Warriors Fanfiction

The New Era
Preceded by:
The Last Hope Succeded by:
Another Season
This page contains a fanfiction written by Moonstar10.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.

The following story is rated Moderate.

(NOTES:This book is nothing like the upcoming OOTS book,also this my newer version of the old one.It is also the first book of the new series,The New Era.)


Scary,but good.-Mistystar123

More coming soon,once people comment about my cool story.Please read:)


A tortishell she-cat sat alone on on a small rock,staring into a pool of sparkling,clear water.Her eyes winded as she watched her vison.A blue gray she-cat with a broad flattend face padded behind her.

"Bluestar!"The torishell gasped,jumping down from the rock."I've just seen a terrible vision!"

Bluestar sat down,trying to stay calm."Is it a bad vision,Spottedleaf?"She asked.

Spottedleaf nodded her head quickly."Yes!Come see it!"She padded towards to pool,Bluestar behind her.As they got there,Bluestar stared into the pool,gasping with horror.Spottedleaf sighed.

"That's just terrible!Is there any way that there will be hope?"Bluestar asked cooly.She was shaking,frightied by the vision.

"I don't know.I tried to find out,but I had no luck."Spottedleaf answered,her voice smooth with pain."But there will be hope,I just know it."

Bluestar stood up,and padded towards the clearing."I'm going to tell the rest of StarClan."She decided and padded away.

Spottedleaf was still sitting,her eyes closed and her head low.What if I'm wrong?She thought,Whaifif there is no hope?

Chapter 1:BloodClan

Firestar lead his warriors to Fourtrees. I wonder what Tigerstar wants.He thought.Tigerstar,formely of ThunderClan,had asked ThunderClan and WindClan to meet him at Fourtrees.Tallstar padded beside him,looking worried.As the two clans walked to Fourtrees,Tigerstar was already there,his clan behide.

"Greetings Tigerstar,"Firestar meowed cooly."You came then.Not still looking for those missing prisoners you lost?"

"You'll regret that day's work,Firestar."Tigerstar snarled.

"Try and make me."Firestar hissed.Tigerstar didn't reply,his followers appeared from the bushes.

Tigerstar took a step foward and growled,"Have you thought about my offer?I'm giving you the choice.If don't join TigerClan,you will die."

Firestar's fur bristled."We reject your offer.The forest was never meant to be ruled by a dishonorable murderer."He hissed.

Tigerstar growled,but flicked his tail.Suddenly,more cats emerged from the bushes.They were scrawny cats with collors with teeth on them,they were possibly rouges.They sat beside the TigerClan warriors.

"Well?"Tigerstar demanded silkly."Are you sure you want to stand and fight?"

Firestar's eyes winded.He could hear gasps from WindClan and ThunderClan.Tigerstar laughed evilly.

"This is BloodClan.They come from Twolegplace."Tigerstar announced."I have brought them here to preside you mouse brains to join me.I knew you won't agree because of them."

Thornclaw whispered,"They must be the rouges we saw when I was made a warrior."

"You see Firestar?"Tigerstar yowled."I am even more powerful than StafClan now!TigerClan and BloodClan will rule the forest!"

Firestar stared at him in alarm."No Tigerstar,if you want to fight,let us fight.StarClan will show you who's more powerful."He meowed quietly.

"You live of fox dung!"Tigerstar unsheathed his claws and leaped on Firestar."TigerClan!Attack!"He yowled.The TigerClan warriors jued forward.

A small black tom yowled,"Attack BloodClan!"Tigerstar clawed Firestar's belly,following a vicous bite on the face.Firestar yowled in pain.Sandstorm,Firestar's mate yowled,"Firestar!Look out!"

Firestar turned around,and Tigerstar shalshed his claws on Firestar's throat."No!"Sandstorm yowled.But everything turned black,and Firestar was dead.

Firestar opened his eyes.He found himself at Fourtrees,cats around him.He suddenly reziledhe was in StarClan!The former leader of ThunderClan,Bluestar,sat in front of Firestar,her expression looking sad."Am...I..dead?"Firestar asked.His heart stopped as Bluestar nodded.Firestar stood up."But how!"He wailed."How could Tigerstar take all my nine lives?There's still so much I have to do for my clan!"He yowled.Bluestar sighed."I know.I'm so sorry,Firestar....."

"No!"Sandstorm yowled again and jumped on Tigerstar.He growled and shook her off.How could he kill Firestar?He just received his nine lives!Stupid Tigerstar!Sandstorm wanted to yowl.Firestar was her best friend,and the cat she loved.Suddenly,ThunderClan and WindClan were running away,towards the ThunderClan camp.A couple of BloodClan cats were chasing them.Sandstorm ran away from Tigerstar,trying to follow her clan.

"It is our time to take over the clans!"Tigerstar yowled,jumping on the great rock."We shall keep every cat of ThunderClan and WindClan as a prisoner,and anyone who dissaboys me,will die!"

ShadowClan yowled in agreement,all expect Tawnypaw.She looked rather nervous.RiverClan didn't join in the yowls.Tigerstar jumped down lead TigerClan to the ThunderClan camp.His plan was working perfectly.He would soon rule the forest!

Chapter 2:The Loss Of A Leader

Sandstorm broke into a run,trying to catch up with the fleeing cats.She couldn't believe it.They lost the battle!

"Sandstorm!Look out!"Came a yowl.Sandstorm turned around and saw a brown she-cat.The cat leaped on her and hissed.Sandstorm bite her arm,forcing the cat to let Sandstorm free.Sandstorm ran into ThunderClan camp.As she got there,ThunderClan and WindClan were standing toghter,all bleeding.Cinderpeltrushed out of her den.

"Great StarClan!What happened?Why is WindClan here!"She yowled.

'I'll write more later,when I have time.

Chapter 3:Priosners

