Warriors Fanfiction

Chapter 1-Where is Everybody?

Aqua was in a big empty field. "Where is everybody?" she whined. "I need people to help in this story! I'll go ask Heartie (Heartsky)!"

Aqua came up to a big house in the middle of no-where. She knocked on the door. "Heartie! I need your help in this story! Please!!" Then Firestar came out of no-where and said, "I'm delivering pizza for Heartie." "I didn't know you got a job! Good for you!" Aqua said.

Heartsky came out of the house and said, "Hey! Free pizza! How did you know today was my not-birthday?" Firestar said, "Well, you have 364 not-birthday's every year, so I figured there was a high chance that today was one of them." Heartsky devoured half the pizza, than fell asleep feeling a little sick.

Then, a white tom flew out of the sky and landed on the ground. He had black eyes and a big scar on his shoulder. He had huge black wings. He landed near them all and said, "Ich komme aus dem Ort über den Wolken. Wenn Sie nicht wollen, geben mir Waffeln, werde ich nenne meine Bestie aus dem Boden, und er wird die Erde in ewige Finsternis bedeckt und fressen euch alle! Wahahahahahahahaha!"
