Warriors Fanfiction

Firestar: Okay, so it's that time of year again, Halloweeen!

ThunderClan: Yay!"

Jayfeather: *Groans* Not again!

Lionblaze: Come on Jayfeather, lighten up! We get candy!

Jayfeather: I don't care, I never get any anyways.

Poppyfrost: Let's go get candy!

Molekit: *Gets dressed us as dragon* Ok, lets go.

Cherrykit: Wait! *Gets dressed up as a cherry" I'm ready now.

Dovewing, Ivypool and Cinderpelt: Can we go trick-or treating too? *Dovewing gets dressed up as Sandstorm. Ivypool gets dressed up as Leafstar of SkyClan and Cinderheart gets dressed up as Hollyleaf*

Poppyfrost: sure, come along. Uh, Ivypool, who are you supposed to be.

Ivypool: I don't know! I found this lying around.

Poppyfrost, Cherrykit, Molekit, Dovewing, Ivypool and Cinderheart: *Leave to go trick or treating. Get five pillowcases full each*

Poppyfrost: Lets stop at one more place. *Rings Doorbell.*

A dark tabby tom appears wearing a Badger mask.: Here's your candy *Hands out red berries* Bring some to Firestar for me!

Cinderheart: Stop! Those are deathberries! Brambleclaw, Why would you try to poison us!

Dark tabby: *Gets offended* I'm not Brambleclaw! *Pulls off Badger mask* I'm Tigerstar!

Cherrrykit and Molekit: *Screams and runs back to camp.*

Poppyfrost: *Follows them home*

Tigerstar: *Laughs* That's the real reason I became evil, so I could scare kits on Halloween!

Dovewing, Ivypool and Cinderheart: *Back away slowly*

Ivypool: Lets go home.

Dovewing and Cinderheart: Good idea!

Dovewing, Ivypool and Cinderpelt: *start heading home.*

HollyleafOfThunderclan Hisssss... I'm a black cat 04:30, October 9, 2011 (UTC)
