Warriors Fanfiction

Slipping (series)
Preceded by:
Delve Succeded by:

This page contains a fanfiction written by Red.
This page contains the opinions of the original author(s), and is not patrolled for factual accuracy.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It may contain false characters, plots, or locations.
Responses, comments & other feedback should be made on the comments section below.



Leader: Birchstar--Golden tom with blue-green eyes

Apprentice, Flowerpaw

Deputy: Fallowheart--Brown tabby tom

Medicine Cat: Bramblewing--Golden-brown she-cat


Willowsplash--Golden-cream she-cat

Ripplebelly--Golden-brown tom

Scorchpelt--Ginger-red tom

Darkwing--Black she-cat with gray streaks

Furzecloud--Pale gray she-cat

Reedtail--Golden tom with short, fluffy-tipped, tail

Crowclaw--Dark gray tom


Mossfang--Tortoiseshell she-cat, expecting Birchstar's kits

Mousefoot--Golden she-cat with dusky brown feet


Flowerpaw--White-and-ginger she-cat with long tail


Frostcloud--Pure white she-cat

Snownose--White tom


Wind howls and snow is blown into the eyes of two cats, struggling against the torrent of air and frozen ice pushing them back.

"Mossfang," growls the tom. "Get into that oak tree over there."

The she-cat, a tortoiseshell with pretty blue eyes, bowed her head. "They're coming, Birchstar! I don't think I'll make it!" Her voice is weak, her eyes wild.

The tom, his golden fur flattened against his muscular body, shoulders his mate forward. "Go, Mossfang." Mossfang stumbles forward, and Birchstar urges her onward, murmuring encouraging words that are drowned out by the wail of the wind.

Mossfang reaches the hollow oak and collapses, heaving. She is oblivious to the rough wood splintering her flank, her only thoughts are those about her coming kits.

"I don't know what herbs to give you," Birchstar whispers, giving his mate a reassuring lick, "but you'll be fine without them."

"Just don't give me poppy seeds," Mossfang rasps affectionately, then begins to pant, her flanks moving heavily and her breathing harsh.

Mossfang begins to yawn, but cuts herself short, muttering a few words that mean nothing to Birchstar, for he is reciting a short list of herbs that he can remember.

"Borage for...milk, that's it, and comfrey...no, comfrey isn't used in kitting..."

"How much longer?" gasps Mossfang.

"It will be over soon," Birchstar whispers, and as he says it, two kits slither onto the rough wood bottom of the hollow tree. Birchstar siezes one by the scruff and lifts it toward him, while Mossfang purrs her amusement.

Birchstar hurriedly licks the reddish she-cat's fur the wrong way to warm her up, and then licks her between the ears, nudging her towards her mother. The kit Mossfang begins to groom is golden, with peculiar spots speckled across his pelt.

"He looks like a little leopard," purrs Mossfang. "Let's name him Leopardkit."

"And Russetkit for this one," Birchstar adds, as Russetkit is bowled over by Leopardkit, vying for the best spot for milk.

"They're perfect," mews Mossfang fondly, her eyes beginning to droop with exhaustion.

"They're ours," agrees Birchstar.

Chapter One

"Leopardkit? Are you awake?"

"Yep. Do you want to explore?"

"Of course!"

I glanced both ways - and followed my sister out of the AshClan nursery, my claws snagging on some of the reeds. My sister's eyes glowed with excitement, and her dark fur was puffed out, her tail waving.

"Come on," Russetkit hissed animatedly. She gestured with her tail, and we crept towards the river.

"Let's catch fish!" I exclaimed delightedly. Russetkit cuffed my ear affectionately.

"Of course we can't!"

"But the Clan needs more fresh-kill!"

"Let's make our own camp!" Russetkit beckoned me, and we started dragging reeds toward a small open space between two trees next to the river.

Russetkit's claws shredded the long grasses on the marshy land, piling them up into one large nest. The walls of the little camp were built up, larger and larger, until the sun was peeking above the sky, its pink fur straying across the sky.

Russetkit gave a sleepy sigh, and curled up in the nest. "I'm going to catch some fish," I told her, and hopped over to the bank of the river, which was just mouse-lengths away. Russetkit gave no response, so I assumed she was as tired as I was.

A black shadow rippled over the water, and I jumped back, frightened. A small silver fish flicked into the water, and I scooped my paw toward it, feeling its scaly skin flash past my pad. I reached out with my other paw, so I was standing on my hind legs, and smashed the fish between both paws.

The fish went limp, and I slapped it against the rock to make sure I had completed the kill.

Dumb minnow, I thought as the fish slipped out of my grip and back into the river, where its small body was floated down the rapidly moving river.

The sun was past the horizon when I nestled up against my sister, two tiny and battered fish at the foot of our nests. I was exhausted, but I was with my sister, and we were content.


"Momma, can we go to the elders?" Russetkit chirped.

Mossfang beamed fondly at us, her amber eyes unfocused. "Of course, dears," she mewed, her voice weird. Russetkit didn't seem to notice it - so I disregarded it, and followed her to the elders' den.

Frostcloud was sitting inside the den, drawing her paws over her ears. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at us, and she mewed happily, "Kits!"

Russetkit and I settled down right in front of her, so that she would see she had to tell us a story. This earned a laugh from Frostcloud.

"You want a story, right?" she asked, and laughed again when we nodded in unison. "All right...how about when big, scary FlameClan drove out CinderClan?"


"We haven't heard that one!"

"Now," Frostcloud says, beginning to speak, "this was a very long time before I was born, before the time of Shadystar's leadership. The territories were our old ones, by the Twolegplace, with big, towering oak and redwood trees that stretched, high into the sky, piercing the clouds so the clouds only floated on the tops of the trees..."

"I thought this was about FlameClan driving out CinderClan?" Russetkit asked, tipping her head to the side. I nodded.

"But we haven't heard this story before," I added hastily.

Frostcloud chuckled. "I'm just setting up the story! Anyhow, the Clans' territories were being destroyed, and that is why we had to move here. But FlameClan went to battle with CinderClan!"

"Was it massive?"

"Did CinderClan die out, and then have to be rebuilt by the other Clans?"

"No, no, of course not, Leopardkit. And, no, Russetkit, the battle was very small - if it can even be considered a battle at all! The FlameClan cats were much, much stronger than the weak CinderClan cats - they were practically starving to death out in their forest. FlameClan just had to chase them away, and they hid near Twolegs, feeding off of little, stray dogs!"

"That's horrible," Russetkit mewed.

"Terrible," I agreed.

"Eventually though, two warriors went to retrieve them, and they found CinderClan and brought them back."


"That's so cool," Russetkit said.

"Yes, now, I'm sure your mother is wanting you back at your dens, it's getting late!"

"But it's only sunhigh!"

Frostcloud purred as Mossfang came in, and dragged us back to the nursery. My fur got all muddy. Blech!

"G'bye, Frostcloud!" I called after the retreating white pelt. "We'll see you tomorrow!"

"I'm sure you will," she purred. "I'm sure you will."

Chapter Two

"Whoa, hold up!"

Russetkit crashed into the golden she-cat, whose blue eyes were very amused. "Sorry, Willowsplash!"

Willowsplash smiled, shook her head, and padded towards the river, where her mate, Ripplebelly, was staring into the swirling water. Both flashed out identical golden paws at the same time, and both snatched out silvery fish.

"Good job," mewed Birchstar approvingly, as he paced behind the fishing cats.

"That's going to be me one day!" I told Russetkit.

"No, it's going to be me!" Russetkit argued, and she hopped on me. We rolled close to the river. Ripplebelly's tail flicked out to stop us, but we both tumbled right over it - and into the river.

"My kits!" Mossfang hurtled out of the nursery. Russetkit and I both bobbed in the swirling current, the cool water soaking our fur.

"Thanks for cooling me off!" I told my sister, and she grinned.

"Any time."

"Someone, get them out of there," Mossfang said frantically, searching the banks for a stick. "Willowsplash, Rippleberry, Scorchpelt, do something!"

Willowsplash padded over to our mother and laid her tail on the queen's shoulder. "They have to learn to swim some day," she soothed.

"But not now!" wailed Mossfang. She scrambled toward the river and stretched out a paw. Russetkit and I paddled happily, oblivious to her franticness.

"Kits! Birchstar, your kits are in the river!"

Birchstar gave a loud chuckle. "They've got to learn some time!"

"But not now," repeated the anxious queen.

"Relax," insisted Birchstar. "They're kits, they're AshClan, they're swimmers!"


"I think you should go see Bramblewing," Birchstar said firmly, moving away from us and steering his mate towards the medicine cen, where the golden-brown medicine cat was padding out of her den.

"Oh, congratlations, Birchstar, your kits are swimming!" exclaimed the pretty she-cat, then spotted our worried mother. "Oh. Oh, goodness. Come on, dear, let's get you some poppy seeds."

"Thanks," mouthed Birchstar good-naturedly as Bramblewing cast an amused glance over her shoulder.

Meanwhile, the cool water had smoothed Russetkit and my pelts until we're like fish, swirling through the water. Russetkit looked ready to dive, so I quickly dunked my head under the water to beat her to it.

At first the water flooded into my eyes and made me want to shut them tight, but when I got used to them I found I could see, very clearly. A bit farther downstream, a small whirlpool-type thing pulled the water toward it into a swirling vortex, and I was sure that fish were huddled up in the hole.

I gestured with my paw toward the hole when I looked at Russetkit, who was bobbing beside me. Bubbles escaped from her mouth, and I saw her head disappear as she went up for air.

It was then that I became conscious that my supply of air was rapidly decreasing, and that if I didn't get more soon I might drown. I resurfaced, and heard a loud splash before water doused my ears and Russetkit, giggling, sank beneath the water.

By the time Birchstar forced us out of the water, the sun was sinking below the horizon and Mossfang was snoozing in the nursery, the poppy seeds having knocked her out.

Russetkit and I were yawning as we trudged to the nursery, soaking but content.

"I love being AshClan," Russetkit said as our eyes drooped.

"Me too," I agreed.

Chapter Three

Russetkit and I went swimming again, accompanied by Flowerpaw, one of the apprentices.

I think she likes playing with kits, because her green eyes shimmer. She's the only apprentice, and her mentor is my father, Birchstar.

After Russetkit and I clambered out of the stream, Flowerpaw taught us how to fish - stand at an angle, so the sun doesn't cast your shadow over the water. Then, once you see a fish, hook it in your claws and draw it out of the water, slamming it against a rock to make sure it's dead. Then, you can drop it in the fresh-kill pile, or, if you're trying to catch more fish, add it to your own pile.

Most cats, Flowerpaw told us, fish with their mentors, or friends.

Or, in Russetkit and my case, siblings!

"Your mother might be worrying about you," Flowerpaw warned as Russetkit and I splashed around in the shallow wend of the stream.

"She always worries about us," squealed Russetkit, as she got a pawful of water in her face. She scrambled up onto the bank next to Flowerpaw with her eyes tight shut, deflecting any water.

"She loves you," Flowerpaw contradicted.

"She loves us a lot," I agreed, attempting to share a glance with Russetkit, but failing - she still had her eyes shut tight. "Hey, Russetkit!"

She finished my sentence with her eyes open. "Let's go sleep in our den."

Flowerpaw padded after us, curious. "Your den? But the whole camp is like one big den, with individual little places for cats to sleep. How can you have your own den?"

"It's more of our own camp, really," explained Russetkit, throwing a glance over her shoulder. We scampered happily towards the two trees supporting our camp. Flowerpaw sped after us.

"It's gotten bigger!" I crowed.

"Hm," remarked Flowerpaw, padding around it. "Do you want help making it stronger?"

"Sure!" Russetkit and I replied at the same time.

"Well," Flowerpaw began deliberately. "Perhaps, if you make this tree here one of the walls...and then you reinforce it there with some sticks, you could cover it in moss, or reeds, and then make a sort of playwall..."



I jerked up, my paw flailing and hitting Russetkit on the side. She immediately awoke, and peered around with wide, reflective eyes.

"Leopardkit?" she asked blearily.


"Do you hear that?" I whispered.

"Hm?" She still seemed half-asleep. "What...?"


"That voice! Right there!"

"Hmm....no..." Within moments she was snoring again.

"Leopardkit, come on!"

I apprehensively creeped out of the nursery, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. "W-Who's there?" I tried to sound brave, but my voice rose to a squeal.

"My name is Olivesplash," the voice of a she-cat mewed, and a shape stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight.

Her pelt was as black as night, but on her chest was a large tortoiseshell patch. Her eyes were a bright, pale green.

"I'm here to give you an omen," Olivesplash told me.

"An omen?" I inquired. "Shouldn't that go to Bramblewing?"

Olivesplash laughed. "No, little one. This is for you alone. You are special, Leopardkit. You have the power to choose a different path - to make a different choice. It is all part of your destiny."

"Then can't I change my destiny if I don't like it?" I asked, tipping my head to the side. This she-cat was very confusing.

"It's not that easy," Olivesplash mewed, trailing off. A voice came from Birchstar's den - the sun was rising.

"I have to go," Olivesplash whispered, "but I'll be back soon."


But the black she-cat was fading. "Just remember Leopardkit - you can change anything you put your mind to."


Chapter Four

I hopped after a butterfly, Russetkit bounding behind me.

The butterfly's fragile, delicate wings, were black, all the way around, with vibrant red splashes, staining the wings like blood. White streaked the upper half of the butterfly's wings like snow, and its body was as red as its wings. Six black, spindly legs were tucked under its small, narrow body.

Russetkit lunged passed me and snagged the butterfly's wings. "Wait!" I cried after her. "Don't kill it!"

Russetkit stopped, her paw still raised, and cocked her head at me. "Why not?"

"Because it's not prey," I stressed. "StarClan shouldn't will this hopeless little creature to death!"

"It's just a flutter--"

"Butterfly," I corrected. "It's a butterfly."

Russetkit's ears flattened. "We used to do everything together, Leopardkit. It's just a butterfly."

My eyes widened. We weren't having this conversation! I was growing more and more paranoid by the day that she had heard my conversation with Olivesplash, but whether she really had or not still haunted my mind.


"I'm going to go back to the nursery," Russetkit said, turning away from me. "I'm hungry."


"Save it for later, Leopardkit," growled Russetkit. She growled softly again. "See? That was my stomach. I'm hungry." Her 'stomach-growling' had fooled nobody, but the cats in camp were looking reproachfully at us.

I dragged my head away from her retreating figure, and sat on the damp, marshy land by the river, watching the water churn hungrily past. Flowerpaw came and sat next to me, her green eyes searching mine.

"Leopardkit? What's the matter?"

"I'm not feeling so great, Flowerpaw," I mumbled.

"I feel a swim always helps with discouragement," the apprentice suggested. "Want to swim in the big pond with me?"

"Isn't that out of camp?" I asked glumly. Flowerpaw grinned.

"Of course not! Well, sort of, but--I mean, your father's Birchstar, he's not going to keep you in camp for a moon--"

"I'll go!" I replied. "Just let me get Russet--" I trailed off, seeing Russetkit's ginger tail flick through the nursery and settle beside our mother, her eyes closed tightly.

"Is it her?" Flowerpaw asked quietly.

"Yes," I responded. "We've never fought before."

"You've only been with her two moons," said Flowerpaw jokingly.

"Yeah. Haha."

I followed Flowerpaw secretly out of camp, and, just a few mouse-lengths from the entrance, was a huge pond, with reeds, and rocks, and pebbles, and fish, fed by a gurgling brook. The little pond was surrounded by trees and leafy grasses and herbs.

"Won't someone follow us?" I asked hesitantly. Flowerpaw's smile faltered for a moment, but then she brightened, as though remembering something.

"Nope! No one goes here before sunhigh."

Flowerpaw took a running leap and dropped into the water. I jumped after her.

"Oh, and, Leopardkit? The water's a bit cold."


"Where have you been?"

"F-Flowerpaw t-took me to the pond," I stammered, my teeth chattering.

"That apprentice is the most irresponsible, unsensible, and selfish little she-cat I've ever had the misfortune to meet!" snarled Mossfang. "She's an idiot! A...a...a frog-brain, a fox-heart!"

"Calm down, Mossfang," soothed Mouseheart, the other nursery queen. "Flowerpaw's a good cat."

Mossfang faltered, and retreated into the nursery. "I--I--"

"Leopardkit, be a dear and go get Bramblewing, could you?" Mousefoot asked kindly. I nodded quickly, and stumbled out of the nursery to go get Bramblewing.


"Is it our little miscreant?" teased the medicine cat, her eyes glimmering with amusement. I hung my head.


"Well, little flipper-paws, what would you like?"

"It's happening again...Mossfang's....episodes," I murmured. Bramblewing nodded, picked up a few herbs, and brushed past me, mumbling around her herbs and over her shoulder,

"Stay outside of the nursery, would you, please?"

"Of course!" I called after her. I sat between the tall grasses in front of the medicine den, and watched the warriors bustling around camp.

Suddenly, I was bowled over and felt my head crash against a hard rock. My ear was flat against the ground as I rolled, and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my face, as well as clawed paws pummeling my flank.

"You...you...you fox-heart!" yowled a voice, a familiar, normally rebellious one. "How could you leave me at home?"


"You didn't think I'd want to?" shouted my sister, still raking my side with her claws out.

"No," I choked. "I mean...yes...I mean, no, I--Russetkit, let's talk!"

"Talk!" Russetkit scoffed hysterically. "Talk!" She began to laugh, derisively, and I was forcibly reminded of my mother, just moments before.

"You're acting like Mossfang!" I spat, and wiggled out from under my flailing littermate.

Russetkit's blows grew limp, weak. She staggered back from me, tears welling in her eyes. "Like...like Mossfang?" She turned, unconsciously, her paws carrying her toward our little camp.

"No!" I cried after her. "No, Russetkit, wait!"

But she had gone. I reached into the air, rearing on my hind legs, and swiped at an invisible enemy.

At once, my vision swam, and I tumbled back onto the ground, narrowly avoiding the rock, my convulsions hidden by the tall, waving, careless grasses.

I could see three bands in front of my eyes...each with different scenes playing out.

The first one, the lowest one, was me and Russetkit, chattering together like starlings with the one-winged butterfly flopping, attempting to fly at our paws. We were talking...walking...our voices mingling together.

I pulled my gaze away to the middle scene. I was pleading with Russetkit, my eyes wide. She stood over me, her own eyes cold and merciless. She was refusing me, rejecting me. The butterfly, completely dead, lay forgotten on the ground beside us, and one of its antennae was caught in Russetkit's fur.

The top band, the last scene, was me and Russetkit as we had been, as we were now. Arguing.

I retracted my paw, pulled it back, and the visions vanished. As I looked around at my surroundings, I touched my face. My paw and head fur were wet, as though I had been swimming, but just with my head and paw.

Olivesplash's words came back to me.

You can change your destiny.

I really could.

I had powers.

Chapter Five

Coming Soon!
