Warriors Fanfiction

A short what-if fic about Ashfur, Squirrelflight, and Brambleclaw

Love Me[]

The way Squirrelflight glanced sideways at Ashfur, it made my blood boil.

So secretive, so sly, so... intimate.

Breathe, I reminded myself. You can't afford to lose her. You can't afford to lose.

She sat in her nest, breathing shallowly. My heart warmed, and I let out a content sigh. Despite myself, I let my thoughts drift to what our family would look like.

I drifted off at some point, realizing this only when Squirrelflight shook me awake.

"What is it, Squirrelflight?" I asked, a bit worriedly.

She winced. "Oh, Brambleclaw, I'm so sorry..."

I noticed Ashfur was awake too, staring down at me condescendingly.

Their tails were twined.

My stomach plummeted.

"Why, Squirrelflight?" I asked, voice raw.

She lowered her muzzle to my ear. "Because I love you. You deserve someone better."

Ashfur hadn't heard this - he let out a purr, thinking Squirrelflight had just hurt me.

And she had.

My heart splintered, my posture sagged.

"Goodbye, Squirrelflight." I whispered numbly. "May StarClan light your path."

And she was gone.

Leave Me[]

"Will you be my mate, Birdsky?" Brambleclaw asked the dappled brown she-cat.

She nodded at him, purring. "I love you, Brambleclaw."

I watched it all, the twining of their tails, the brushing of their muzzles.

The love.

Their love.

It hurt, how quickly he had replaced me.

But I wanted him to.

I loved him.

I wanted him to be happy.

And he was - with Birdsky.

She had recently joined the clan, being a rogue living in the lake territory.

The lake territories. That was new.

Of course, with twolegs ravaging their territory, we had to leave.

Regrettable, of course, but common sense.

Luckily, StarClan had followed us - we'd be lost without our ancestors.

"Are you okay, Squirrelflight?" Ashfur asked me, not seeing what I had been staring out at.

I let out a choked sob. "No!" I sprang to my paws and raced out of the camp, aware of Ashfur's gaze on me.

Brambleclaw, I thought. I'm so sorry - I never meant to hurt you. I didn't want to. But I did.

Want Me[]

I saw her leave, I saw her run, I saw her cry.

I loved her - Squirrelflight was Ashfur's, but she was mine, too.

Birdsky noticed, too, but she wasn't aware of our... history.

"What's up with her?" She wondered aloud, cocking her head.

I shrugged, turning to her. "Doesn't matter."

She twined her tail with mine, nudging me softly. "You know her?"

My eyes widened. "Of course! She's my clanmate!"

She nodded, stifling a yawn. "Well, I'm going to sleep. 'Night, Brambleclaw."

I give her a friendly smile. "'Night."

She turned, tail in the air, and padded into the warriors den.

My eyes stung as my head raced through the memories I had - the memories I shared with Squirrelflight. I had to go after her.

I broke into a sprint as soon as I was out of the camp, glancing around, trying to catch her scent. Where was she?

"B-Brambleclaw?" Someone mewed timidly.

I turned, my heart soaring. Squirrelflight!

"Squirrelflight?" I asked, scanning the undergrowth. There, underneath a fern. "Are you okay?"

Instead of anwering my question, she let out a wail. "Do you love her, Brambleclaw?" She asked him, green eyes shining.

I hesitated, then shook my head. "No. But I could. I mean, I can." I stammered.

She slunk out from underneath the fern. "What about me - do you love me, too?"

I slowly reached out a paw, pressing it to her shoulder. "Always."

