Warriors Fanfiction

This is a collaborated work between Kode and Snowy!

Series here, prequel here.

Prologue - Kode

The sunlight, woven in with mist and looking dark somehow, filtered in through the sickly green trees, illuminating the bodies of two slain felines.

Two other felines, one male and the other feline, peered down at the corpses. "Do you think it was that newcomer?" The female asked with a bristle and a curl of her lip.

"Most likely," The male said with a huff. "I told you it was a mistake to let her in, Heathermoon." She flattened her ears. "Sol told me to! Don't blame me," She hissed.

The tom sniffed. "See if I listen." Heathermoon let out a growl. "Eat dirt, Shadeclaw," She snarled, turning her back on him and stalking into the thick forest, soon losing him in the maze of foliage.

As she slowed to an occasional step forward, she took in the area surrounding her. She'd never stopped to appreciate the grim beauty of the Dark Forest.

And she never would again.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of black. She hesitated, clearing her voice. Even the forest scared her from time to time.

"Hello?" She called, an uncomfortable prickle lifting the hair on her spine. "Is anyone there?" There was no answer; not that she'd expected one.

Heathermoon paused, looking around the grove in which she was standing. "Is anyone there?" She asked again; it was as futile as the former attempt.

She saw another flash on her other side, and curled her lips back. "Who's there?" She demanded. She opened her mouth to speak again, but something barreled into her.

She hit the ground, the breath knocked out of her as her body thudded on the dirt. A mysterious figure, shrouded in wisps of black fog, slowly approached her. It wasn't feline, and it seemed to have three heads.

Heathermoon squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the aimed blow, waiting for the end.(edited)

And it came.

Chapter 1 - Snowy

(Warning: Romance Chapter) (Sorry for such a short chapter) (Spoilers: Splashstream forever)

Splashfur padded around the ShadowClan camp. Sadly he wasn't assigned the any patrols, because he wanted the 'war' thing out of his mind.

He sighed. He missed his friends - Watercloud, Aspenstalk, Hollyflame, Thistlefur and Flamestream. Especially Flamestream. She was so nice...

Splashfur wanted to be at the time when they were alone - together. But that was over now, and he knew that the present was the most important.

He shook his head, not knowing what he was thinking. "Can I go on a patrol?" He called to the deputy, Owlcurl.

Owlcurl blushed. "Um, well I already set all the patrols but you can go on one if you want!"

Ugh. Splashfur groaned. Can't you see that I don't like you?

He decided to take a nap.

Splashfur dreamed. "Flamestream!" He gasped, looking at her.

Splashfur couldn't stop looking at her. Her beautiful russet fur and darker stripes - the stars in her pelt made it better.

Suddenly, he thought of Owlcurl, who had always been sassy. Flamestream laughed. "You don't need to think about her,"

"Can....can...we-" Splashfur cracked. "Can we become mates?"

"Yes!" Flamestream meowed, her voice so bright.

Splashfur's tears splattered on the ground. Not because he was sad, because he was so happy.

"I'm never going to let you go," Splashfur murmured, but then heard someone call his name.


He woke up to see a blurry world. Splashfur rubbed his eyes. "Splashfur! The patrols have returned - you can go on one now!"

He shook his head. "I don't want to go on one," He mewed, trying to hide his anger.

"O- Okay," Owlcurl meowed. "Let me know when you want to be on one!"

Also known as never.
