Warriors Fanfiction

Drip, drop, drip, drop, drip, drip, drop...

And it all came crashing down...

This page contains a fanfiction written by Maple.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.


I doubted my leader, but we are safe now. But the timing's off. We should've made this move earlier.

Much, much earlier.

It should've never reached that level. Buzzardstar knew what he was doing.

But it's gone.

The Clan that I lived in and love is gone.

I regret the day we left. The warm smell of the pine forest was comforting, as opposed to this cold, barren space. It may be heaven to some cats, but after a while, it can get boring.

Even now, as I fade away slowly, lost from the minds of the cats of today, I remember.

Then again, I never forget.

Every cat I've lead to the safety of my new Clan. Every cat we've taken in.

May you not join us for a long time, visitor.

Chapter 1

Drip, Drop.

It was a gray rainy morning.

Rain was pouring down. Leaf-bare's heavy snow had been replaced with New-leaf's fresh rains.

It was one of the downsides to the new territory, with all the rain.

But I was excited. I bounded up to the HighRock. Everyone knew today was the day I would become a medicine cat apprentice!

I've wanted this position since I was a tiny kit. I'm rather small to be a warrior, and I really don't like fighting. I'm actually rather happy. My calico fur is fluffed out against the cold though, as the wind is blowing hard.
