Warriors Fanfiction


Everything is linked...

Nothing remains untouched...

And no one escapes the web


"Poppy!" A loud voice chided and I rolled my eyes dismissively at the towering pale she-cat that stood before me, a combination of concern and sheer rage on her face, "How many times do I have to tell you-"

"Yeah, yeah, no sneaking out at night because it's dangerous and there are dogs and no sneaking out at day because its dangerous and there are twolegs and no playing with other cats because they might get violent, but no playing with yourself either because you could get hurt, and shouldn't I dare try to catch my own prey because it might bite me but shouldn't I dare attempt to eat less to grow thinner either!"

"I expect respect from you, Poppy. I gave birth to you under tough situations, and maybe not all parents will agree with my methods, but everything I do is for you. Which gives you no right to start snapping at me like that! Goodness, Poppy, I'm your mother!"

"Mothers aren't supposed to lock their children up all day and keep them from living so that they don't get hurt, mom. I'm seven moons old now, you need to stop treating me like I'm three."

"You'll always be a kit to me," Her smile was affectionate but it made me awkward and irked. My mother had to get over the fact that I wasn't a kit anymore. She had to let me be what I was; a growing she-cat with a passion for adventure and games!

"Then you'll always be annoying to me!" I responded sharply, before whirling around and marching towards my den, which, unfortunately was right beside her.

"Sometimes we have to let go of our need for excitement, and adventure and silly, pointless dangerous games, Poppy. Sometimes we just have to grow up, and until you prove to me that you can do such, I have no problem remaining annoying-as long as it keeps you safe."

She offered me a sad smile before curling up in the nest next to mine, quickly falling asleep, leaving me angered at her. I had just come back from an awesome chase with dogs alongside a new friend, Amber, and as soon as I returned home she had to just spoil it.

The other cats I had met were also annoyed by their parents but even they would gape when I told them about how uptight, overprotective and outright annoying mine could be.

As I continued to listen to the sound of my mother sleeping, I felt an odd rage working its way up me. Who does she think she is?

My mother, yes, but that didn't give her the right to control every bit of my life. That didn't make it okay for her to flip out every time I left eyesight for just a short moment.

She was like a guard dog, and I wasn't appreciating the role.

So-as she continued to snore, and I continue to wonder how severe the consequences would be if I got caught I finally decided to do the unthinkable, the steadily increasing thumping of my heart confirming my choice. I would have an adventure in the one thing my mom feared the most; the dark.

I studied her for a moment to make sure she was truly asleep, and once I knew that such was doubtlessly the case, I pushed myself out of my nest, turning to the stars for a moment in excitement. I almost wanted my mother to catch me-to see that she could not contain me this way.

I knew though that such would be the end-that she would always find ways to contain me and make sure I didn't even try to live.

So, I was careful as I sneaked out of our den, glancing quickly at our home, a little patch of grass surrounded by streets and twoleg life, before giving myself an encouraging nod and continuing.

That dog chase would prove to be nothing-I would have a real dangerous, exciting and story-worthy adventure tonight. And there would be nothing my mother could do about it.


"Poppy?" Amber, the ginger she-cat I had befriended that day, while running from loose dogs together, stirred while I prodded her. As she woke, I glanced about her home curiously, and was able to appreciate the luxury of my own home for the first life.

Where my mother and I lived in a grassy area and slept on soft, warm moss Amber living in the twoleg alleys-sleeping on a brown flat thing that had what I recognized as tape all over the sides.

"What is that?" I couldn't help but question.

"Cardboard," She replied as she finally pushed herself to her paws. I realized for the first time of how much older she was than me, probably around the age of my mother. She finally turned to me, a snappy expression on her face which nearly scared me. Clearly Amber liked her sleep, "So what did you wake me for? To shove it in my face that you have a nicer bed and home than me?

"No, not at all!" I squeaked.

"What then?"
