Warriors Fanfiction

Authors note (AN): There are some things that I write that the main character will forget, so if you want to experience this as Goldenkit will, I’ll warn you when to skip something.


A fluffy medicine cat padded up to the dazzling ranks of StarClan as a red and gray she-cat stepped forward.

“Greetings Feathertuft,” she mewed, urgency in her voice.

“Is all well, Redflower?” The young ThunderClan cat questioned, though the answer seemed all too obvious.

“You must be careful,” Redflower warned, avoiding the question, “for there will be one overlooked by all but the shadows, one who will threaten all the clans. But, do not waste their talent, just show them what is right,” she finished.

As Redflower stepped back images flooded Feathertuft’s mind. First, a blinding yellow flash followed by the strong scent of catmint. Complete darkness overcame her along with a sharp pain in her side.

She tried to wail, but nothing came.

Finally, deathberries laid in front of her, juice seeping out of them.

“Feathertuft? Feathertuft!”

She bolted awake, panting.

“Are you ok? Y-you were yelling a-and…” The small apprentice was shaking, his fur slightly bristled.

“Don’t worry Specklepaw, I’m alright,” She lied. Feathertuft glanced around, seeing that she was the second one awake.

That’s good. She thought I would get worried looks for moons if Maplewhisker had seen me.

Soon enough, the other cats woke, all of them seeming content with their visit.

Maplewhisker must have seen the concerned look on her face because she mimicked it perfectly.

“Bad dreams?” Her mentor asked.

“No, It’s nothing to worry about,”

Yes, it is.

Chapter 1

Goldenkit sat at the entrance to the nursery and scanned the camp. Honeystar and Leafhawk were sharing tongues on the Highledge while the warriors were talking in groups at the base. The apprentices were play-fighting outside their den as Feathertuft walked through the camp entrance with freshly picked herbs. 

It seemed everyone was here except Mottlesky, Iceflight, Cedarwillow, and Beeflurry, who were on the dusk patrol.

That only leaves Ni-

“Got you!” A tiny shriek sounded behind her, interrupting her thoughts.

“Now I’m the hunter!” Goldenkit didn’t need to turn around to know who was there.

“Hey, Goldenkit! Do you want to play?”

She didn’t respond. She knew that Grasskit meant well, but Blazekit was different.

“Come on Grasskit, we don’t need Goldenkit,” Blazekit mewed, “Let’s go play elsewhere,”

“O-ok,” They padded away.

Goldenkit didn’t mind being left out. In fact, as long as everyone was safe, nothing else mattered. 

“Thanks for the help Goldenkit,” Feathertuft said, “but you should get some sleep,”

“Ok,” Goldenkit responded as she headed for the nursery. She could tell that Feathertuft was staring at her. The blue medicine cat had always watched her like she was a snake about to strike.

Goldenkit and her littermates were becoming apprentices in two sunrises, so she was spending most of her time in the medicine den to ensure she would become a medicine cat apprentice. Blazekit will probably keep everyone up mewing about who he wants for his mentor. She thought.

As Goldenkit neared the nursery she heard her littermates playing before she even saw them.

“Hi, Goldenkit!” That was her mom, Silkfur.

Goldenkit shot her a look. She tried to make it look nice, but if it wasn’t, it didn’t matter. Goldenkit could tell by the way she and Snowcloud whispered to each other, and how she was always nice, just to her, that her mother never truly liked her.

Just like the rest of the Clan.

Chapter 2

Goldenkit pushed her way through the long grass. She padded along the maze of flowers and brambles - that she had never seen before - as though she had walked this path for moons.

The field seemed to go on forever, but, eventually, she ended up in a sunny clearing with flowers rimming the edges.

“Hello, Goldenkit,”

She spun around and unsheathed her claws. She may only be a kit but she would fight if she needed to.

Goldenkit froze. The red and gray she-cat standing in front of her glittered. She had stars in her pelt.

This was a StarClan cat.

Goldenkit sheathed her claws and sat down, staring at this cat with interest.

“I’m Redflower,” the she-cat purred, her voice like honey. “I was a medicine cat long before you were kitted.”

Goldenkit blinked, trying not to show any emotions.

“You have a great destiny set out for you, and I’m here to help.” Redflower mewed as she started to fade away.

She shot up from where she was, panic rising with her. “Wait! Don’t go!”

There was no true response, only an echo as everything went black.

Don’t let the poison go too deep.

Goldenkit blinked open her eyes, adjusting to the light. She heard rustling coming from a different part of the den. She jerked forward, sending leaves and scraps of moss flying.

“Oh!” Came a voice from the back. “You’re awake!”

“Yeah,” Goldenkit replied, recognizing Feathertuft’s voice. “Why am I here?”

“Silkfur woke up to Grasskit and Blazekit awake and you asleep. She wasn’t worried until Blazekit tried to scare you and you still never woke up,” Feathertuft explained. “So, she brought you here,”

Goldenkit glanced towards the entrance of the den. Sunlight was streaming through. “How long have I been asleep?” She asked in a small voice.

“It’s past sunhigh,”

Goldenkit looked at her paws.

“So Goldenkit,” Feathertuft started, “Did you dream about anything?”

She hesitated. “Yes,” She replied simply. Goldenkit wasn’t sure how much to tell the fluffy she-cat.

“What did you dream about?”

“I walked through some grass for a long time until I made it to a clearing,” Goldenkit explained. “I met a cat named Redflower who told me I have a great destiny,” There was no need to tell her about a prophecy that didn’t involve her.

Feathertuft stared at her, both relief and anxiety sparking in her gaze.

Goldenkit made eye contact and held it, confidence suddenly streaming through her.

“Goldenkit, do you want to be my apprentice?” Feathertuft asked, her voice a bit shaky.

Goldenkit looked at her paws. This was everything she wanted. She was going to be a medicine cat. She would help her clanmates. She wouldn’t have to hurt any cat.

“Goldenkit?” Feathertuft questioned.

Goldenkit looked up. 


Chapter 3

“From this day on, until you receive your full name, you will be known as Goldenpaw,”

Goldenpaw touched noses with Feathertuft, then stepped next to her littermates, pride bubbling inside her. 

“Grasspaw! Blazepaw! Goldenpaw!” The Clan cheered.

“Are you ready to see the territory?” Feathertuft asked.

She nodded eagerly, knowing that if she talked her voice would come out like a squeal.

Feathertuft padded to the entrance as Goldenpaw saw Grasspaw and Blazepaw walk up to their parents.

“I’m so proud of you two!” Silkfur exclaimed, a purr interrupting the last word. Snowcloud was purring too much to say anything.

Goldenpaw stared at them, a little bit of hatred bubbling inside her. She tried to push it down, but it stayed. Realizing that Feathertuft was waiting for her, she bolted off to the camp entrance.

Goldenpaw flopped down into her nest. She had never thought that the ThunderClan territory was so big! And the lake was so beautiful, so much better than she had imagined. Goldenpaw was overwhelmed by the number of herbs she had to learn. When she was a kit she had only learned a small number of them.

Sometime while reflecting her day, she had fallen asleep.

(AN): Skip to chapter 4.

Goldenpaw pushed her way through the long grass, recognizing the same fields from the last time she dreamt. She was thrilled, maybe she would get some answers this time.

She let her paws guide her and this time, they led her to a forest. Dark and dusty, the forest had a weird aura to it. Goldenpaw parted her jaws and scented something like ShadowClan, but, different somehow.

“Hi there,” came a voice that seemed to come from everywhere.

“Hello,” she replied, scanning the forest.

“Goldenpaw,” the voice continued. Now, she could tell this was a tom. “You’re the one with the fake clanmates, right?”

Goldenpaw let out a growl. She didn’t know why - she’d never growled at anyone before - but, it just came naturally.

“Woah, no need to get hostile! I just want to help,” he replied. She spun around, hearing the voice coming from right behind. A black tom with a white streak going along his belly stood right in front of her.

“What do you want,” she growled, shocked at the tone of her voice.

“Ah, but the better question is what do you want,” he responded smoothly.

Goldenpaw was a little surprised that he was so calm, but she wouldn’t show that she wasn’t.

“What do you mean,” She questioned.

“I think you know perfectly well what I mean,” the tom replied, calm, but menacing. He was right. Goldenpaw - for some reason - knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Well if this is a dream that means you’re in my head which also means that you should know what my answer is,” she retorted.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page then,” the black and white tom responded, “So, let’s make a deal,”

Chapter 4

Goldenpaw blinked open her eyes, her head fuzzy. As she sat up she noticed that her ears were ringing. Goldenpaw glanced outside. The medicine cat apprentice had woken up before the dawn patrol.

She tried to sleep, but she knew very well that she wouldn’t be able to. Bored, Goldenpaw tried to recall her dream. She knew she had dreamed about something, but the ringing in her ears and the fuzziness in her head grew worse as she tried to remember. Goldenpaw gave up, deciding that if she couldn’t remember, then it wasn’t important. 

She heard the dawn patrol leave and she decided to go for a walk. When she walked through the bramble entrance, Quaildust - who was guarding the camp - asked, “What are you doing up so early?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I want to go for a walk,” Goldenpaw replied, nervous as always.

“Ok,” she responded, “but be back soon!”

Goldenpaw breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she was out of earshot. She always felt nervous when talking to other cats, and today especially she wanted to be alone.

She made it to the lake, found a stump to sit on, and draped her tail over her paws.

Goldenpaw stared at the lake, her anxiety being swept away by the calming waves.

It’s nice, isn’t it?


She was so lost in the environment that it took her a moment to realize that someone was talking to her. “Um, hello?” She asked, looking around.

Ha! I’m not a real cat, Goldenpaw.

If you’re not real then can you hear me? She thought.

Yes, Goldenpaw, I can hear you.

Goldenpaw’s thoughts immediately whirled, her anxiety returning as quickly as it left. Great StarClan, I hope he can’t hear any of this! 

Whoa, whoa! Slow down! You’re giving me a headache!

Ha, ha, very funny, she thought, feeling the same headache this cat was talking about.

Well, you’re a strange one, aren’t you?

Ok, who are you? She asked, avoiding the question. Although it would seem hard to hide from a mind reader.

Not a mind reader, that’s for sure.

Her patience grew thinner than it had ever been before. Just tell me already, she growled


Ok. My name is Toxic, and I’m the dark side of your thoughts.

This sounds sketchy, Goldenpaw thought.

No more sketchy than your “littermates”, Toxic retorted. Anyways, this isn’t the first time you’ve talked with me.

I think I would remember talking to myself

He hesitated. Well, I’m hurt!

No, I-I didn’t mean it like that! She thought, instantly feeling guilty.

Toxic purred with laughter. I was joking! You need to learn to toughen up!

She growled, feeling slightly embarrassed that she hadn’t realized he was kidding.

Don’t you think you should get back to camp before Feathertuft wakes up?

I guess, but I should get some herbs on the way back.

Ugh, you really have to get herbs? Toxic complained. You told Quaildust that you were only going for a walk.

I’d feel bad not bringing anything back. Goldenpaw responded. 

The one time I wish I could leave.

Well, you’re part of me which means wherever I go, you come too.
