Warriors Fanfiction

WARNING: Some chapters may contain blood/gore, at some ratings extreme, so please be aware of that!

Jaggedpines 01

Cover of Jagged Pines

Preceded by:
Feathers & Fur
Jagged Pines Succeded by:

This page contains a fanfiction written by Flamey and Jay.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.


  • This is a really interesting story. I love the idea, the creativity, and everything!

~ Broken Promises Forgotten Lives... 20:48, December 5, 2013 (UTC)

Fore Note

To Flamey, my clever mastermind collab partner who thought up of this amazing idea for a series. And to particularly everybody, purry Christmas! -Jay

Thank you Jay! One thing though; The Owlclan series is dedicated to all the fans. Have a merry leafbare, hope that Santa claws (Does anyone get my joke? Hint: "Claws") gives you a good Christmas. - Flamey


"I can no longer be mates with you, my love." -Mousefur

"Jag... Our owlet is hatching..." -Skyflight

Chapter 1

The egg  craked.  Out emerged a gray owl. 
