind, Brightfrost padded over to him and nudged him with her muzzle. He looked up with a start.

" Why don't you go take a rest? I can take over," she meowed. Hawkfang let out a tremendous sneeze, then got up and shook out his ruffled pelt.

" Will you? Thanks so much," he replied gratefully. Brightfrost watched the senior warrior with amusement as she shambled back to his den. It's close to leaf-fall. There's bound to be colds going around. Brightfrost turned around to pick a burr out of her tail. The sky was a soft pink, with blue-gray clouds dotting the horizon. The treetops were dark and silent, disturbed only once as a crow let out a caw from one and took of into flight. A familiar meow sounded from the entrance.

" Anyone there?" Darkfur! Brightfrost shrank back against the bushes, not wanting to answer. Why would he ask that? Darkfur's grey muzzle appeared around the corner. The rest of him emerged, bristling. Brightfrost squeezed back into the brambles, biting back hisses as they dug into her skin and tore her fur. "Brightfrost?" Darkfur called. She didn't answer. At last, he slowly padded forwards and vanished into the trees. Brightfrost waited a few heartbeats, then emerged from her hiding place. What is he up to? She quickly darted across the grass, hitting his scent trail and slinking along the ground after him. She hid in the shadows, waiting for his tail to vanish before she hurried forwards again. The acrid scent of the Thunderpath was beginning to hit Brightfrost nostrils. Eyes narrowed, she kept on shadowing Darkfur. Suddenly, he stopped. Brightfrost shot back and dove under a holly bush. Parting the leaves with her paws, she peered out and saw him pace across the clearing. His ears were pricked and his tail lashed impatiently.The sun was beginning to rise. Golden rays touched the sky and lit the tree-tops as it began to climb the sky. Darkfur sighed, then sat down and rested his muzzle on his paws. He was muttering something under his breath, it sounded like a name. Brightfrost strained her ears, but she couldn't pick up a shard of sound. All she could hear was the soft pattering of paw steps and the scent of ThunderClan… ThunderClan! She felt her fur begin to rise. Darkfur got up and sniffed at the air. Good. He'll deal with it and there won't be any need for me to reveal my presence. But then, Darkfur let out a purr. A shape slid from the bushes to his left and a slender she-cat appeared. Her white fur glowed in the light and her amber eyes twinkled. Darkfur let out another purr and launched himself across the clearing to her side. Her soft purr joined his and they twined tails. She ran her muzzle along his jaw.

" It was hard for me to get here," she meowed with a lisp.

" It's okay. You're here, and that's all that matters," he whispered. Brightfrost watched, dumb with shock, as he rested his head on her shoulders and said those words, those confounded words " I love you."

Chapter 4

Darkfur twined his tail with Softpelt's. They sat together, pelts brushing, perfectly fine in the comfortable silence. He glanced at the ThunderClan she-cat fondly. Her amber eyes were shining, a disc of multicolored rays reflecting in the light. I'm glad I arranged to meet her. On this first border patrol to ThunderClan, he'd spotted the she-cat hunting in the undergrowth behind the Thunderpath. Something about her had intrigued him. After speaking to her, he'd planned a meet her. This was the fourth time. She's much nicer than Brightfrost. Softpelt is quiet and pretty. Brightfrost is moody and obsessed with battle. He hadn't told Softpelt about his ShadowClan mate yet. Not now. He had to make sure she trusted him first. " I'd better go," Softpelt whispered. " Your thoughts are wandering."

" Oh, no! I'm sorry. Would you like something to eat?" he asked hastily. Softpelt purred.

" Sure." Darkfur bounded away, sniffing for a sign of prey. Suddenly, a loud yowl exploded out from behind him. Softpelt! Darkfur slammed his paws into the ground and changed direction, heading back the way he'd come. He spotted a mass of flailing grey limbs, and a flash of orange. He halted in horror. Brightfrost! StarClan, no! He skidded to a halt and glowered at her.

" Hello, Darkfur. Why didn't you introduce me to your friend?" Brightfrost let out a pleasant purr. She was holding Softpelt beneath her paws. One was on her hind quarters, and the other near her neck. Softpelt's amber eyes shone with terror. She heaved upwards, but to no avail. Brightfrost tightened her grip on Softpelt's neck. She gasped, eyes bulging as she fought for breath.

" Let her go!" Darkfur snarled. Brightfrost shrugged and loosened her grip. She looked calm. Darkfur knew she was seething.

" Would you care to introduce me?" she meowed. Gritting his teeth, Darkfur turned to face Softpelt. He knew where Brightfrost's game was leading.

" Brightfrost, meet Softpelt. Softpelt, this is Brightfrost," she narrowed her eyes and he gulped " my m-mate."

" Mate!" Softpelt yowled. Darkfur cringed. " It's fine. You were going to tell me in your own time, I know that." Darkfur breathed in relief. " I can see why you chose me instead of this aggressive she-cat."

" Oh yes?" Brightfrost dug her claws into Softpelt's fur. " Do you know how I feel right now? Imagine your whole Clan leaving you to be fed to foxed without a second glance. That's what I feel," Brightfrost panted. Darkfur felt guilt weighing down in his belly. But she has to deal with the fact that I don't love her. " There's only one way to make you feel my pain. Watch your love die in front of you!" she howled. No! Darkfur's head roared. Brightfrost's gaze was full of anger and torment. He made a motion to stop her, but Brightfrost dodged. She bit deep into Softpelt's ear and seemed to relish Darkfur's yowl of fury. She can't! His heart was beating. He had to save Softpelt. Darkfur slammed into Brightfrost's side. In one lightning fast movement, she used the momentum of her fall to take Darkfur with her. Stinging from the impact, he turned to Softpelt and yowled.

" Go!"

" I'm not leaving you!" ear bleeding heavily, Softpelt got to her paws and raced to his side. Brightfrost roared and struck her chest, leaving her winded on the ground. Not wasting another moment, she leapt onto Softpelt's throat and sliced it open with her claws. Horror and outrage rose in Darkfur's chest. He felt as though his own heart was bleeding with Softpelt's blood. The she-cat made an awful gurgling noise, then feel still. Brightfrost howled in triumph.

" Feel it now? That is me," Brightfrost's eyes danced with a wild light. She's insane! And he knew it was true. Her face was strangely twisted. Heart breaking with sorrow, but mind alive with rage, he leapt at his former mate. She ducked and swiped at his belly. Fire flames licked at the wound and he wailed in agony. It spread through his chest, his mind, until he was nothing but pain. Brightfrost stood above him, flexing her blood-soaked claws.

" Stop…" Darkfur gasped.

" Now you feel my pain," Brightfrost whispered. She kicked his body and walked away. Darkfur closed his eyes and hoped to die. I can join Softpelt. But as he watched Brightfrost's tail-tip disappear, he knew there was one thing he needed to say more.

I never wanted to hurt you this way.

Chapter 5
